It’s been RPD every other game with no offerings. What happened to map repeat prevention?

Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
edited May 22 in General Discussions

The game just sent me to RPD twice in a row and before that I’ve been getting this ass map every other game. Is there a bug going on or am I the unluckiest player alive? Also whatever happened to that map repeat prevention feature the devs made a huge deal of a while ago? Did they ever implement it cuz it sure ain’t working atm.
and it’s always the sht maps like why can’t Coal Tower be bugged? I wouldn’t mind that at all but no it’s RPD we get…

Post edited by Flawless_ on


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Is it the East Wing? Because I had 4 trials in a row - 2 as Killer and 2 as Survivor - all on that map. Somethings off.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,601

    I went to Gas Heaven twice in a row a few days ago. There's definitely something up.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323

    Yeah East Wing for me too. Something got messed up.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    I don't know why they boost map probabilities. It's really annoying when there are bad maps in the rotation and you keep getting them.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    This is to do with the map boostings, some maps each week will be boosted to appear more frequently.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    It's just one week. Well, next week other maps will be boosted, but you'll be fine. This is just for the pre masquerade event. And if you want, use your own map offering if you're tired of rpd

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is actually one of my favorite maps on both sides, so I'm happy to see it more.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,473

    Same, second only to Midwich. Killer or survivor, these maps are fun and challenging imo.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
    edited May 22

    What? Why?? This is bad however you look at it. Given that RPD is overwhelmingly considered a terribly balanced map that most players dislike.

    Either you guys are aware of this, and you’re still forcing everyone to play that map multiple times in a row, which is a terrible experience for everyone imo.

    OR you’re unaware of this which could lead a reasonable person to interpret it as case #472947352 of the devs being out of touch with the playerbase. I hope that’s not the case.

    But worst of all, afaik nobody announced this map boosting feature which directly contradicts your own reasoning for implementing a map repeat prevention system in the first place.

    Could we at least know why certain maps are being boosted weekly?

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323

    I’m glad RPD is your favorite map, and you’re certainly entitled to that opinion. However, you’re in the minority and RPD is almost universally considered a poorly designed map. The reasons for that have already been talked about since the map came out so I won’t enumerate them here, but I think it’s fair to say being sent to RPD is a negative experience for the majority of players. Now imagine getting that map 4 times in a row.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 22

    The majority of people have a lot of bad takes, maps can be one of them. Opinions are totally fine, but actually saying bad design I disagree. I actually think indoor maps, RPD included, are much healthier design for the game. I would like to actually hear your reasons why you think it's a bad map and have some discourse on the topic.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
    edited May 23

    Thank you. Sucks having the same map 4x in a row tho. Normally when there are boosted maps the rate is higher but you still get some variety. It's been RPD one game after another. Still, appreciate the clarification but it's extremely boring to get the same exact map every game when there's 30+ maps in the game.

  • Pat00tSack
    Pat00tSack Member Posts: 72

    I've been constantly getting RPD or Dead Dawg unless there's a map offering. It sucks. I need some variety.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Regardless of map boosting, the non-repeat feature should be stopping the same map appearing twice, and last time I checked there were 4 maps which were boosted. This hadn't happened the previous weeks, so if the non-repeat feature could always be maintained then we'd appreciate it.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited May 24

    During this event I have seen RPD on repeat, Eyrie repeat, Game twice, Lerys once, and not a single classic map from McMillan or Coldwind or anything (maybe once or twice, but super rare).

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    When map boosting is in place that overrides the map repeat prevention (intentionally). There's 6 maps per week that are boosted

  • Sunflower_Mage
    Sunflower_Mage Member Posts: 34

    So far I've gotten:

    8 RPD East
    1 RPD West
    2 Dead Dawg
    6 Sanctum of Wrath

  • DerpedByDave
    DerpedByDave Member Posts: 53

    Had the same thing happen ended up thinking it was bugged and stopped playing, read on here about the map boosting thing and all I can say is no one wants or asked for RPD to be boosted but it's good to know I'll be taking week long breaks when ######### maps get boosted, this is a great idea if the games trying to lower it's player count.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Also it's worth keeping in mind that map prevention I thiiiink only stops the EXACT same map appearing twice in a row. There's nothing stopping you getting West Wing -> East Wing -> West Wing → East Wing.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Play any ranged Killer or Killer with a dash ability like Blight, Wesker, Oni, or Hillbilly on this map. At it's very best RPD is a heavily flawed map and at its worst, it's a map that will cause you as a Killer to lose badly because survivors hold W on this map or as a Survivor be kept captive because your team didn't complete the gens in the right order leading to a very, very long game of trying to break a 3 gen.

