Jaws DLC Confirmed? 😄

There was a concept video somewhere.
Survs like Divers and a shark as killer :-)
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Yeah, I would unironically buy a Jaws chapter.
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller your time has come
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Don't forget the Rift charm of the surfboard that was used to show that the waters were, indeed, not save.
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller Rise.
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Jaws did not invent sharks
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Sharknado time?
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Honestly its more likely than Jaws lmao
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That’s true, The Sharkfighters was a 1956 action film about navy sailors fighting off sharks. Jaws, though, is obviously the big granddaddy of shark films in terms of really making a massively critically and financially successful film with a shark as the main antagonist. Hell, Jaws is the film that made Stephen Spielberg a household name!
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Of course, this does mean before long I will be having to ask the mods to rename me to JawsWasThePreviousKiller.
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You can't change your name 3 times and "ThePrevious" sounds like the immediate last one.
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I didn't know there was such a limit. So much for JawsWasNotThePreviousKillerButTheOneImmediatelyBeforeThat.
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JawsIsTheNextKiller2:JawsBegins ?
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but DBD doesn't take place underwater lol.
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Yet. 😉
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Super random, but there is a Disney mobile game that has Ariel from The Little Mermaid in it, and she has a water pool underneath her so she can be outside of water and be fine.
Maybe something similar can be done here? Like a floating shark, or a shark that is always partially "underwater"?
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We're going to need a bigger gen.
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i thought it might have been a neptune from resident evil and was wondering if spencer mansion was gonna be the next map but it's just a normal shark i think
wonder what this charm will be for, personally if an aquatic chapter that is not soma will be added i am going to scream but that's just me
gyo would be kinda sick too though
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He will be swimming in blood! Muwahahaha!
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I feel like Jaws could be reimagined as a street-shark style of killer and have it work pretty well. Basically have him burrow like Demo but have it be more on demand instead of needing to set up portals, he can't see anything underground except for areas he can resurface but gets killer instinct and can only surface in areas with enough room (so not at most loops) and uses his tracking power to offset the fact he'd basically be an m1 killer. If he can get someone out in the open he can hit them while resurfacing as well, and survivors can see his fin when he's underground. No global noise but makes a local one when submerging and surfacing. Also leaves behind debris at the last few surface/submerge spots to give survivors a warning he used his power there if they didn't already see/hear it. also ofc heartbeat is replaced by the iconic music while submerged, going into a stinger as he surfaces :D
most importantly I just love the idea of a street shark in DBD, and Jaws is our best bet :3 This would probably be a nightmare to make work on multifloor maps tho lmao
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He would make an excellent killer; they could create puddles he hops in and out of during chases.
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No it's clearly Sharknado, duh!
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Nintendo's Ninja Turtles ruined underwater levels for me indefinitely.
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I dig more of a Piranhas vibe myself.
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Hooked on You will be a game which only purpose is to announce the shark killer. Just you watch.
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Space sharks??
5 headed shark attack??!?!
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So Jaws meets Ghost Shark (2013).
Is that a tentacle/vine growing out of the sharks mouth?
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I've never heard of Ghost Shark; I looked it up, and yeah, like that, except not a ghost, lol
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Yeah... so Ghost Shark is .. yep it's a thing alright! 😄
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Its power shpuld be stealth + somekind of killer instinct on injured survivors.
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Lol 5 headed shark does have a film but space sharks i ve never seen.At most i saw flying shark propulsed by a robotic suit driven by nazis definetely hilariously bad also a ice shark lmfao.
I mean sharks that swim throught ice when u know thats impossible but the director found it credible
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Look up the D&D monster Bulette, also known as the landshark. It had been a thing for at least 40 years, now and it's glorious.
With the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie in 2023, lets hope that they get it at least decent this time. Dbd/D&D collaboration 2023 confirmed.
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New killer = Mimic Confirmed
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oOoOO a Killer that uses a school of piranhas as their power....
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Piranha Gun, Oh Yes! 🐟
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Not gonna lie, a mimic killer could be awesome. Move around with no terror radius and morph into gens, lockers or chests and tempt survivors to interact with you, grabbing them instantly.
What was that dbd-slayer game called, were you tumbled around as chairs, soda cans and whatever else you found in the house?
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Hmm, I Googled "Game where you imitate chairs" and the top search result was "Chair F***ing Simulator" which... um... is not what I was looking for. ... like at all. 😬
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Thats... not the droids we're looking for! Try Propnight ^^
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No no I know who it is....
Yes I know I'm right
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Well, that would be another game asymetrical game, it's called Depht.
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Before Avatar, before Titanic, before Aliens....James Cameron did Piranhas 2 and it's a masterpiece! It's made me love horror piranhas ever since.
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I totally forget about that movie....
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Always a pleasure to remind someone it exists.