Give us 3 or 4 perks per Bloodweb instead of 1-2

One of the biggest reasons the grind in this game is so annoying is that you only get a chance to nab ONE perk per blood level. Because of this; getting perks I want or leveling perks I currently have becomes a chore.
A simple solution is to give us an extra perk in the bloodweb so we can get 2 per level. All of a sudden the grind is more tolerable.
I agree with this. It's the simpler way to reduce the grind
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I adore the grind in this game, making something like this would just make the game less worthwhile to play cause you wouldn't have to play as much and that's what I feel is great about the game you have to play a lot in order to get things. So, I personally don't think this should be a thing :/
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I kinda agree with this guy in a way. I mean the grind is only really bad if you try to p3 everyone and get all perks. If this was to be done, it would only really make sense for killer.
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Naw its fine the way it is if its really hard for you then just bring BBQ with a pudding EZ 100k bloodpoints
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If? Getting all the perks is one of the main goals. A lot of perks really help with playstyles and you want as much freedom as possible when setting up builds
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It would be much easier to just remove perk tiers, cuz this wouldn't involve to rework the bloodweb and entity consumption
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I would much rather they didnt remove perk tiers. I like seeing different tiers as it gives a sense of personal improvement. Not to mention we currently dont have enough perks to keep at least a decent balance between grindy and balanced.
Honestly, the bloodweb is perfect as it is and needs no changes. The only needed adjustment would be to implement the 2-perk per bloodweb idea.
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I like this idea hopefully @Peanits or @MandyTalk see this and pass it along.
After you have unlocked every perk and want to prestige the grind is insane. You could prestige a character get back to 50 and not get tier 1 of the base characters perk.
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What if when you prestige a character it starts you off with a random half of the perks tier one on your character? And then you can get 3-4 perks on your bloodweb? The grind would be reduced but still be grindy enough.
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When you get Bamboozle and NOED, and a bunch of other useless perks at level 50 and all you get any other level is Distressing and Deerstalker.
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@fcc2014 I would support the idea of having more perks on the bloodweb at this stage as there are an increasing amount of perks and that would give the option of being able to buy 2 perks per bloodweb, which is especially useful when you hit Level 50 - and I will definitely pass that idea along.
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@MandyTalk wouldnt it be not easier to just remove the tier 1 and 2s?
Or, ok, for the moment just tier 1? You still had to level 100 bloodwebs to get everything you want and the amount of perks are increasing every 3 months.
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Having to play hundreds of hours just to unlock all perks for one role and then get them all onto one character that you likely wanted to get to P3 first, thus adding a lot of time to the grind, is not appealing to the majority, and with good reason. This sort of grind should not be for perks, but for items and cosmetics only.
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Obviously I don't get to decide as much as I'd love to :) I just get to pass along ideas.
I personally don't mind the different tiers of the perks as I think some grind is necessary for the involvement in the game itself, however giving the option of more perks per bloodweb would help to give more choice, and I think that might be easier to implement into the game rather than removing and then rewording the levels of all the perks.
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This or removing perk tiers would be a good idea.
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I fully agree: 3 perks per Bloodweb from level 45, 4 perks per Bloodweb at level 50.
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Thank you so much!