Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Escape Challenge - PLEASE HELP !!!!

This may sound funny to some of you, but it's a real problem for me right now.

I can't get any further in the event tome, I'm stuck in the second survivor challenge. Escape 2 times.

This is apparently impossible in the MMR I'm in. Why does BHVR hate solo queue so much? This may not be a challenge for SWF or high mmr solo survivors but I have no idea how to do this challenge.

Usually I don't care, I play mostly for BP, shards and fragments and not for winning. But this stupid challenge is forcing me to do it and I have to say I'm completely frustrated right now.

Wouldn't it be enough for BHVR to reduce this escape challenges to 1 time ( while thinking of lower mmr solo queue) and not to several times? It's not even one challenge that I can skip to do another in its place. I MUST do it to even progress at all in this rift.

Do you have any advice please? I'm really frustrated right now.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I agree with bm33. Run a hatch build if your teams are getting decimated. It will still be frustrating if you get targeted early which is, ideally, why you more or less play immersed until they die. I am not saying to not do gens. I am saying if the terror radius vaguely enters your area, time to leave. Haha.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited October 2022

    Sprint burst, adrenaline, wake up, resilience and just sit on gens all game (avoid going for saves if you can). Wait at the gate to open it if you're the last survivor instead of looking for hatch

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    collect 6 void energy by stunning the killer

    Is that in a single match or can it be done in a couple matches?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    It can be couple matches BUT if you've filled up on void energy then you don't collect anymore from stuns. I've also had it not be consistent like it is with downing survivors. I had a chase where I had 14 void energy, stunned the killer with a pallet and got no void energy from him, he downed me and I lost 3.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    I'll be whipping out the good old fashioned Head On/Flashbang/Blast Mine combo for that one

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,718

    Time for a hatch build with Left Behind! I rarely escape myself. 😂

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    Same. Except instead of Flashbang I'll do DS. I'm just worried about the stuns where I don't get any void energy. Just had a match where I stunned killer with pallet at start of match while in chase and got nothing so I feel like when I have that challenge selected it's going to take awhile.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,095
  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I switched to killer ones when I got to that one, waaaay easier.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 645

    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing difficulty with escape challenges... I was starting to feel bad.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    I can't do the challenge at all because it's BUGGED for me. I'm on switch so idk how it is for you. I escaped 2 times in a row and never got any progress. May want to do the killer ones to get around it

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    Thanks for the help but nah, I´m done. I´m more than done. This ######### challenge completely ruined my mood.

    Thx BHVR that only really good players can finsih the rift andf get the cosmetics. Give us at least 2 paths to choose if it comes to challenges like that and not let us stuck forever with such a BS challenge for solo queue. Or FIX YOUR MATCHMAKING so that I can face killers on my level and not super sweaty tryhards.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    Yeah, but I need to complete the rift :/

    I mean the actual rift, not the event rift. This time I really really want the cosmetics in the premium path but rift progress is so slowly if you don´t do all the challenges for both sides. I don´t have time to play all day DBD so I try to get as many fragments as fast as I can and the easiest way are challenges (except BS challenges like that).

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Even if you escape the game can say "no" and not count your progress. Enjoy.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    There are two ways you can tackle this challenge.

    The first is for people who consider themselves decent loopers and can escape on their own even if the killer slugs for a 4k.

    You run all the end game perks like hope, adrenaline, wake up, and sole survivor. You will always win the 50/50 as you just need to sit at an gate and wait for the killer to close the hatch. Or if you make it to end game with some teammates alive you open the gate very fast, are healed (in most situations), and run very fast.

    The second is for people who don't consider themselves adept at looping but still want to give their team as much of an advantage as possible with their perks.

    You run team oriented perks to keep your team healed, and to rush generators. This includes builds with Boon: Circle of healing and Prove Thyself. If you don't have a map to find totems you should bring a totem perk like small game or detectives hunch. You can fill in the last perk with something like kindred, lithe/sprint burst, or bond to get use of prove. If you do end up bringing a map a combo like open handed and bond can be very powerful information for a new player. Another option if you have 2 open slots is head on and quick and quiet, you basically just hop in a locker anytime you think the killer is coming in your direction.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,077

    It's tedious, but you can absolutely finish the rift and only do one side, easily. It'll take a while longer, but you're in no danger of not getting it done.

    I typically finish the rift before the fourth (and sometimes third) levels of the Tome are even available.

    But you can get through it; you can find a swf to join, play a selfish endgame escape build, or just keep plugging away and it will happen eventually. I've been stuck in some vicious MMR hell ruts (I play strictly solo queue) before, but eventually you run into a bad killer and/or things just break your way.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 645

    Ah, yeah... That makes sense. I really struggled with the 'Escape 4 trials' challenge in level 4 of the previous tome. I lost my mind a little that day.

    It didn't use to be this bad but ever since the huge 'meta change' patch, my escape rate took a huge dive.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 434

    In the state of solo queue this challenge is a joke, it’s really unfair on most survivors and just shows how killer sided the game is now with how easy the killer challenges are. I got an escape for it then got lucky in the next one as a blight took pity on me because of how bad my team were and let me open the gate.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Know that feel bro. Solo q is so rough for survivors if you ae trying to survive (you know the main objective for survivors) had a run pf 15 games in a row bo survivals once. my suggestion is either play selfish a couple of games if it starts to go downhill, i.e. bring left behind, hatch offering. Or try getting a swf team together. Bit of communication goes a long way. Especially while trying to do challenges.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 421

    Here's my solo queue story about this challenge ... I played yesterday from 3pm until 1am. During that time I escaped a grand total of three times, one of which was a friendly Ghostface farming game.

