How is Sadako the worst killer?

I don't understand the idea that Sadako is placed as the worst killer in some tier lists, I don't even understand how she's the worst stealth killer, I think Myers is worse than Sadako because he literally needs set up that if he can't get he loses a lot of gens and he can't traverse large maps as quickly, obviously this is my opinion so why do people think she is the worst?


  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    I don't think she's the worst either.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    I don't think she is either.

    I recently watched Otz bring on the #1 Sadako from EU, who was on a 60 win streak and his playstyle was very different from the standard Sadako. His playstyle focused on teleporting and keeping people from turning in tapes so he could mori them. He wouldn't go for hooks AT ALL. Definitely can see how he pug stomps with it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    She is better than a lot of people say she is.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    This. You have to play her very differently to be effective. Gotta get those condemn stacks.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I don't think I've ever once gotten to use her Condemned Mori. It seems basically useless. Like when I first played her, I teleported TV to TV like Nightcrawler on cocaine because I specifically wanted to Condemn someone but never had it work.

    If Condemned felt like it did anything I'd think she is higher on the list but as the killer I've never gotten to use it and as a survivor, I've never once had to even sweat about it.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Not true. Its not useless. You just aren't playing her right/bringing the wrong load out. Like I said, the #1 EU Sadako Otz brought onto his stream recently, basically proved this was false as he's been on a 60 win streak (possibly higher now since that was like a week ago). Check out the vod and catch some tips. Dude went against a 200 win streak 4man SWF to see how well he'd do and he still put up a decent fight (SWF won ofc).

    She isn't horrible. There are a lot of other killers you will struggle to get win streaks on. And the fact someone is able to do a 60+ win streak on Sadako says enough.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    She's not the worst, but she has a lot going against her. Her teleport has an insane cooldown for using it on top of survivors being able to turn it off whenever they want, her passive is really bad and won't have an impact (even as slowdown, survivors can completely ignore it) in a normal-speed match unless you run a very specific build and play erratically to try and force it, survivors can easily remove Condemned mid-chase in the blue moon scenario you actually threaten someone with it (which in turn makes it risky to try to use the Condemned playstyle, you can sink in the effort and still get no visible value), and her stealth is horrible because her lullaby broadcasts her presence. Her kit has a lot of things in it, but she isn't good at any of them. She's not even a jack-of-all-trades like Demo; she's more of an amateur-in-all-trades.

    And Myers isn't a great comparison, because I do consider him the worst killer, or at least tied with Trapper. Granted, both Myers and Trapper both have snowball potential Sadako really doesn't, so maybe some people value that higher. But she's less map dependent and doesn't have the crippling early game they do, so she's not complete bottom of the barrel, just really close.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    Ones I play against are always really good

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited September 2022

    She counters her own stealth, her map wide pressure is awful with huge cooldowns and condemned does nothing unless you force it as a gimmick.

    I understand you might enjoy her. I enjoy her. But I don't load into a sadako game expecting to win.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    She's not the strongest but she is super fun to play as and against. I'm definitely a Mikey main so I get the love for stealth killers.

  • Rebecca1InTheChamber
    Rebecca1InTheChamber Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2022

    So everything about Sadako can be ignored or countered. You can turn off her map mobility (quite literally) which no other mobility killers have to deal with. Her curse passive is laughable, you can ignore it all game basically, her stealth is given away by the static lullaby and she still has to unphase to hit you.

    T3 Myers is actually threatening, especially if he's running bamboozle, while Sadako doesn't feel threatening at any point in the game

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    edited September 2022

    i am glad you're having fun with her, i just hope bhvr gives her some love in the future so she's accessible to more people.

    idk how tho it'd be a difficult task and just changing some numbers would be lame.

    plus idk if her mains even think she needs anything haha.

  • I mean just turning off the dumb static lullaby would be a step in the right direction

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited September 2022

    Sadako isn't the best killer for sure. But she's far from being the worst. Plus this game isn't our "job". People play because they have fun. And Sadako is very fun to play in my opinion. I like her very much. I grind for her bloody clothes right now. GOTTA HAVE THEM!

    Maybe it would be nice for her directional lullaby to be removed, and devs should take a look at her underwhelming addons, but otherwise she is really fun to play

  • She's really fun, until you start going against good survivors, then you're an M1 killer with no power playing pallet break sim 2022

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited September 2022

    Well I have been going against good survivors. I can't avoid that after playing her quite a while

    Actually the new awful RPD map was quite good on her, having a smaller multilevel area where she has no problem moving around, and because of the TV-s being closer grouped up since the size of the map is smaller, I was able to remove her TR quite a bit making her a quite scary killer

    She's especially good on smaller maps like RPD and Midwitch, but I have no problems on others either.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    MM can have inifnite T3 with his best addon. If you are good with him at being sneaky you can often get to T3 before you lose one gen.

    The Ring can never have that. She has mobility but no power. She is literally one of the worst killers in a chase. What is there to not understand?

