My wish for when they rework noed
I know people hate the one shot downs on noed which is why i wanna rebalance for fun and choatic
Noed: When the last gen pops noed activates the killer gain 20% movement speed until the totem is destroyed.
Now it no longer has instadown and its more fun and counterable
now do dead hard kek
(you should not be able to charge into a killer and avoid getting hit because of the shove. dead hard should be a distance perk not a shove one idk why they reworked it to shove killers)
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Lol this + agitation, mad grit, starstruck : D
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That would make it a lot stronger, in my opinion...
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There is no way I wouldn't say "nyoooooooooooooom" all over the map. 😆 I already can't control myself when I have We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge on healing people. NYOOOOOOM!
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that out of the 40 perks about to be reworked, NOED's not gonna be one of them. That would be hilarious.
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no more 4% speed bonus but no more hex... once the gates are powered killers can 1shot people
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That would be so fun lmao
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NOED is definitely getting reworked in some way, shape or form.
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That would be stronger than it is now.
Only thing noed needs imo is that all survivors get exposed notification as soon as last gen is finished
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Just make it token based. Reward good killer gameplay. If killer hooks a survivor you get a token for NOED. Make it max 4 or so tokens.
Right now NOED rewards killers that play badly during the match and its a crutch for the endgame and quite often does give the killer 1-2 kills sometimes even 4.
I used to think NOED was fine perk but lately i see it way too much and way too often on killers that perform badly during the match and they get rewarded by 1 perk alone.
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I wish they give noed the same love they gave to MoM
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I don't know about "definitely". But 40 perks is a large number.
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i have my own idea on how noed should be changed, making it fair and rewarding imo
noed will gain token after hooking a survivor up to 12 token. for every 3 token noed give an added affect such as
3 token gain 100% more bloodpoint in the sacrifices category
6 token gain a 7% haste for 60 seconds after hooking a survivor
9 token survivors suffer from the exposed status affect for 30 second after hooking a survivor
12 token gain 100% bonus bloodpoints in all catagories
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This would def reward not tunneling and going for a 12 hook game. but id remove the "HEX" status if so
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yeah. that what i was going for. should've added that part in.
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I would say it's stronger since boons since solo survivors have gone from breaking dulls they see without necessarily going out of their way to look for them to ignoring them completely.
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on the contraty, make it punish lazy survivors. Every survivor who cleansed a totem becomes immune to the instadown.
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I like this. In fact I'd say give them a token for every totem they cleansed where each token would grant them like 30-60s of protection from being instadowned where they could choose to leave or search for the NOED totem and get rewarded extra bloodpoints for their altruistic effort (much more than what is currently rewarded). The HUD would have to be altered a bit to give survivors tokens for a killer perk but it could certainly be done.
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Guess people would die then since im usually cleansing 3-4 totems per match. I play both sides i dont use NOED as a killer but i do think its a little too strong perk for killers that get 0 hooks in the game and end up 2-4k because of NOED.
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I wonder if it's even in the tip 40 most used perks? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if it isn't. You definitely remember when you fall victim to it, but I don't actually see it all that much.
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yes, but then only one other survivor will have to cleanse one totem, and noed is gone anyway. I think hex perks are ok, especially since the toth- and undying-change. They bring their own counter always with them
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That just sounds like Devour Hope but more consistent. All for the BP Boosters though.
How I would rework it is this:
- Speed boost increased to 3/4/5%, but only for the first 10 seconds after gens are completed
- Totem is revealed to the survivors once the gates are powered
This way it would feel like there's a little more counterplay to it from the survivor side. But, you'd have to open the gate to find out. It would also incentivize actually trying to break the totem instead of just leaving.
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is that a complete rework or just added on to the current version of noed?
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This is actually perfect.
This is actually awful.
It is. At least for the killer side. They posted a graph on their website of which noed was one of the 11 choices on it. So, I assume that means it's up there.
