A question about a new prestige system

I read recently that there are big changes coming regarding the Prestige system. Special costumes will be awarded for raising it. As you know, it takes a lot of time right now. So I did it mainly for characters for whom I wanted a bloody item of clothing, often only to the 1/2 level. For example, I only have one killer on 3rd because the weapon always look wierd, but a few on the 1/2. And now the question - when the whole system is updated, will it count or do you have to be on the third to get a special costume?
For me, even one level is a lot of time devoted to games and I don't know now whether to level up one more favorite character to 3 and the rest will be wasted or I dont have to do anything special and can I focus on leveling up a new killer as I still have a lot on 1.
You need to reach P3 on that character before update to get reward.
And theres no costume, cosmetics or charm as a reward for it btw. So I advise doing P3 only on your favourite character/s
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As said above, there’s no additional outfits/charms for prestiging beyond what’s already there.
We don’t actually know what the reward will be. If you are on the fence whether it’s worth it, you might want to wait for that announcement.
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Sadly in my case I won't get anything because I can only play on the weekends because of work and that's when it's miserable to play either Killer or survivor so I'll never get a p3 character before then
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Play at your own pace work on prestiegeing survivors and killers you enjoy. Playing dbd to grind out cosmetics and rewards is a terrible way to play the game aim to have fun there always gonna be cool new cosmetics and outfits.
If you want to speed up the process stick to wglf and bbq perks in your builds though again you shouldnt be making your experiance more boring/frustrating because of some fomo.
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1.5 million bloodpoints to level a character from 1 to 50.
I'm curious what will happen with licensed killers who are prestige 3...im not sure if they'll be able to give an exclusive cosmetic for license characters.
Its a lot cheaper to prestige than to get all the perks, but having all the perks on a character will help that character once the new system is in effect because of a catch-up system, but will not even offer a chance for the exclusive reward for prestige.
(4.5million bp for p3 level 1) I would suggest choosing your favorite characters and trying to put all you're bloodpoints into them.
Were Gonna Live Forever on survivor and Barbeque and Chili on killer if you want to get 64k a match instead of 32k.
I am personally hoping they give tokens of some sort and we can choose outfits or its a piece per prestige.
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They specifically said it won't be a cosmetic.
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reference, They have a post on forums and I don't recall them specifically saying its not a cosmetic, but Ill take you're word for it. It is an exclusive reward though. Probably a charm.
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They already said it won't be a charm.
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I definitely confirmed it was not a cosmetic item.
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Cosmetics would be elitist, which is toxic, but T bagging and macro flash lights is just bad mouthing which is fine.
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I wonder what it will be, i can't access the post that I read after the anniversary stream that touched on it a little. If it's not charms, or cosmetics then it will be interesting what they come out with. Great that the progression system is being shown some love again either way.
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Glad it's not a charm, but more lost on what it could be.
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My guess is 1000 shards per prestige. So 3000 shards per each character
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For the tens of millions of lost bloodpoints I spent on P3'ing all my fave characters, it would be an absolute kick in the teeth for them to hand me a 'good work chump' charm
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I think I would be fine with a decent reward AND a 'good work chump' charm though.
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If it were going to be a cosmetic out would be a bloody "I got this character to Prestige III and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" T-shirt.
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how would exclusive cosmetics for reaching P3 on a character be any more elitist than the current bloody clothing that we get for prestieging
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Everyone is still able to earn the blood prestige outfits, but a P3 reward cosmetic would be limited time and only certain people would be able to get them on all characters. Also, it excludes new players who join the game after the rework. Though I feel like any specific reward is elitest in a sense unless they're only giving shards/bp or not going to be publicly shown. Who knows.
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Will licensed characters get reward? Any information will be nice.
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yes, it's for all characters.
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Ooo thanks for the info! I better start prestiging all the licensed survivors too then!
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Does the team have already and Idea or ideas and if that so...Will be able to show it in the trial or not?
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I am the opposite. I STOPPED prestiging characters when I found out about the re-work. I have 4 killers at P3 so I'm thinking why throw away all my add-ons and perks to get an undisclosed something or other. lol @Zeidoktor 'all I got was this bloody lousy t-shirt'
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we'll share further information nearer the time of this release. Until then, my lips are sealed I'm afraid.
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May I perhaps... Persuade you?
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I know it's not going to be that great but it'd be nice to have and I'd probably regret not getting characters P3 before the update if I don't do so.
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I just have One Question: Will we still be able to gain the Bloody Cosmetics after the rework ?
I don't think that anything has been said wether or not we will have another "Legacy Outfit" Situation.
Or am i the only Person who wants to get Bloody Cosmetics ?
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I know you can't answer now but when BHVR does share more info can how the prestige levels will be calculated for those that didn't prestige be included in the info? Like if you're basing it on BP spent on a character or number of bloodwebs they went through or something else.
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You spent tens of millions of bloodpoints not expecting an extra reward. Why does this change anything? It's not going to be some amazing reward and people are going to be pissed. It's just how the entitled on the Internet work.
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I'm looking at it from the stance that I am over-joyed that the prestige system is being majorly overhauled. I suspect BHVR will be fair with how they give a gesture to those that went through the punishing grind and bloodpoint drain that is (allegedly) being removed from prestiging up.
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Yes we will include that information, don't worry.
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I would like to know this as well. Can you confirm or deny this, @MandyTalk ? :')
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That would be the best cosmetic ever. That nearly made me spit out my soda...
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Quick question, the system is tentatively slated to release this summer, yes ?
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I got him to p3🥳 other than him I only have pinhead presided😭
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Hi @MandyTalk ,
Have seen your posts on this topic, so know the deal.
I was wondering if in addition to said reward changes happening, perhaps some / selection / many / all (older) charms could be unlocked for each rewarded character. Like as a "side reward", not the major component.
Post edited by keepingitril on0 -
as far as I read about it it's propably some kind of Character Frame for Prestiged Characters. I've read somewhere that with the new system you can showoff how many prestige you got on that character, so a special frame would make sense
Post edited by M4dBoOmr on0 -
I have all the licensed survivor P3. Mostly to give them all some outfits since they don't have one other cosmetic.
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So the legacy cosmetics aren't "elitist"? Hell, nobody on console ever even got the chance to earn them, and even then so few people even have them. Those are by far the most "elitist" outfits you could ever get in this game because it's basically saying "HA, I got to play years before it came to your system, ######### you"
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Thanks to everyone for the answers!
Oh, since it's not going to be an item of clothing or anything like that, it's not worth leveling up anything for prestige now, and it's better to wait and not to lose the items you've already collected. :)
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I'll still be prestiging.
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One other small idea @MandyTalk
Maybe each of the P3 characters could be rewarded with one each of every (or most) old items, addons and offerings. Just at the back of the options, sort of "archived".
I sometimes see an earlier event medkit, toolbox, flashlight or fancy cake and I think to myself, I'd like to have just one, even just to look at. Would be a nice touch.
I kinda want to say about the lightning clothing (old anniversary, I think) I rarely see but suspect that may be unlikely. Or even just for the games base group of 7-10-12 characters, whatever small number. Even for everyone? Maybe.
Thanks for reading.