Raccoon City Police Station West Wing (Raccoon City)
We'd like to know what you think about the West Wing variant of the Raccoon City Police Station map, part of the Raccoon City realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Raccoon City Police Station West Wing (Raccoon City) 169 votes
This is library side open? 🤷♂️ well.. pretty much same as the East side anyways so same comment applies here mostly.
though i do miss the upper stairs in the library. They were a nightmare for balance but aesthetics and casually I miss it.
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This is the least map I want to play as survivor (and sometimes even as killer).
I just think this map is not adaptable in a game as DBD unless it is redesigned from scratch but this would entail a loss of fidelity to the original game.
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West Wing is way more interactive than East Wing but it has worse gameplay. There are a lot more pallets and resources than on East Wing and survivors actually get to choose places to run to instead of just being stuck in one long, bendy hallway. The biggest problem with west wing is there aren't enough places to go between the floors, there are only two stairs that lead up, one in the back, and the short corridor by the library. A killer can camp by the library and have complete information of anyone entering west wing from east and proxy camp people hooked there.
The map is extremely easy to navigate, which is a plus.
By the way, is there a reason the women's shower has two washing machines, a scale, and drugs in it but the men's shower doesn't?
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Both RPD maps are tough... even with splitting it into two it takes a long time to cross, and those without prior or extensive knowledge about the layout will struggle big time. There are only a few good pallets, windows aren't anything crazy, looping isn't all that interesting and most killer's powers feel very limited by the cramped space.
This map is beautiful and it's nice to see something so accurate to the original, but that doesn't end up being practical for DBD. Stealth killers can have fun here, mobility killers can pull some moves off but are limited, and M1 killers sort of just suffer.
The library is obviously a lot more toned down than before... in fact I barely see it get used.
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Just plays horribly for many killers because of the narrow corridors, cutting people off is rough because they have many different ways to go, therefore enabling more hold w gameplay. Especially the stairs in the main hall are ridiculous for that...
As survivor you can hide fairly easily, whereas as killer your tracking is limited, because you don't see scratch marks in the distance and crows are rarely use full either.
If the survivors play somewhat stealthy it favors them quite alot, as they could be God knows where when you finally arrive.
The map also feels frustrating because of its layout, oftentimes you know exactly where someone is because you hear the Gen above, but you will take another 20-30 seconds to get there...
I dont like the map for either side, as it does not offer fun or interactive gameplay, no cutting people off, no tricking the killer with your patching, as he will straight follow anyway, because everything else is way too risky...
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This map has some guaranteed pallets and it's easy to memorize if you play this map you can loop the killer for a long time and it can be annoying for killers, the "main" where you have stairs left and right is annoying against Hope, overall feels like a balanced map after the rework
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I don't have much to say about West wing that I didn't already say about East, though I think this version is slightly more fun for survivors overall since there are a few more options on where to go and it's slightly less prone to 3-genning than East can be (though it's not really terrible on East wing anymore, it's loose enough of a 3 gen that the anti 3-gen mechanic mostly fixed it).
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West side definately way stronger for survivors than East side. And i mean WAY STRONGER.
Overall about both RPD: don't like it on both sides. There is very little actual looping, only predrops of god pallets or constant shift+w, what is boring. But it's way better after rework anyway.
Also many killers can't use their powers here at full potential. Have no idea how to make it better tbf, but there are many worse map for both sides i guess.
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Raccoon City Police Station is a licensed indoors map that classifies as one of the worst designed realms in the game, and after its rework, the resulting maps combine the most unpleasant traits from each indoors map that preceded them. The intrusive over-saturated line of sight blockers that cripple so many killer powers from Treatment Theatre & The Underground Complex; the numerous, easy to use & very powerful pallets from The Game; and the awkward navigation from Midwich Elementary School that removes the ability to cut off survivors in chase & heavily enhances defending hooks by controlling the limited entrances.
All the amalgamated issues along with the incredibly fixed layout (where all the pallets have a few predictable spots & the one that may not spawn depends on the position of the pallet of the adjacent room) provide such powerful safety in which the killer can't cut off and gets their line of sight blocked most of the time; and the survivors can keep running and switching floors while making use of the resources in the way to extend the distance. With such uninteractive chases, most killers are heavily incentiviced to play into territorial tactics and / or follow alternative strategies of reduced interactions with the survivors.
The main hall counts with a very powerful pallet and possibly the strongest distance holder in the game, where survivors can make optimal use of their headstart while keeping track of the killer and leaving no room to get cut off. The open nature of the hall shuts down the potential for an ambush to a certain degree. Defending a survivor on the central hook while controlling the access to both wings of the map can offer a notable advantage to the killer.