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average wraith main
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You know, I don't play Wraith as often as I ought to for how much I like the nyooooooooooom. Good idea. 😆
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I'd run this every game, wow
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Noed is a most complained perk and is up there on the pickrate so im pretty sure they will but ill be shocked if they dont
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Doesn't help that If you're Playing Trapper Or Wraith against decent to good survivors,
Kinda hard to stay good as those two when the game sends your traps to the corner and you're down like 2 traps, =D
If Noed rewards bad killers, Then why not Do totems? =D Food For Thought,
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If Boons rewards bad survivors, Then why not Do totems? =D Food For Thought,
If Dead Hard rewards bad survivors, Then why not Wait It Out? =D Food For Thought,
Ah, yes. Bones. I would love to go around the map with Small Game, Counterforce, and Detectives Hunch to cleanse every bone in the map while the killer applies pressure to the other survivors. That is most definitely the most optimal way to play in the year of our Entity 2022. Thank you, Verconsissp, I think you just single handedly solved the issue with NOED. Me and all of my solo q brethren thank you for your service.
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Boons do reward Bad survivors, tis why it needed a nerf, should just be removed in general =D,
Dead Hard Does reward Bad Survivors, Duh, Can't wait it out if they use it to get to a window or a pallet, Food For Thought, though you tried,
If the killer isn't applying enough pressure, while you're at 1 gen, you can Single handedly do 5 totems ezpz, then you counter his Noed, Just going by what the original post was sayin' =D
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Too strong that way but maybe it should have 2 hex totems.
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So I guess the sarcasm flew right over your head.
But I'm glad we can agree that perks that reward bad players should be nerfed.
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Nah, I just dont have the tolerance for people to still defend these perks still..
game is just dull for me at this point and i only left due to these perks, that and 4 dhs, lol
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I'm not defending any perks lol. Just pointing out that killer players will complain about survivor perks but defend NOED of all things.
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i didn't say You Were, i was just merely saying that..
...Cause people on the forums somehow think this game is Killer Sided,
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Nobody's saying the game is killer sided in this thread so what's that gotta do with anything. We're talking about NOED.
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i said people on the Forums, not this Thread,
Besides... it's still one of the very few perks that can be disabled entirely, and can be countered by a few things from survivors end,
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I do totems. I just personally think NOED does reward bad killer gameplay just like dead hard rewards bad survivor gameplay quite often.
Trapper will always have issues in the game until his core mechanics are fixed. I dont think using noed makes you any better trapper even if you 4k with it. You will just 4 k because of 1 lit totem that people didnt break or couldnt find.
I am not a survivor main by the way i play both sides lately i feel like more killer than survivor so im not biased towards any side if anything im leaning more into the killer side, but i personally hate NOED and how it works.
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NOED punishes survivors for not doing the bones.
Dead hard doesn't reward anything. It only gives another chance to the survivor who should be otherwise dying.
NOED can be denied by survivors and only happens late in the match.
Dead hard happens in every chase and can only be baited or waited for which is BS.
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NOED also rewards bad killer gameplay. Usually when i see killer than gets 0-2 hooks in the game i already know they have NOED.
Sorry but how are you going to improve in killing if you are always relying on NOED. DH is broken perk as well i hate it as a killer. It rewards..pressing E and getting to a pallet or to a window and prolonging the chase. Both of these perks are bad for the game.
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Complete rework. I think the instadown is fine, but the speedboost and the fact that finding the totem is inconsistent is what makes it feel truly cheap. Like if you can't catch them in a normal loop, this helps you get what feels like an unjustified hit. The whole "revealed after opening gates" thing would be a pretty cool thing, because then survivors would be encouraged to not 99 gates and instead open them, then try to get the totem. Would make Noed as a whole much less frustrating to deal with, because it would allow for more counterplay in the average solo game.
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Survs would not open the doors anyway, so this is not a change. They should remove the increase speed or remove the instadown and make noed don’t let survs heal at egc