    No offense, but you are in the extreme minority of people who think RPD is a good map. The fact that most Killers struggle hard on this map says a lot about it and how it needed to be reworked faster than any other map in the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 24

    Ranged killers or dash killers are not a good reason for why it’s bad. Outdoor maps are bad for stealth killers too, but that’s totally fine I guess. Also, all the dash killers are already high tier killers anyway unlike stealth killers who are naturally weak and could use the extra help. So if anything maps leaning better for already weak killers is better than maps leaning better for already naturally strong killers.

    I disagree on the hold w as well. Outdoor maps are what encourage hold w gameplay as you can see the killer coming from a mile away. Indoor maps such as RPD disincentivize holding w because many times you can’t tell what direction the killers coming from because of all the LoS blockers.

    3 genning is not an issue on RPD. I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever lost a game on RPD because of a 3 gen.

    Most killers do not struggle on RPD.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Sunflower_Mage
    Sunflower_Mage Member Posts: 34

    Which all makes sense, as its Nemesis's map. Ranged attack with tentacle. Zombies that can body block and/or injure survivors. Lots of hallways and tight walkways aside from the entrance room. Nemesis adept even comes with aura reading at the start of match with lethal pursuer.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Thank you for your reply. Can't say I'm a fan of that aspect. Would much rather the system finds a way to prevent side-by-side repeats and just increase the chances of those maps appearing. Just some feedback.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    oh its working, but "boosted" maps completely ignore it by design. kinda backwards imo.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    I swear if Midwich or Haddonfield is boosted I'm leaving that week 😭😭😭😭

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 24

    They're boosting maps I'm not sure why they think it's a good idea to kill variety each week with unfun maps

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Trappers traps stick out like a sore thumb on this map

    Curving with Hilllbilly is unnecessarily difficult because of how many LOS blockers there are with doorways, and you can barely run with him for long distances turning him essentially into an M1 killer with a decent insta-down

    Nurse struggles with LOS blockers and how many thin hallways there are making it so that sometimes your blinks will shoot you either past your target or not at all

    Huntress with LOS blockers

    Leatherface with how many tight spots there are making it very easy to crash

    Oni with LOS blockers making it hard to flick with his power, and many awkward loop shapes

    Deathslinger with LOS blockers and how holding W on this map hurts him

    Phead with weird loop shapes making his power more difficult to hit

    Blight with how many tight corridors there are making his power difficult to hit

    Trickster with LOS blockers causing him to take extra time to down survivors

    Artist with weird loop shapes and multi floor making it very easy to hop in a locker and deny her power

    Dredge because this map has singlehandedly one of the worst locker spawns in all of DBD making his power borderline unusable on this map

    Wesker because of LOS blockers and weird loop shapes

    And finally, the Knight who will constantly have his guards get caught on map collision and how many LOS blockers there are making it so dropping a guard instantly will usually not work

    RPD encourages holding W because the map has so many loops that can be chained one after another making it so that you can make chases absolutely awful for the Killer. Open maps will always have that hold W aspect to them but at the very least ranged and dash Killers can reach them fast, not on RPD because of the LOS blockers.

    3 Gen isn't a super common problem on RPD, but it is a problem that can definitely exist on it. Certain Killers, like Singularity or SM can get lucky with map generation and if they do then they can make it incredibly difficult to break the 3 gen. Granted, it's not an RPD-exclusive problem but given how the map doesn't have that many strong window loops it makes it incredibly difficult to loop the Killer at all after most of the pallets have been consumed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think you are wrong on many killers.

    Dredge excels. God tier map on Onryo. Excels on Wesker. Excels on Trapper. At least mid if not excels with PH. At least mid with Knight. Literally ALL stealth killers excel on this map idk how you could put any of them lower. Hag is at least mid if not excels.