The main gate outside section is a large scale distance holder where the survivors can force the killer into a time wasting long detour in chase if they count with a severe headstart. The generator that often spawns there is usually not worth patrolling and it is also hard to ambush. The hooks in this section can be very powerful to defend since it is very easy to control the entrances.
RPD West Wing can be considered survivor sided, since the chases are so one sided in the survivors' favor and the generator spread is quite wide due to both wings covering the whole length of the police department. The limited space of the East Wing still counts with the outside section of the main gate. The exclusive sections (at the West Wing) of this variant include very powerful pallets around the STARS office and also at the West Wing exit gate.
The issues of this realm are very hard to treat given the licensed nature of it, very creative solutions are required to mitigate the uninteractive gameplay that the map handles.
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West side is notoriously survivor sided because you can pre-run ahead of the killer. The killer cannot cut you off and has to follow scratch marks blindly. It is basically hold-w simulator map for majority of killers. This is especially terrible for 4.4 killers like Deathslinger.
RPD East wing is killer sided because the killer can avoid going to east side of the map and simply play on left side where the map has notorious 3 gen to break.
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The more interesting of the two RPDs, this version has much more playable space, but survivors benefit from bigger maps and keep the strongest parts of east wing in addition to everything gained from west wing. I preferred when they were one map regardless of balance (except upstairs in the library)
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A lot worse than it's east side counterpart.
The map is bigger and less linear compared to East Wing, shifting the balance in Survivors' favor.
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I don't get how this is, compared to east, survivor sided? It's simply harder for both sides and I enjoy east more on survivor just as much as on killer!
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If the killer knows the shortcuts, then survivors are pretty much F'ed up! I play as killer on both variations and gotta say, barely any player knows both maps. And the original was a lot in survivors favour and I could get a lot of 4Ks. PPL simply can't navigate this map!
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What Survivors do you play against???
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I know it sounds silly, but could you please add Rebecca's basketball photo from RE2 as an Easter-egg to Wesker's office (the small office space in the STARS office)? Maybe when you finish the Gen or break the totem the drawer falls out and reveals it or something? I always liked that detail about Wesker and Rebecca.
I also generally think Raccoon City needs some more maps for variety (the city itself, The Nest, Spencer Mansion). It is a shame that there is no Umbrella focused map.
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Again, this map is just a w-key until you catch up to the Survivor.
Except this side has access to a second court yard which has a god pallet. The Stars Office which is a strong tile into a god pallet, into Library (which is a strong pallet).
Awful map design.
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In addition to being generally considered more survivor-sided than East, which sucks when I'm playing Killer, I find this variant of RPD comes up far less frequently for me than East, so whenever it does I am constantly running face-first into walls during chase where I expect there to be doorways because I have only gotten RPD East often enough to memorize its layout. I think while there were some improvements from the RPD rework, splitting it has caused me far more problems than I ever had on it before the rework. The way the variant versions of RPD are basically the same indoor space makes it so much more confusing to navigate, memorize, and also there's (at least as far as I can tell) no way to tell which version of the map I'm on until I try to run into a wall I expected to be a doorway.
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Me, probably. I almost never get West, so whenever I do get it on survivor I'm always running myself straight into dead-ends or face first into walls that I expected to be doorways because it's 3x as hard to learn 2 different layouts for RPD as it was to learn the 1 single larger RPD layout pre-rework.
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I'm not someone that cares much about whether a map is favoring one site or the other, this is simply my favorite map in the game and I enjoy playing it as killer as well as survivor. But maybe I'm just weird. I enjoyed the old RPD and since the split West is the side I favor.
West Wing = Best Wing.
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PLEASE add more lockers on both RPD maps, most maps in general need more lockers but RPD is notoriously awful for Dredge, there are so many areas he just can’t teleport too cuz there are zero lockers
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Large and lots of god pallets. God pallets make for boring gameplay loop. This map is also a race against time for the survivors in terms of resources. There are many pallets but as many as say The Game so once those pallets are gone, there is little to much of any safety for survivors. So if survivors split and slam gens its an easy win for them but if they dont the killer can drag the match out long enough to where survivors dont have pallets left. Other big issue is how the killer can stand at the bottom of the main stair sets and pretty much complete divided the map lot letting anyone pass by making for easy camps.
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They are mainly skilled survivors, above 2k hours and some with P100 and they lose to me cuz don't know the map.
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Hallway running simulator, pre-run shift W through hallways until your finger hurts