    Michael has two built in tools to help him during a chase as he has a fast vault in T3 and he has extra lunge range. What does the Ring get? She can phase through people with her manifest. Guess who has the same trick while stalking? Also nobody can take protection hits from MM when he's in t3 because you instantly go down.

    -"She's especially good on smaller maps like RPD and Midwitch"

    All the "bad" killers are good on small maps.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    I meant she's good on smaller maps, because her teleports can navigate those infuriatingly clumped small maps with ease

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    A build and a playstyle that's only possible with pink and green/purple add-ons, and has probably failed as many times as it has succeeded. Besides, play her in any way other than that, and she has basically nothing on the survivors. It's not like Blight who can run a variety of builds and still have a good chance of winning each time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    One thing i learned from this community is that they are horrible at rating things

  • Rebecca1InTheChamber
    Rebecca1InTheChamber Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2022

    If you're not having issues on other maps, you're not playing against good survivors. (Or you're camping/tunneling real hard)

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    She's ok, but I don't support this whole "she is underrated" talk because she obviously needs some help.

  • Etherelda
    Etherelda Member Posts: 28

    Better than Trapper, Pig or Myers i'd say.

    One advantage of Sadako is that she's rare and most survivors don't know her mechanics well.

    Otherwise she's a somewhat stealthy m1 killer with decent map navigation ability, definitely not the rock bottom of tier lists, I rate her somewhere above Legion and just a bit weaker than Nemesis.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    While this may be true, one single person that does well with her does not make her a top tier killer on the grand scale of things.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202
  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666
    edited September 2022

    This is the same argument that some people use to say that Nurse needs a basekit nerf: the top player in the world got a huge winstreak. By this same logic, Sadako needs a basekit nerf.

    The very top players will always be statistical outliers, and it's fallacious to try to argue a killer's relative strength from those data points. The #1 Clown player probably pub-stomps too.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    The one take away from most conversations i see on here about killers being underpowered usually is dependant on the player. People must have this odd belief you can just pick up any killer and be good withing a few matches. That isnt the case and shouldnt be the case. as each killer is so different from one another. People often times want to deny that the real issue is that they just arent very good with a certain killer, and by that fact alone i take any ranking of killers with a grain of salt. As a survivor you can tell the difference in these so called weak killers when they are put in the right hand of a skilled person playing that killer. But overreaction is typical on any forums so i guess its to be expected

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,092

    I really don't think there is an unviable killer in dbd, all killers are strong in their own right just some better than others. Some people like to say she is "weak" when in reality she is just not as good as the higher tier killers, which doesn't mean she is bad lol

  • It's also worth noting how many times did he have to camp/tunnel to achive the wins

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited September 2022

    I have the same issues like I have with any other killer. and I manage them.

    and not playing against good survivors? what do you mean? You think Sadako's mmr is turned off and I always get "bad survivors" in order to win my games? It doesn't really make any sense, does it?

    I'm getting good survivors all the time since my own winrate is quite very high with Sadako. Don't worry I'm aware who I'm playing against. If you enjoy playing a killer, you can get quite good managing it's drawbacks

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    In any case she's quite cool. Probably not the best killer I can down fast with but certainly far from worse and she can be used in many ways. She even has a basekit whispers with the TV-s playing a video when survivors are around (the tv-s are playing static when they are not), so you know where to look for them

  • Posting screenshots of a 4k means nothing because we don't get to see what leads up to that lol. (Could have slugged/campped/tunnled etc)

    Like, you can like the killer, you can find her fun, but she's not good, no matter how you try to rationalize it

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited September 2022

    Well I am comfortable playing and winning with her, that's all. And you don't see even on the screenshots me being blamed for slugging or camping. But of course you can imagine anything you want and add it to the story lol.

    In any case, Since I main her lately, I play against swf-s quite often also, fully equipped, ready to make my game difficult. And I still enjoy playing Sadako, and I don't really fail much in my games. I'm not sure why you dislike if people say they are doing well with this killer, you don't need to jump to conclusions, if you don't perform well playing Sadako. Not everyone is you.

    As I said, the only thing I would like to change is probably her directional lullaby, because that's a bit annoying, but otherwise I'm happy with this killer and my winrate using Sadako

    Do you realy think that I would main her nowadays if she would be that bad? What am I? A voluntary self punisher in your opinion? :))

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    She's not as bad as many people think but let's be honest, worst killer is either her or GF.

  • I don't see any of your games so I don't really know what goes on, you're correct. I make the asumptions I make from personal experience, and any time I see a TV when I load in, I automatically know it's going to be an easy, relaxing game, and I'm never wrong on this.

    I never feel threatened at any point, and I only see Sadako get 2-3 hooks and usually she's forced to camp and tunnle for 1 kill. If she gets anymore than that it's because my team throws real hard.

  • I don't know what's going on in your games, you're correct. I make the assumptions I make from persona experience, and anytime I see a TV when I load in I automatically know it's going to be an easy, relaxing game, and I'm never wrong on this.

    I never feel threatened by her, and I see her only get 2-3 hooks and usually she is forced to camp/tunnle for 1 kill. If she gets anymore than that it's because my team throws really hard.