What killers do great with Monitor and abuse?

What killers do great with Monitor and Abuse? I know shape does great with it but what other killers do great with it?
Hag is phenomenal with it, but frankly i like running it on Plague cause it lets you get much closer much before they run away. Killers who are more dangerous once close like Billy and Bubba benefit from it a lot too.
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It can be a useful perk on many different killers, I love the increased FOV as well. I've used it on Myers a few times as well as Piggy.
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Ok thanks
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Hag is amazing with it especially with a dark skin and dark map because she’s short.
i like it on clown too, but I don’t have many perks yet so maybe that’s what why.
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I enjoy using It on Plague, very solid for her.
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Myers, Pig, Legion, and depending on the build, spirit as well.
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I think the only killer it's not good for is Doctor because it shrinks his static field when not in a chase. Ironic, since it's his perk.
It's not very useful on Wraith.
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It helps with Myers stalking from a distance.
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@brokedownpalace Unless you're doing a stealth doctor build, the M&A's amazing.
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Its deadly on Myers.
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It’s best on any killer w/ a TR of 24 meters or less.
I only run M&A paired w/ Nurses Calling so I can catch people trying to heal. Since Nurses Calling is completely useless on Plague, I stopped running M&A as well with her.
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But why?
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Myers obviously benefits from it the most.
Any killer with a 24 meter terror radius is going to benefit from it more than a 32 meter terror radius killer.
There's a special way of playing the doctor to use M&A with treatment till you find a survivor screaming. The smaller terror radius means they'll be rather close to you when they pop up. Then you immediately switch to punishment and chase them down. It allows you to find and chase each survivor once rather quickly as long as your willing to sacrifice any other use of your power till you've used it on all 4.
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Really any killer besides huntress benefits well from it.
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Everyone except
Huntress, Song will still give you away.
Doctor, - you want large TR, not smaller.
Pig, Crouching means no TR, so useless.
Wraith. invisible means no TR, so useless.
Freddy wouldn't do bad with it, but his music is so hard to hear he pretty much is built in M&A.
Legion, - depending on the build and playstyle. - His DW is affected by TR, and Frenzy showing you other survivors is based off TR.
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Everyone's forgetting how powerful it is on Nurse. Blinks are longer than your terror radius!
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Nope. Nurse's base blink is 20 meters (not including the second blink). Her TR with Monitor & Abuse is 24 meters.
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@brokedownpalace Because of the memes, of course.
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Also Nurse is loud af, I can't imagine how you gonna sneak with Nurse.
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ok thanks
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*Stalking Intensifies!*
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There is a "Ninja Hag" build that uses it. SHe has a tiny TR as it is(24 base - 8 = 16m TR), so M&A lets her sneak up close to start a chase. It's a different "more direct" Hag style then I tend to play, but it works to great effect. (i think Space Coconut uses a ninja hag build)
Freddy is the other with a consistant 24m TR, and I have seen high skill Freddies run it. It lets them get closer and dreamstate a group of survivors, instead of probably just 1.
Clown does well with the 24m TR Monitor and Abuse gives to other killers. The closer you get, the more brutal your gas is (less chance of escape)
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Technically... I said "blinks", which together... by default... are 32 meters!
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I use it on my Plague, Pig, and Legion. Use it on shorter killers and you’ll get a scary advantage sometimes. Plague is funny since she’s so tall survivors aren’t expecting her to be a surprise lol
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30, actually, if I understood the wiki article correctly. Still, if the survivor doesn't move after hearing her scream, they're noobs and you could chase them without even using the blink.
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Freddy with Red Paint Brush
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It's really hard to react to the blink in any case since you have an advantage of 8 meters. Usually any kind of survivor doesn't react in time when a Nurse is 4 meters away from reaching them (counting the fact that they're repairing a gen). Add a speed or range add-on and you're good to go. Top tier perk on Nurse I guarantee <3
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Personally I prefer winks
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Obviously, it's great with the doctor, as it's one of his personal perks.
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Hag & Myers get the most value out of it.
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Clown is also good for M&A
Throw your bottle before they can hear your TR
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Any killer can benefit, however personally I don't like to use M&A on 32m TR killers. Survivors can usually tell you have it, and most of them are easy to spot if you learn how to track a killer.
Myers benefits the most probably. EW1 + M&A = 0TR. If he uses a Dead Rabbit it's small in EW2 also. And it works with his EW3 as he has a super 1 shot.
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I'll try these builds out
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It is good on most killers due to how it gives you increased FOV and shrunken TR till in a chase. Which every killer can benefit from.
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The FOV is useless, but the smaller terror radius is insane.
Also, it can glitch the terror radius to not play at all until you're hitting someone. :\
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Monitor & Abuse + [ Red Paint Brush ] = ZERO TERROR RADIUS FREDDY <3
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I have gone up against one of these and it was super confusing. His red stain is what I had to pay attention to most around corners but with mind games he’s a beast. M&A/ tinkerer/reduced noise billy is also terrifying. But as above I agree with the hag ones, ninja hag with her height is amazing