Playing both sides.

I was initially under the impression people mostly played both Survivor and Killer. After reading a bit of the forums... Starting to wonder. I myself play both, but its admittedly 70/30 in favor of surv.

Curious about others.



  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    I think I play approximately 50/50, though I do enjoy killer role more. Still, playing survivor is fun too and I try to equally split it. Also, I try to level killer only with killer earnt BP and same for survivors, and so far I've 11 killer T3 and 10 survivors T2.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I play both sides, though admittedly more survivor these past few months. I don't have much time to play, so when I do it's generally with friends to kill two birds with one stone, so mostly either customs or survivor.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    I play both sides but I prefer killer. Survivor is nice but nothing beats the constant back and forth I feel when playing killer.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Vast majority of the time I play survivor, and killer whenever I'm in the mood (only Demo and Wraith though, keen on learning the Singularity when the chapter drops).

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    I play surv only to gather points - in my region there's usually +100% bonus in the afternoons. I've got into this game to play as some horror icons and since killer is a complete shitshow right now I don't expect to hang around for much longer.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Both, sometimes absolutely in line with the extra XP assigned to the roles. Because I find killer more difficult I tend to favour survivors more so I'd say 60/40.

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 144

    I'm also in the both sides camp.

    However, I think it is entirely possible for someone to play and enjoy both sides and still hold "Survivor main" or "Killer main" viewpoints, due to personal preferences.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    I can agree with that. Im clearly a surv main atm. Happy to hop on my Killer at request or for funsies. Killer is just so easy atm. I usually enjoy meme'ng with them if they're receptive. Killer just isnt that difficult UNLESS its a seal team SWF.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    I was playing 50/50 during the previous patch.

    I have completely stopped to play killer now as the state of the game is disgusting.

    Also i do not play soloQ as a survivor anymore and only play with friends, the game is really not enjoyable anymore.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    The same about ratio, although I can handle holding M1, though it's boring. The most frustrating thing is that I can make an enormous amount of mistakes as killer and be ok, and only one as survivor and it's gg. Those 10% losses are from 4 skilled survivors in SWF.

    I snapped when after last update BHVR changed config location and all went to default, so my sensitivity flew to the roof and all skill buttons mixed up, and still I won as this "drunk" Plague... Then I fixed config and started to go without perks.

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    75% killer 25% survivor here. I just prefer killer gameplay in overall and I tend to play the role with a BP incentive on it. Sadly, my job keeps me away from survivor friendly hours so killer is all I mostly play.

    I still wish that everyone took the time to understand both sides of DBD because I swear we'd get way less "survivor/killer is unfair" threads. Not to mention that playing both roles will complement your favorite role's gameplay because you'll have a better idea of what to expect and what tactics/items they'll use.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited May 2023

    About 50/50 here. You can definitely tell which people on the forums never play one side or the other. If I had to guess, I’d say there are more people who have never played killer vs never played survivor just based on how the comments tend to trend here. There are also a few who frequently make comments that seem to heavily favor one side or they other, but they do play both sides. But they play so much that they are way better than the average player and tend to dismiss legitimate complaints from casual players and tell you to just git gud.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I play 50-50, I'm trying to get both my main killer and main survivor P100, so I keep switching back and forth. But also when I have REALLY bad survivor games I hop on as killer and just vibe

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited May 2023

    People who exclusively play one side are gonna have a much harder time gauging how strong certain things are as well as identifying problematic aspects of the game's design since they're only seeing things from one side. Playing both sides also just makes you better at your preferred side because you can see what works better or not.

    Even a 90-10 split one way is far healthier for the player long-term and I would ALWAYS suggest people to at least play a couple games every so often as the other side.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    I always suggest people play both sides because you get to experience the game in its entirety while also seeing what it's like for the other side!

