Why is MLGA still allowed?

After a pretty normal match, we have a traditionally salty survivor who was farmed by a streamer.

Now, this particular survivor will DC during future matches if I don't dodge them, or they change their name so I wont' recognize them.

DC'ing is a punishable offense, but how many games will he ruin for me and the other survivors he's with before he's banned... if at all?

While the program may be whitelisted for whatever reason, no one can deny that it may be the cause of many dodges, and coordinated harassment by the users of said program.

The survivors are not supposed to know who they are going against in the fog right? So why is MLGA allowed to give survivors this information?

The video of this match will be up in a few days. In it I'll be showcasing the perk "Fire Up" in part 6 of my Perk Study series so you can see how badly I tunneled and camped this individual if you're really interested in it.


  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I don't think he needs mlga to do so tho. He just loads into a match, checks recent players and if he sees that he blocked the Killer on Steam he just simply DCs 

    Learned something new lol

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Even if fogstreamers use and promote it, technically it's not allowed and should get you permabanned 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:
    Discord is technically bannable does it seem like the devs give a damn?

    Discord isn't technically bannable and you know it and as added proof here, I even bolded the specific part where they clearly state they're not banning for the use of communication apps.

    In-game report under Unsportsmanlike is MANDATORY
    Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game, except if they have been whitelisted by us. We are not banning for the use of communication apps.
    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket REQUIRED

    As far as MLGA goes they're not actively hunting people down using it but it isn't approved by them and if EAC catches someone running it they can and will ban them. Any and all bans done by EAC WILL NOT BE OVERTURNED by the devs.

    @SpaceCoconut Ignore all the people spouting off about the devs not caring as well as the people either running it or saying they run it. The ones running it that dc the moment they see you in game will eventually get banned because their list will get so big their dc rate will skyrocket.

    Also once dedicated servers come MLGA will be pretty much useless since the dedicated server will host the player information. At which point the only way it'd work is if they cross a very big line and recode it to where it gets the information,

    Then it becomes very easy to track and it's considered flat out hacking and or modifying game files at which point both eAC and BHVR will perma ban.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Anyone know if things like reshade are allowed?

    I've seen streamers use it. I'd like to but not sure if it's kosher.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:
    Anyone know if things like reshade are allowed?

    I've seen streamers use it. I'd like to but not sure if it's kosher.

    I know that Reshade or Sweetfx are ok but they're also suspected in a lot of the crashes that're video related from before the latest patch by several weeks since I'd been having issues that turned out to be video card related.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    MandyTalk said:

    Reshade is whitelisted on the EAC website for DBD.


    That's great, thanks. The game looks amazing with a few tweaks.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited December 2018

    Its BS how MLGA is allowed. its a tool to block killers and ppl you dont like. A killer too good? - Blocked

    It harmed solo survivors too, cuz if someone leave in the lobby, the lobby will become bugged until everyone leaves, or you all wait there for 10 minutes

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Someissues said:
    Its BS how MLGA is allowed. its a tool to block killers and ppl you dont like. A killer too good? - Blocked

    It harmed solo survivors too, cuz if someone leave in the lobby, the lobby will become bugged until everyone leaves, or you all wait there for 10 minutes

    It isn't allowed as I stated above and the devs have stated multiple times, it's not on their approved list. They've stated multiple times they won't ban you for using it but EAC will. Once dedicated servers come out they'd be able to detect it running since for it to work it'd have to access code on the server.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @WalterWh1te said:

    @powerbats said:

    Once dedicated servers come out they'd be able to detect it running since for it to work it'd have to access code on the server.

    Can you please at least check how MLGA works and maybe edit your post, because what you typed right there just blows my mind from a technical point of view.

    Perhaps you should check how dedicated servers handle data because then you'd realize that with the way DBD works MLGA won't. Since the server will be hosting all the data and will be matching people up, MLGA won't have access to any of that information.

    The only thing MLGA will see is yes there's a game available but it won't see who's who because the server won't be trnasmitting that info like P2P does now.

    This is similar to how Riot games changed it's API to prevent sites from having access to game data before games had actually started, I.E. LolKing etc.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited December 2018

    @powerbats said:

    It isn't allowed as I stated above and the devs have stated multiple times, it's not on their approved list. They've stated multiple times they won't ban you for using it but EAC will. Once dedicated servers come out they'd be able to detect it running since for it to work it'd have to access code on the server.

    Its allowed since the devs said if EAC bans you we are not going to unban you. And EAC support already confirmed using MLGA is safe and no ban = Allowed in DBD

    the only way to stop this is the devs needs to blacklist it completely, but they won't and leave it to EAC. EAC thinks its fine so everyone can abuse it no problem, since they have devs permission

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited December 2018

    All the killers in here complaining about MLGA who just dodge anyone they don't want to play against because they can see who it is, that's funny.

    and once again, back to the moaning about fog streamers, just can't keep them out of your mouth.

