AFK bot killers please fix it!

luciezombie Member Posts: 3
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Hi I made a new account just to post this.

Very often when I play DBD at night this is what happens. First I start working on a gen and very quickly I realize the killer is not playing, nobody getting injured, no noise, etc.

So I look for the killer and look what I find:

I found on Google that this is a bot playing instead of a real person to get XP. Even though he gets 0 kill he sometimes injures survivors so he gets bloodpoints as well.

Now even better, he has 332.8 hours played in only 2 weeks !!!

332.8 in 2 weeks meaning that he "plays" 23.8 hours per day...

and he has 11000 hours total, imagine how many games he has ruined just as one single person.

Now if it happened just once in a while I would not bother but the problem is that nowadays there are so many people doing it, in just one night look at all the bots I have played against:

Every time we have to do the 5 gens without killer it is quite long and very boring game. I have speak with my friends and everyone saw it too and find annoying too. We report them for bad sportsmanship but there are so many that we give up.

Now this is why it is so annoying, I am not very good at the game so when I play against normal killers I die most of the time.

But then I also get match like this where I win because the killer is AFK. Sometimes I get two or three matches like this in a row.

So because I win against the AFK killer, it increases my winrate and then the game puts me back against killers that are too strong for me and I'm not having a very fun match either, and then I get back to the AFK killer etc.

I think it is very simple to fix like don't give XP to killer if they have 0 hook so people stop doing it. And also ban them if they do it many times. In any case someone should not play 11 000 hours like this without being caught, just imagine how many games he has ruined, probably thousands!!

But yet I see this was first reported in 2018 and nothing has been done since then.

I am playing very little now due to this problem. Please fix it so I can have fun games again thanks! <3 

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't run into those very often, maybe one in 30 or so games.

    My friend and I actually kind of like having afk killers, as it often means tracking down the other survivors and memeing together for a while.

    I can see how it's a problem for other players though.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Just do the gens and leave

    Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Why do you need to make a new account just for this post.....why not just do the gens and leave......11k hours but no real proof but people's comments on their steam page (I mean if that's the case then I'm a hacker if we go off steam page comments)

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Just do gens. Also, be glad you haven't come across the AFK killers that pretend to be AFK until all gens are done. I ran into one last week and let's just say it ended in a 4k.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    Just do gens and leave. You can stand in front of him to get bold i guess or if he spawned near a window then vault it to get some extra bloodpoints or something.

  • luciezombie
    luciezombie Member Posts: 3

    Why are you defending bad players cheating with bots ? I didn't buy the game to do gens with bots I want to play against a real human. I get many matches like this in a row it's not fun.

    "No real proof" you are joking? He played 330 hours in 2 weeks that is 23.8 hours played per day. Please explain me how he can play for so long or also just watch the video thanks.

  • luciezombie
    luciezombie Member Posts: 3

    And here is an other one:

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    AFK botting is bannable. It's considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

    You need to report in game and then open a support ticket with video proof here:

    You should edit out the killers name in your post because it's against forum rules to name and shame.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I'm not defending any hackers or bot users. What I'm saying is there's no real proof now is that player more than likely a bit user yes I'm not denying that.

    What I'm also saying posting the comments section of their steam profile dosnt do much because of two reason 1. If you look at mine I had people calling me a hacker and saying reported multiple times just because I put played them and 2. The real hacker could of been spoofing a inocent players profile which has happened to me too.

  • omegalul
    omegalul Member Posts: 47

    He is clearly not afk 24/7 otherwise he would not have unlocked so many achievments.

    Also hes got a lot of -rep for facecamping, i dont think a bot is facecamping anyone.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,897

    I've run into one of these afk bots once to my knowledge (in over 1K hours), so I don't feel like it's an epidemic. Sounds like OP has just had crap luck.

    I remember the one I saw was a Freddy and we did all the gens and took turns getting hit and healing, and then left. Not fun, but not like getting waterboarded, either.

    And as with any afk killer, you can power through the gens and get out really quickly.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    I am sorry you've had to deal with AFK farming as Killer in your game. Even I dealt with two of them in the last month and a half, and personally aware how they can ruin a game for those that queued up to play a match.

    As bm33 pointed out, this is absolutely reportable, and along with the in-game report (required), you can also submit a ticket to Support, which is optional for this kind of offense, but the video like you have shown can be incredibly helpful to the ACMs when dealing with in-game rule violations: and I do understand the frustration of seeing so many of them, but I can assure you they are looked into and dealt with when reported, and especially so if other players in their other matches take that second to report them after their match as well for AFK farming.

    For more on the Game Rules and reporting, you can find them here:

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