    I think there were many killers you put as way worse than they are on this map.

    "RPD encourages holding W because the map has so many loops that can be
    chained one after another making it so that you can make chases
    absolutely awful for the Killer. Open maps will always have that hold W
    aspect to them but at the very least ranged and dash Killers can reach
    them fast, not on RPD because of the LOS blockers."

    The chaining is not nearly as good as most outdoor maps and the chaining here is way harder as you can actually force them to play a loop easier than most outdoor maps. You are vastly under realizing how much of an impact seeing the killer a mile away on outdoor maps has on hold w play. Also making indoor maps sound worse for way more killers than there actually are. It's actually quite a small group of killers that are actually hindered by indoor maps. Way smaller than your examples.

    "3 Gen isn't a super common problem on RPD, but it is a problem that can
    definitely exist on it. Certain Killers, like Singularity or SM can get
    lucky with map generation and if they do then they can make it
    incredibly difficult to break the 3 gen. Granted, it's not an
    RPD-exclusive problem but given how the map doesn't have that many
    strong window loops it makes it incredibly difficult to loop the Killer
    at all after most of the pallets have been consumed."

    3 genning isn't an issue anymore on any killer, on any map. Between killer changes, map changes, and perk changes it is just not an issue any more at all. Much less on RPD.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 856

    Heaven forbid that mobility killers have a level that's not their cup of tea. All killers have levels they don't prefer.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 427

    I really, really dislike the boosted maps. How the devs thought this was a good idea is beyond me. I got so sick of playing RPD that I’ve stopped playing altogether for the past few days. Seems like a pretty terrible way to encourage higher player counts during the anniversary event.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 408

    I understand the purpose of the map boosting for the pre anniversary stuff but this is kinda overboard if I’m being honest. Getting the same maps 6 times in a row is way too much even for boosted maps.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Dredge does not excel at all, on both variants of maps there are many, many areas where there are no lockers to teleport to. There's none outside, none in the middle, and the ones that are there are often placed in spots that give survivors plenty of time to react. Some of the strongest loops on RPD cannot be used with his anti-loop rendering him an M1 killer most of the time. Not all stealth Killers excel on this map.

    As for Michael Myers and GF, just because they're stealth Killers doesn't mean they're S-tier on this map. At their core, they're M1 Killers, and going up against Survivors who know how to chain the tiles together on this map makes it much more difficult to secure downs with them.

    At best Wesker's mid on this map. The amount of LOS blockers already makes his power more difficult to use than usual.

    Knights AI is currently very buggy and can get caught very quickly on map collision and get stuck for the rest of the chase. RPD being a map with a lot of tight corridors renders his power damn near useless, and I know this because I main him partly.

    Trapper's traps literally stick out like a sore thumb on this map, as long as the survivors are proactive and know how a Trapper plays he will struggle hard on this map. The bright, concrete floor completely clashes with his black traps, and with no grass to hide it in there is no way you can hide them for a sneaky trap. Hag also suffers the same effect albeit not as badly.

    With LOS blockers Pheads power goes from extremely threatening to a very big 50/50. If a Survivor you're chasing decides to break LOS and you have your power down you either cancel it or you bet on your attack hitting them through the wall. The staircases also hurt his power a lot unless you're in a very, very niche scenario.

    Like I said before, every map always has a certain level of W hold and RPD is worse than most simply because dash and ranged killers suffer on it more than any other Killer. There are many vaults and especially god pallets that can make catching up to survivors feel like a slog. The staircase in the middle can be looped in a way that guarantees a safe vault no matter how you chase them, etc.

    3 Genning is still a extremely good strat, it's just not an unbeatable one like it used to be. With 3 gens you still limit the ability for Survivors to get gens done by a long time by simply just grouping the gens together, and since RPD is an indoor map it hurts a lot more since most Survivors tend to do the safest and furthest gens leaving the dangerous and close together ones left.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    I mean…yeah? Most if not all indoor maps tend to be on the more unpopular side because they limit most Killers' abilities. The game was designed and still is designed for open maps, not indoors.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 660
    edited May 25

    Unfortunately, game designers rarely listen their community when they take the worst decisions without prior notice about their own game…