    It isn't "blocked" it just isn't whitelisted, theres a huge different between not whitelisting and blocking something completely.

    and more of the "Discord is technically bannable" you salty killers like to tout. I guess the software running my keyboard is bannable too LEL

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    ooo, I love your vids ♥️
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    blocking exhaustion clowns every chance I GET
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    MLGA will never be banned by EAC as they cannot scan for it without asking permission as it does not interfere with any game files,  it's a simple java based ping tool showing the ip of who you are connected too which you can get via windows task manager it just simplifies it into a program.

    Once dedicated servers come online it will be useless as it will only see the ip of the server you are connected too.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Someissues said:

    @powerbats said:

    It isn't allowed as I stated above and the devs have stated multiple times, it's not on their approved list. They've stated multiple times they won't ban you for using it but EAC will. Once dedicated servers come out they'd be able to detect it running since for it to work it'd have to access code on the server.

    Its allowed since the devs said if EAC bans you we are not going to unban you. And EAC support already confirmed using MLGA is safe and no ban = Allowed in DBD

    the only way to stop this is the devs needs to blacklist it completely, but they won't and leave it to EAC. EAC thinks its fine so everyone can abuse it no problem, since they have devs permission

    Wrong, EAC has said they don't actively scan for it but if their system detects it and bans you for it it's not going to be overturned. So in fact you can and will be banned for it and thus the devs won't unban you.

    Saying EAC said it's safe is nonsense since what they said is what I typed that they don't actively scan for it but if it's flagged you get banned. Which means it's not allowed in DBSD if you get banned for it so stop trying to squirm your way in with it.

    Now to put the proverbial technical nail in your logical fallacies argument here.since for it to work when dedicated servers come out it'd have to bypass how the servers handle data. Since the servers won't be transmitting user data with the type of info it needs it won't work.

    So since it won't have access to the type of data it needs it can't work unless it's modified in such a way that it becomes a hack or it attempts to hatch the servers. If it becomes workable on dedicated servers those using it will thus be banned either by EAC or BHVR pretty much instantly.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    hmm... Why did MLGA even come up in the post.. You can block in steam... Game starts... Check the players... See the killer is blocked... DC. MLGA doesn't even enter into the picture.

    However.. MLGA's life is coming to and end. Once the dedicated servers are put in... MLGA will be useless.

    Bringing up discussions about banning... blacklisting.. or whatever against MLGA is mute. Stop wasting people's time.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @powerbats said:

    Wrong, EAC has said they don't actively scan for it but if their system detects it and bans you for it it's not going to be overturned. So in fact you can and will be banned for it and thus the devs won't unban you.

    Saying EAC said it's safe is nonsense since what they said is what I typed that they don't actively scan for it but if it's flagged you get banned. Which means it's not allowed in DBSD if you get banned for it so stop trying to squirm your way in with it.

    Now to put the proverbial technical nail in your logical fallacies argument here.since for it to work when dedicated servers come out it'd have to bypass how the servers handle data. Since the servers won't be transmitting user data with the type of info it needs it won't work.

    So since it won't have access to the type of data it needs it can't work unless it's modified in such a way that it becomes a hack or it attempts to hatch the servers. If it becomes workable on dedicated servers those using it will thus be banned either by EAC or BHVR pretty much instantly.

    This is a really bad post. I know you were trying to make some points about EAC and MLGA... but your post is really bad from someone who has some programming knowledge.

    EAC can't really do anything about MLGA.. cause... MLGA isn't modifying any protected memory or anything for the game. All MLGA does is read network traffic, which Windows is doing at the same time.

    MLGA is also a Java app. So unless EAC can scan JAVA's memory to see MLGA is running.. MLGA isn't violating anything. Thus... EAC can't ban for it. Even if they wanted to.

    There would be no way MLGA could be modified to get information from the dedicated servers unless BHVR was completely negligent and opened it up for hackers which I highly doubt.

    Once dedicated servers come into play... MLGA goes out the window.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited December 2018

    @powerbats said:

    Wrong, EAC has said they don't actively scan for it but if their system detects it and bans you for it it's not going to be overturned. So in fact you can and will be banned for it and thus the devs won't unban you.

    Saying EAC said it's safe is nonsense since what they said is what I typed that they don't actively scan for it but if it's flagged you get banned. Which means it's not allowed in DBSD if you get banned for it so stop trying to squirm your way in with it.