    I used to play a lot more killer than I do now, it's become too stressful and sweaty, I'd say I've had 7 killer games the past month and the rest survivor for an easier life

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 380

    50/50 for me overall. On any given day it could be heavily skewed towards one role or the other, usually determined by tome challenges, daily rituals, or BP bonuses.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I used to predominantly play killer and I got pretty bored with it. At a certain skill level, you no longer get difficult matches. Especially if you play in the evening. I'm mostly 70/30 in favor of survivor now, whereas I used to be 90/10 killer. I'd like to play more killer, but I'll log in, win 5 games in a row where survivors don't get all the gens done, and log off. I'll probably play more killer when Singularity drops.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,758

    I call myself a "Dead by Daylight main! Some weeks I'm favoring a killer, some weeks I am surviving in the solo queue, sometimes I'm playing with friends!

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I play both sides and highly recommend it. It improves your gameplay significantly.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,973

    I prefer killer, but I do play both.

    I think the ratio lies among the lines of 30/70% in killer’s favour.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I used to be a survivor main, then started to play killer (mostly to learn about their weaknesses), and played liek 75/25 +-5% for a while. i played most killers, but liked doctor and hag the most.

    Then the Dredge was realeased, and i had finally found my main killer, and turned into a 50/50 player. Then Patch 6.1 happened, and i simply stopped playing solo survivor for most of the time.

    I spend way less time in the game, and then mostly as killer, now about 70% killer i would say, survivor is mostly one or 2 matches in the evening, and/or if i got dailys or challenges.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I also play both, although when matchmaking is particularly unruly, I might prefer one role over the other.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619
    edited May 2023

    Before de BP bonuses for the role needing more players I was playing about 80% killer and 20% survivor, but after the BP bonus in the last months I play about 65% killer 35% survivor, I play survivor mainly in the mornings with the 100% BP bonus, the main thing which kept me from playing survivor more frequently was the underwhelming amount of BP you earn in that role (very slow progression), specially in soloQ. The BP bonus fixed that, so I'm very happy playing survivor more frequently now.😊

    Anyway, I'll always be main killer.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    I agree playing both sides up to at least a competent level would go a long way towards lessing the us vs. themisms.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 147

    I'm probably 70/30 Killer to Survivor. I'd say I enjoy Killer more than Survivor but at this point I don't think I enjoy either side all that much. I suppose what I should say is that, on the rare occasion a match isn't horrible for me, the satisfaction I get from outplaying Survivors is greater than the satisfaction I get from outplaying Killer.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I consider myself a killer main, but I play a good portion of survivors. It was about 70/30, but I would say its now more to 60/40, because I got a group of likeminded players with whom I can play. The split is not even, most people gravitate more to one role then the other, but there are indeed players who only play one role. And let me tell you, there are a LOT more survivor only players then killer only players. Killer only players exists, but they are somewhat rare, while there are some survivor mains who won't touch killer at all, but just play with their friends.

    I firmly believe that this is one of the reason a lot of resentments stem from. If you walk a couple of miles in the other roles shoes, you get a much better understanding of the game, and especially of its many flaws. I think more main players should play the other role once for a while, just to get a feeling for the other sides problems. Even when playing survivor I often feel bad for the killer when we totally dominate and stomp them, but also feel like totally angry when they chose to tunnel the first survivor they find at 5 gens. And I always reprimant survivors who disrespect the killer for no reason at all, but its a mostly futile battle.

    Whatever, I am pretty confident that I have seen most of the stuff this game has to offer, I have finished all tomes besides a couple of survivor challenges in the current tome, and gotten all the achievments, so I know my way around both roles.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2023

    I think the large majority play both sides, not equally but at the very least to get some tome challenges or when queues are too long. I rarely see DBD players who play only one role, and it's usually either bc killer gives them motion sickness or because they only play with their friends, and therefore only survivor. There's like at most 5 ppl I've seen saying they only ever play one role simply because they don't like the other.

    I personnally go where the matchmaking incentives lead me, which is survivor most of the time in my case, until I've completed all my challenges for the current tome for one side and then I sit in queue to finish the other (and then I go back to following incentives).

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  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    60/40 in favor of survivor. I play more survivor when my friends are on, more killer when they're not.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I flip flop between the 2. Play whatever is necessary for my daily rituals, then usually surv if I have friends on or killer if I'm solo. Feels 50/50. So many people on the forums clearly play one role a lot more than the other.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610

    I just play whatever Im in the mood for.

