Favourite Old Games

CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

For the ps3 it has to be Bo1. I can't even think of anything that comes close. Multiplayer and Zombies were amazing, and Reznov just made the Campaign the best in the cod series.

Ps2 is tougher because I have 3 in mind. GunGrave, Def Jam FFNY and R&C3. All are amazing games but R&C3 holds a special place in my heart.

Nintendo DS: Mario Kart or 42 All Time Classics. When I was younger playing these together in the same room with my mates was the best.



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t remember when it was made but I use to love a game by Kingsisle called Wizard 101.

  • pootis_Bear
    pootis_Bear Member Posts: 645

    @TreemanXD like in 2008 And I loved that game

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @pootis_Bear I was a level 57 life wizard before putting my wand down.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    I don't remember how the game was called, it was a second part and you were a pilot of a space fighter.

    The game was divided among 4 factions, blue from earth (your), red from mars (with a base on the moon) and orange (pirates from venus which you used to have an alliance for a few missions), later in the game the green one arrives (aliens). 3 final missions are focused on destroying their invasion mothership.

    If anyone have an idea how this game is called (it was 3d game) i will be very grateful for this information.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Midtown Madness (1999)

    I loved this game as a kid!

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    Hmm these are probably based on age I was at the time so in descending order...

    Ps3: Bioshock series (mostly 1-2), fallout series (New vegas and 3), silent hill HD, borderlands series, infamous 1/2

    Wii: Mario kart obviously, mario party 8, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (this game was so pretty even though it was on the wii like #########)

    Ps2: Ratchet and clank series, spiderman 2 (also used to love watching my dad play The Thing game, he tried to get me to play it but just no, I thought it was horrifying at the time -2002- but interesting enough to watch this coming from the child who had no problems with MK rip)

    ps1: Crash series and spyro series

    Sega genesis: Mortal kombat (yes this was my first game and I played this as a child around the same time as the ps1 above so rip) apparently I also loved Alex Kidd but I have no memory of this???

    Also played DS but let's just admit that was purely pokemon as a kid.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Kiskashi Mario kart was awesome and so was Mario party 8.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    @TreemanXD Definitely, I used to play them both a lot with my sister when we were kids, good memories. What was your favorite track in mario kart and favourite character to play as in mario party 8?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Maybe a rather unpopular opinion, but I never really enjoyed the Crash Bandicoot games. I only enjoyed the ones later in the series, namely Crash of the Titans and Mind Over Mutant. Twinsanity was pretty good as well.

    I also LOVE detective games, those where you have to solve a murder. The CSI games were amazing for this. Always played them on the highest difficulty to test myself and I had lots of fun with them. I am a bit sad in the lack of proper murder investigation games nowadays though.

    And The Simpsons Hit and Run game was a masterpiece. And so was The Simpsons Game. So many fun memories.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    The Lost Vikings! The first one especially. And it was even ported to the modern consoles!

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    @PigNRun YES, twinsanity was amazing. Crash of the titans was also pretty good. I just have a nostalgia for the 2nd game in particular because my sister and I used to switch control when we died and tag teamed that entire game 😂 Not unpopular at all to me, I get it, I just personally had fun because I played it as a challenge with family

    HOW COULD I FORGET SIMPSONS HIT AND RUN?? THAT WAS A GEM. Great reminder 👍️ Also not entirely murder investigation but I did really enjoy Heavy rain, LA Noire and the dangan ronpa series (that last one is cringy but I liked collecting evidence, class trials and the style and the executions etc, it was such a mashup of murder and cutesy)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Spiderman 2 was class. Ps4 one was better in my opinion but I loved that game.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    @CashelP14 Haven't tried the new one yet because I've rarely seen it drop in price (in fact I've seen it go up occasionally and I recently put down money for BL3 already, spiderman was more a childhood thing for me so it keeps getting pushed back by other games...) but I loved the freeroam in the ps2 version, I used to just to latch on to helicopters and jump from the tallest skyscraper just to swing at the last second before hitting the ground. It felt really smooth at the time (ofc I'd hope a newer version would be better haha). Looking forward to trying the new one soon though.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited May 2019

    @Kiskashi rainbow road and toad//waluigi .