    Now to put the proverbial technical nail in your logical fallacies argument here.since for it to work when dedicated servers come out it'd have to bypass how the servers handle data. Since the servers won't be transmitting user data with the type of info it needs it won't work.

    So since it won't have access to the type of data it needs it can't work unless it's modified in such a way that it becomes a hack or it attempts to hatch the servers. If it becomes workable on dedicated servers those using it will thus be banned either by EAC or BHVR pretty much instantly.


    EAC confirmes they are fine with MLGA and have no plans to ban it = Its Allowed in DBD

    They didn't said they actively scan for it, they don't care and they are fine with the program itself, don't make up bs plz bro.

    so many ppl have already contacted EAC and all of their response is the same. they will not ban players for using MLGA since its not a cheating program. The only way to make it bannable is up to the devs

    No one has ever been banned by MLGA cuz its allowed on DBD.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Master said:
    Even if fogstreamers use and promote it, technically it's not allowed and should get you permabanned 

    I mean certain fogstreamers dc to derank yet that's somehow a big no no for everyone else. They claim that they give people the benefit of the doubt in terms of dc that it could be accidental or life happens. These people have done it where their fanbase KNOWS it wasn't and yet they're a fogstreamer.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Someissues said:

    @powerbats said:

    Wrong, EAC has said they don't actively scan for it but if their system detects it and bans you for it it's not going to be overturned. So in fact you can and will be banned for it and thus the devs won't unban you.

    Saying EAC said it's safe is nonsense since what they said is what I typed that they don't actively scan for it but if it's flagged you get banned. Which means it's not allowed in DBSD if you get banned for it so stop trying to squirm your way in with it.

    Now to put the proverbial technical nail in your logical fallacies argument here.since for it to work when dedicated servers come out it'd have to bypass how the servers handle data. Since the servers won't be transmitting user data with the type of info it needs it won't work.

    So since it won't have access to the type of data it needs it can't work unless it's modified in such a way that it becomes a hack or it attempts to hatch the servers. If it becomes workable on dedicated servers those using it will thus be banned either by EAC or BHVR pretty much instantly.


    EAC confirmes they are fine with MLGA and have no plans to ban it = Its Allowed in DBD

    They didn't said they actively scan for it, they don't care and they are fine with the program itself, don't make up bs plz bro.

    so many ppl have already contacted EAC and all of their response is the same. they will not ban players for using MLGA since its not a cheating program. The only way to make it bannable is up to the devs

    No one has ever been banned by MLGA cuz its allowed on DBD.

    That mail is from 2017, things have changed since then.
    and even if EAC has no tools to detect it, BHVR can still forbid it in the TOS

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Master said:

    That mail is from 2017, things have changed since then.
    and even if EAC has no tools to detect it, BHVR can still forbid it in the TOS

    There are these survivors who abused MLGA since 2017 and has not been banned

    i sent a ticket just now to EAC shouldnt take long for them to response, im 100% certain they said its allowed

    DBD has no plans to make it bannable, since they said its up to EAC = Allowed on DBD

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    That mail is from 2017, things have changed since then.
    and even if EAC has no tools to detect it, BHVR can still forbid it in the TOS

    Thank you, I can't remember who posted it a few months back the email they'd gotten which said they don't actively scan for it but f the system bans you for it they won't overturn it.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Someissues said:

    @Master said:

    That mail is from 2017, things have changed since then.
    and even if EAC has no tools to detect it, BHVR can still forbid it in the TOS

    There are these survivors who abused MLGA since 2017 and has not been banned

    i sent a ticket just now to EAC shouldnt take long for them to response, im 100% certain they said its allowed

    DBD has no plans to make it bannable, since they said its up to EAC = Allowed on DBD

    Because there's a million different programs to see out going and incoming connections, you can't ban for monitoring the IPs you're connecting too, that's absured.

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    MLGA is great. 
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Because there's a million different programs to see out going and incoming connections, you can't ban for monitoring the IPs you're connecting too, that's absured.

    Yes and these programs that monitor IP allows a user to kicks them out of a game since the game has no dedicated server, it comes with lag switching etc, which is clearly cheating

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Someissues said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Because there's a million different programs to see out going and incoming connections, you can't ban for monitoring the IPs you're connecting too, that's absured.

    Yes and these programs that monitor IP allows a user to kicks them out of a game since the game has no dedicated server, it comes with lag switching etc, which is clearly cheating

    There's plenty of other reasons to monitor IP Incoming/Outgoing.
    Don't think survivors can lag switch killers tho, everytime I've had a survivor "lag" against me when I'm killer they've been very easy to kill.

    Killers on the other hand...


    All in all, thread is pointless as dedicated servers will render MLGA useless, along with lag switchers.

This discussion has been closed.