    I dont really have an exact ratio but I assume it is rather even.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I'm like 90/10 or 95/5 in favor of killer.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348

    Basically this. The availability of 2 friends (like 90% of the time one of them) decides how much I play survivor most of the time, and it's usually somewhere around 50-50, probably swinging towards 70-30 in one way or the other periodically. Lately I've been playing mostly killer to be honest as that one friend has been unavailable.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    You don't need to play both sides to empathise on a basic level. I don't need to give birth to understand that it's a slightly uncomfortable experience (understatement). I only play Solo Q Survivor but I can still see that getting chain stunned by a SWF with Head On or Flashlights is a miserable experience. You shouldn't have to experience something to understand how it affects someone else.

    Although, if you're the sort of player who thinks that one side can win with no skill and the other requires a PHD for success, then you should definitely play as both.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited May 2023

    I play survivors 99,9% of the time, because it's a team game.

    But today I played quite a few killer games. When I get off work, the incentive is usually on killer tbh and I wanted to take advantage of the double BP before it ends.

    I enjoy Bird Lady, also played some Pyramid Head today, but I'm still really bad at him, but he was rather fun. I would say I like killers whose power you can aim, like Wesker, Pyramid Head, Bird Lady. Since I play League of Legends and the champions I play have skillshots, I find this type of playstyle more fun, although it can be more challenging until you get the hang of it.

    Just closed my evening with a game where survivors decided to be cute, so I decided to let them live. It feels only fitting for Bird Lady to be a friendly killer.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 614

    I used to play 50/50 but lately it's been almost exclusively killer, and go weeks without touching survivor. So I guess 95/5 in favor for killer?

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I currently play 70/30 too but its mostly because in times I can play the BP is almost always on survivor.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,720

    I play probably 80% killer and 20% survivor. I've always preferred the power role in asyms, and killer feels a lot more varied and engaging to me. I'm always interacting with someone as killer, where as survivor sometimes I'll just gen jockey and not get in a single chase the entire game.

    Although sometimes if killer feels like to much pressure, or if I have a limited time frame to play, I'll go with survivor.

    Also it's definitely important to play both rolls at least a little bit, as it will help you with your preferred role. If you know what it's like to play against your main, you learn their counters which helps you play around them.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I play a lot more surv, I think I'll be 80/20 in favor of surv since it's a lot more chill. I've always played a lot more killer, but since it's too stressful now (and I have a bit of a stress problem) I prefer to stay in the chill and play more surv and killer when it happens

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    Initially, 90/10 with killer being 90. Then, almost exclusively just huntress lol. Now, I would say I play about 60/40 still favoring killer but that gap is closing.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm 50/50, straight down the middle. Both roles are fun, with different challenges, playstyles and techniques. It feels like I'd be paying double for the game, were I to just focus on one. There's much more for me to get out of it this way.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    100% killer. I've never even played survivor. I've been thinking about it though.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We play both with how much of each role depending on how we feel that day or if friends are online.

    It is Abit sad that most don't play both sides for more than just dailies.

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    The problem isn't if people play just one side, you should play what you enjoy. But it's those people then trying to force/promote balance changes based off of incomplete or biased information.

    I play mostly Survivor, never played Killer before a year or so ago, so my early takes were clearly flawed. My opinions now may still be in a lot of cases, which is why I refrain from commenting on certain topics. I'm pretty casual with the game but enjoy watching DBD content, reading the forums, and seldom commenting. So now if I don't feel I have a valid or informed complaint or opinion, I refrain from commenting.

    Unfortunately, many people do try to present flawed buffs/nerfs in service of their side because they aren't knowledgeable on the other side's experience, and overall balance. It's part of why the forum experience can be so frustrating at times.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I play now 40/60 in favour of survivor. The bp bonus is mostly on survivor and I like to play whichever side has it. I mostly play with one friend and sadly you can play killer only alone. But I have days when I only play one side.

    Most players probably play lot more survivor than killers as the ratio is supposed to be 20/80 in favour of survivor. I know there is lot of those who only play survivor and maybe has played couple games of killer if ever.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I would definitely consider myself a killer main still but I am probably 90/10 in favor of survivor for the last 6 months.