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    @TreemanXD Rainbow road was amazingly fun, I think maple treeway was my absolute favourite personally though, with all the little boosts etc you could get. (+ the drifting was insane if you could nail it)

    Waluigi? perfect.👍️ Always felt like mario, peach, yoshi and DK were a little too lucky at times...🤔

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Plants vs Zombies is best game, don't @ me

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    👏 MINECRAFT 👏 ON 👏 X🅱️OX 👏

    Oh, I also played the heck out of "Spelunky." I played "Animal Crossing: City Folk" a ton. I feel like none of y'all have heard of this, but I played on Andkon Arcade (basically, just a site for flash games) to an absurd amount. And the last thing I can remember is "Super Paper Mario," on the Wii... Screw that STUPID part you have to enter the 9 year long code in the desert place.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    My favorite old game is Super Smash Bros Melee. 1v1 me final destination only. >:D

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited May 2019

    I always remember the "My balloon" kid who I always tried to piss off. Get the ps4 one, you will absolutely love it trust me.

    If the ps2 web swinging felt good, this feels even better.

    Post edited by CashelP14 on
  • pushkina
    pushkina Member Posts: 130

    Super mario world. The best mario game ever.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,566

    I love the original Tomb Raider series, the graphics were so bad compared to today's standards but the games were fun. I also have a soft spot for a little known game Giants Citizen Kabuto, it was a fun game to play and the voice lines were pretty funny.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Commander Keen, Bio Menace, Teenagent...

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428


    I didnt put Danganronpa because it doesnt really classify as old game. That franchise is definitely one of my favourites of all time.

    I never got into Heavy Rain. The only remarkable from it that I remember is the glitch at the end of the game which would let you yell "SHAUN!" endlessly.

  • Ring_Ring
    Ring_Ring Member Posts: 12

    Favorite old games, you say?

    Easy favorites of mine are Animal Crossing, Age of Empires (mainly Age of Mythology), Minecraft, Pac Man, Dig Dug, Pokemon, and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Sacrifice. Yes, a game from 2000. To this day, the most brilliant RTS game. Very intricate world, campaign is full of humour. Multiplayer is viciously hard to master, but intense. There are still a handful of maniacs playing it.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,034

    Bo2 is my favorite CoD game to date

    Kingdom hearts is my favorite Ps2 game

    and on handheld is none

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    PS2: Ratchet&Clank series, Kingdom Hearts 1&2, Final Fantasy X, Shadow of the Colussus, God of War series, Spyro series, Monster Hunter

    Also every Pokemon game till black&white but would say Emerald is my all time favourite of all Pokemon games.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,034

    @Orti I played almost every Pokemon game, because I am a boring person so I can tell you Emerald is possibly the best one of them all, because its a good boy

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Orti when I was young I only had R&C 2 and 3. I literally didn't know till the series was brought to ps3 that there was a first game lol

    Because they had names like locked and loaded and up your arsenal I thought they were the first.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Hoodedfengm1n I prefer the zombies in bo2. I think I'm the only person who liked tranzit and die rise.

    Honestly the map I played the least was mob of the dead.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,034

    @CashelP14 Holy #########, you and I are alike, I liked tranzit and die rise

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Hoodedfengm1n I liked how I could train away from everyone else. Purely trained at the bus depot on tranzit.

    Die rise was just a nice map to sit back and camp like der riese on World at War and Bo1.

    Although favourite was buried/origins. Wish they would allow backwards compatibility on ps4. Hopefully ps5.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,034

    @CashelP14 When I play Die Rise I would train around the entire map, Tranzit I would move around rarely on the bus, I would just enter the fog to have some fun and kill the denizens with my gun before they latch onto me

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    @Hoodedfengm1n Emerald was a great game so many nice Pokemon to raise and train hahaha I also loved the story

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    @CashelP14 they made a remake of the first game for PS4 with some stuff from the movie too that was also really fun to play. My personal favourite is the second game would love a remake of this. The third game was a great end for the trilogy but the endboss in the second game was quite hard compared to the other games and I have a lot of good memories to that game and the series in general haha

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Orti yea I played the ps4 version and I liked it but it's nowhere near as good as the original series. Also should have added A Crack In Time to my list because that game is exceptional.

    Yea I always loved the second. The only reason I love the 3rd more is because of the guns and story.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Spyro series, Jak series, Legend of Zelda series, that Mario 64 game, Mortal Kombat, and let's not forget, Minecraft.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @ShrekIsHot jak 2 was my favourite of the series but I never had the opportunity to play the first.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110