What would you like to see as the new prestige rewards?

Personally I’d love a bloody chibi charm of each survivor or a legacy inspired skin (obviously not the actual ones).
what ideas do you all have?
exclusive skins would please me.
Pls no Legacy because people who eraned it back than should keep them but something similiar.
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Something characters could wear, so not charms or some character icons.
I want skins
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I'd be on board for a charm that's essentially just the character's model, but, y'know, as a charm.
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No charms please for the love of god. Skins. Things people actually can see.
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Yeah that’s how I feel. I’d like something similar but not the exact same
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I honestly doubt he’ll get anything since they’d have to get the Ok from Freddy’s license holders who don’t give a damn about dbd
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And then we have Nancy Steve and the puppy what's going to happen with then I highly doubt Netflix will give them the Okey to make a legacy skin
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If it's a legacy 2.0 type of skin, then assume the licensed characters won't be getting anything.
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I don't even know what to think. I don't think they'll add new prestige cosmetics and charms are boring.
I guess I'd say for survivors a cosmetic with the prestige number on it and for killers their weapons or bodies with it.
It'd be nice to see a number 3 on Legions knife or jacket. (oddly enough I did o3 legion not too long ago).
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A second Killer Power that is an alternate of the original that you could switch between. Why its just as simple as adding two different effects to every killer Add On to take this into account.
Easy Peasy. right?
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Legacy 2.0 would be cool for original characters and for licensed characters I wouldn't mind a big chunk of shards since anything else would probably be too difficult
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Skins i don’t like charms
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It will definitely not be legacy 2.0.
The distinct reward mentioned in the blog post is not going to be legacy clothing etc.
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We lost. If it's charms I might die inside cause I've already committed to grinding for everyone to be P3 and if I just get a bunch of charms I'll die.
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But will it be some sort of cosmetic ( not like legacy)
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If it's not a legacy skin (which was confirmed by Mod) then it is 100% a charm.
Pass. Charms are so worthless.
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100%, will be an exclusive and nice charm, i could bet for this
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its not a charm either. not a charm or a skin. imagine if its auric cells. i cant imagine anything else
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I swear if its a charm. Which i have 18 pages of. Fastest pass in the west.
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It's confirmed to not be a charm either, I'm guessing it'll be a unique Prestige Icon?
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Mandy confirmed its not a charm either in another post
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Prestige 4, you can rotate Trapper to face to you when in the lobby.
Prestige 5, you can give him head pat and he reacts to it.
Prestige 6, you can pinch him and he reacts to it.
Prestige 7, you can smooch him and he reacts to it.
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no it's not going to be a cosmetic
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As long as I get to smooch clown at prestige 7 I’m down
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So a unique UI element.
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is it charms?
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It's not skins and it's not charms.
I guess it could be a UI element, but I hope it's not just something you see in the lobby like the normal "P3" icon. Cause that's already in the game.
What I think would be kinda dope, is if you could customize the character portraits in-game. But idk if that would be too mobile gamey.
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OMG please no charms, thats all i ask, nobody like charms, specially for this
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Honestly I hope it's an overlay, like Nemesis' infection but bloody, that you can slap on any skins
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It's not going to be a charm, and honestly if it's just a UI element then I'd consider that worse than a charm, because people will care about it even less.
Personally I'd like something I can wear (which we aren't getting), and if we can't get that I'll take shards. I don't want something that we can only see in the lobby
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Can wear? but if its not a cosmetic, what you can wear? unfortunately, i already disappointed, because cosmetic would be a fair reward, shard, auric UI element, or else, you can got by other means
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Eh. If it's not skins and it's not charms, I think I'll just hold off on prestiging. I'd rather keep my old items if I'm not going to be rewarded with something unique. (Charms would actually interest me because I really like collecting the survivor vinyls and wish the killers had something comparable.)
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something that, this time, I will not be scammed out of by a loss of progress bug :)
Something that is actually returnable this time! (which Legacy certainly is - they just refuse to for god knows what reason).
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Right 🤣
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Please just give us iri shards then. No one wants a charm.
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As someone with everyone P3'd and half of the roster maxed, it definitely could be. The grind reduction we're getting is more than the original legacy grind was (for those who have everyone P3'd and especially maxed).
I don't expect any compensation but some badge or whatever they're planning just seems like a slap in the face.
(PS: I don't know if i accidentally removed my reply or if it was deleted, sorry for reposting if it was deleted...)
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New legacy outfits, maybe with the midnight blue color instead of the yellow.
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I just hope licensed characters will be considered for this special reward. If it's not a skin or charm then it'll probably be a menu-border or icon which highlights your dedication to the character in front of others. Surely you wouldn't need an okay from the license holders for that type of thing?
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If it's not a cosmetic I hope it's currency. If it's just a character portrait I will give the fastest pass in the east. Hard no.
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I'm gonna bet that whatever it is,it's gonna be underwhelming.I'd love to be wrong but I'm not hopeful.
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* Decent cosmetics or items
* Alternative mori
* Alternative chase music
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in game currency would be ideal since they said they arent giving cosmetics.
Anything else would be dumb and not rewarding enough for all the hard work and time spent.
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P3 you get a token for one free cosmetic set in the store thats all i want
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If the prestige reward ends up being a charm, I’m quitting the game. I didn’t spend 2,000 hours in the game endlessly grinding for a stupid charm that you never even see in-game.
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If it's not cosmetic then the only thing I can see it being is either a special icon that others can see and or better bloodwebs of some kind, perhaps lower cost to get things in the bloodweb?
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What're you guys adding player cards or something then?
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All I know is I want whatever rewards to also include the licenses.
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Same, something for jill please😁
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This is beyond disappointing. Just tell us it's going to be shards and rip the bandaid off.
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shards and bp would be nice... (i'm not much interested in skins, and i don't care at all about charms)