    The first time I was still on the coop challenge (which I didn't notice was bugged and stuck at 23 for awhile, I didn't pay too much attention because I expect coop challenges in solo to take anything from 5-20 matches).

    So I was at 1 of 2 escapes and kept playing and playing just to get the stupid challenge done and finally, finally, just before 1am, I made it out, even through the gate ...

    ... and then the bloody escape challenge was bugged as well and the escape didn't count and I was still at 1 of 2.

    Perhaps I should use Clairvoyance but it's so dumb that I have to do a special build to escape. If the game was decently balanced so that "you win some, you lose some" was true for solo queue as well, this wouldn't be necessary.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Clairvoyance is way better to help with the hatch as it can allow you to see it from farther away... if you have Mikaela Reid/

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I completed it last night and it was terrible and stressful…especially if you got the stun and they had already deposited their energy, so you got nothing from it 😐

  • d3vi1
    d3vi1 Member Posts: 60

    But then hatch spawns 5m from the killer... Finally killer let me open the gates, even thought he was shaking his head no. I was doing 3h+ this challenge, super annoying.

  • KayTeeBee
    KayTeeBee Member Posts: 47

    I was just able to escape the first time :))))))) It only took me ~12 matches or so.

    Oh, and the killer was afk.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Took me 7 games to get this.

    Normally, these challenges take less attempts - I'd imagine that people doing the tome stuff as well as collecting energy for cosmetics/points is really bumping up the difficulty

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,718
  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857


    Dead Hard (or any other exhaustion perk that you like, alternatively Iron Will, Deliverance)

    Left Behind

    Wake up

    Raised my 6-8% escape rate to about 11-12%. It will still take hours, but it's slightly less taxing on your sanity in SoloQ Hell.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,530

    Whilst all the suggestions of the perks are great, individual playstyle really does need to be taken into consideration for this type of challenge and perks that work with that playstyle are likely to be better.

    Whilst yes, there's definitely perks that help you avoid the killer - there's no point in using those perks if you're not going to play super stealthily (I can't play stealthily for example so I use perks that help my particular playstyle). Organically if you are losing that many matches, your MMR will drop and you'll find yourself being matched against (and with) players more of your skill level which will give you more opportunity to escape your matches.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,971

    I can't get any further in the event tome

    You can if you do the killer way. Instead of escaping 2 times you can break 15 things, that's what i did.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    You can also micro-tap Clairvoyance so that it lasts foooorrrrrrreeeeevvvvverrrrrrrr

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,718

    Me, equipping Urban Evasion, and never once crouch walking. 😆

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    Still don't have it.

    I understand what you're trying to explain here, but something doesn't seem to work quite correctly in reality as your team intended.

    With the rate at which I've been losing since the big "change meta" patch, my survivor MMR should be way down. And yet I keep getting killers that I shouldn't be matched with in any way.

    I think it was a mistake (at least for casual players) that you expanded the matchmaking concept back then, so that higher mmr players get more variety and can therefore also be matched with players who are further down. This seems to happen to me almost constantly. More experienced killers are matched with us who are way better just to give them a little more variety. That feels unfair.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,442

    Play in the earlier time of day and not at night. I couldn't do it last night because killers were merciless (not that I blame them) and I'm usually the weak link in the group. I played this morning and got both escapes. Also, if you're on steam, change your name to "Need2Escape4Challenge". I found, in the past, that there are a lot of killers willing to help with challenges as long as it's not interfering with the ones they're doing.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Regarding your last statement with how the MMR will lower for your skill: it's really not like that. Even if you are a good player, the lower your MMR is, the harder it is to win. This is because in low MMR people are so bad, that even if the killer is a first timer, you are still dying because no one does anything or everyone feeds. This way you just dip into an MMR hell, where you just can't win.

    Individual skill cannot be measured by only wins. This is especially true for low MMR, for the reason I've stated.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    Unfortunately, I only manage to play DBD in the evening and not during the day. And yes, I tried the one with a name change (not the same as your suggestion but similar) yesterday out of sheer desperation. Did not help.

    Meanwhile, I'm about to hide the entire match from first second to the end with Mikaela's hatch perk. I hate playing like this, I feel bad for the other survivor players, I hate being selfish and useless. But I don't see any other chance to escape and do this challenge other than never to show myself, neither on gens, nor near hooks, nor anywhere else.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Losing MMR and getting bad teammates is way more detrimental than getting a low MMR Killer is beneficial.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,166

    I had to literally change my name to ThrowingIfNoVoidStuns.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I run support perks to improve the chances for the whole team to escape. The longer they survive the better all our chances.

    Botany and Leader are the core of my builds with Detective's Hunch, Prove Thyself, or Kindred. I cannot count the number of times being able to heal against Sloppy or supporting others with Leader at the gate, near Hex totems, or unhooks has saved the day.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited October 2022

    "Escape 2 times in a row" would be a challenge in solo queue. But just escaping? C'mon guys. Run 2 team perks (like Proof + Kindred) and 2 escape perks (Clairvoryance (+Key maybe) and Lone Survivor) and you'll either escape with a good team or at your own when your team sucks. Just give it a few tries.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Solo queue exists for killer mains to torture. They really should rename survivor to victim and be done with it.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2022


    I just did all the killer challenges first like someone suggested to calm me down. This allowed me to bypass the escape challenge and the stun challenge for the moment, and then by completing all but the last 2 survivor challenges, I was motivated to try again. First I got the Escape challenge and then I got the "Stun to collect void energy" challenge too which I thought was even more impossible to beat, in 2 matches.

    With a Pallet, Head On and DS. I've finally completed the whole event rift and the current tome.

    Now I'm taking a break from DBD until the current tome continues. It felt like a job the last few days.