D3AD one of the best killers just got owned twice by SWF
Lvl 100 prestige SWF vs D3AD Blight
3 escapes 1 kill
Why they won twice in a row?
Because game is balanced and killers are OP most likely.
1) Medkits absue
2) Gen rushing and spreading abuse
3) Map abuse ( 3 map offerings )
4) All of them had unbreakable, dead hard + DS to get milions of second chances to rush gens even faster.
This game is a joke in high elo ntgl.
Spreading Abuse... I don't even want to know.
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I miss Sluzzy.
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They just don't make 'em like they used to.
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Nobody will ever replace him
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Indeed. Why I somewhat share OPs sentiment, I would chose my words less biting. And peeps are using some phrases way, way, WAY too often, so that they lose any meaning. Abuse ... I could see that with things like green medkits, which are busted, but spreading up to do gens? Yikes, thats hardly an "abuse" of a game mechanic.
And while I consider D3AD one of the best killers out there, even this players ARE allowed to lose. They sweat so much that they are against top notch teams nearly all the time, so just by statistics alone its bound to happen from time to time.
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Doesn't surprise me. Blight is nowhere near as strong as he's made out to be. Especially against SWF.
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So spreading out is now abuse? Good god killer mains these days…
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Er... 3 map offerings? A SWF would only need to bring 1. Or 4-of-a-kind if they want to trump a ward.
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When playing efficiently is suddenly abuse.
It's a legitimate tactic, maybe you should adapt and play around it 😉
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Yeah legitimate tactic to little to no counterplay in high elo, OP game design ngl
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High elo in this game is FAKE.
You start at 800, it goes up to 3000, but anyone above 1600 plays with everyone above that, there is literally no use bringing up ELO / MMR etc it's useless and only used by people who think they have ascended god.
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She's still here. I guarantee it.
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You can check on his stream right now.
4x lvl 100 Prestige Survivors that owned hard. Just imagine how much hours you need for it ? They are def not 800 or 1600.
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oh no, local man loses to people better than him, shock horror, tune in tomorrow for the exact same thing.
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They are not better, the game is designed for them to win, you survivor mains can't accept the truth. It's pathetic at this point how defensive you are and how hard you try to make this game much easier when it's already free win for good SWF team.
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Me too. Far more entertaining and heart-felt.
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Sounds like "D3ad" needs to learn how to pressure gens!
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Or maybe just let the man lose from time to time? I mean, no matter how good you are, if you are faced with equally good players and maybe have a little of a bad day, you lose. Its not that this was a DBD championship final or something, it was just a random day of the week type of game.
If one of the best players loses two times in a row, so what? He will be stomping again in now time. So everyone just chill ^^
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bro is average, I escaped against him before just as a soloq player
yawn at least Otzdarva actually knew how to read my mindgames and kill me at a L-wall jungle gym when he played Bubba with no bamboozle, D3AD on the other hand? does the most basic killer mindgames
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By the time you get down at L wall, with all second chances, 3 gens are gone, by the time u get on a hook, one more gen gone, thats how broken it is right now against efficient team
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Yh, compound 33 and alch ring super weak addons.
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lol no, I meet the exact same players as D3AD, otz, Tru3 and other EU streamers when I also played killer, they have beat me plenty of times and I have beat them plenty of times
I have gone against full stacked comp teams.
streamer squads with 25K+ hours combined
and wanna-be tryhards on a daily basis, its a challenge to beat them but not impossible, you just need to play with the cards you are dealt with, if u try to autopilot then ofc u gonna lose, its all go down to how consistent ur mechanics, decision making and gamesense are
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It honestly feels like you wouldn't be happy unless killers could literally never lose games.
People can lose games and sometimes you lose multiple games in a row. Good players will win more than they lose. No reason to get upset over every single loss.
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I know it's shocking for you but killer players lose too eventually. Can't win every single game!
Oh no, killers can't win 100% percent of the time!! Survivors are OP! Nerf, nerf, nerf!! SWF is OP! Boo hoo, now I'm sad and angry.
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I hadn't seen the stream yet, but as I know D3AD, he will just comment on some of the strong combos, maybe be surprised, but take ot like a champ with little emotions shown. I would be surprised if he throw any kind of tantrum at the SWF. But I'll be sure and watch it now :)
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So? You cannot win every game. SWF, Map, Ping, Scourge-Hook-Spawns etc.
So many variables in a game. If u would win every game, it would be boring.
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The thing that annoys me the most is movement abuse. It is literally impossible to do a gen grab when survivors abuse their movement keys.
It's clear that in this game you have to play some kind of OP stealth God like Myers or Ghost Face or you will NEVER get a grab on a survivor. It is literally 0 skill no counterplay. You pressed a movement key? Congratulations! You took away a killer's hard earned grab.
Don't believe me? Go to high level streamers' streams and count how many grabs they make. I can guarantee you it's probably 0 or close to 0.
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Oh woe, why won't bhvr finally give both sides their iWin buttons?!
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Oh no, not................D3AD Hard.
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congrats to him, why does it matter so much when a streamer loses?.
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Your evidence here is almost of the rarest type: high level, full SWF, playing with a strategy from the start - and even with all of that, the best situation the survivors can possibly be in, the killer still got a 1 kill?
Going off your example it sounds like the game is extremely killer sided if it takes all of that and still only get 3 out.
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TrU3Ta1ent would win
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"100% stomp rate against filthy survivor scum." god this made me laugh 🤣 TOOBASED
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Are good players not supposed to lose every now and then?
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Not even gonna justify this with a serious response.
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OK I'm closing this here. Nothing listed is "abuse" these are things that can be used in a game, and are game mechanics - using them does not constitute "abuse" and I won't see that word thrown around lightly.
If you wish to discuss things, I suggest doing it in a far more civil and respectful manner!