Why is the timer for the RBT 2 Minutes..?
I'm just wondering because it seems like it takes forever for it to kill the survivor..
But.. to the Saw wiki it clearly States: "A timer was attached to the back of it. Usually, the victim had 60 seconds to find the key, unlock the trap and remove it. If the victim failed to do so the trap would burst open and rip their jaws apart, as the frontal part of the trap was hooked into the upper and the lower jaw."
So they could find the Key in the Jigsaw Boxes... but the timer is super long in game but why?
The wiki also States: "The Reverse Beartrap 2.0 was a technically advanced version of the original trap. Like the first one, it was secured by a padlock and had a timer attached to it. There were two different versions of the trap in the theatrical version and the Director's Cut: in the first version, the timer was started once a metal pin was pulled out of the trap, whereas in the Director's Cut, the timer was activated by a lever, which was also connected to another trap."
So maybe... They obviously did the Bear Trap 2.0 where it needs something to activate the timer, but still I think the RBT timer is too long to get a kill from it.
So I'd say make it about either 60 Seconds or 90 Seconds so it doesn't take so long to get a kill.
But Idk I am just a Horror Fanatic lol.
(How Ik The RBT is 2Mins From the SAW Wiki: "After the trap is armed, the player has about two minutes to find the correct Jigsaw Box yielding a key.")
So this could be a Minor Buff to The Pig, but idk lol What do you guys think?
Do you think her RBT's should be buffed? Stay The Same? =P let's have a discussion! =P
(Yes Killer Biased but with logic and film accurate references)
Because if RBT timer was 60 seconds, survivors would cry that it is OP and it is impossible to survive it.
However, it would be awesome if they made tempered timer an Ultra-rare addon, which cuts survivor`s timer to 60 seconds, and, for e.g, takes away pig`s ability to track Jigsaw boxes.
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Yeah =P it would be awesome if they did that. It would be super accurate to the movies =P
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So you're saying a 60 second timer would not be op?
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2 minutes seems to be the magic number in this game. EGC is 2 minutes too. It's long enough that it's not OP, but short enough to make it a threat if you don't do something about it.
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^^^This. As it stands, people consider ebony moris one of the most OP things a killer has. If a RBT killing someone was a common occurance, that would be similar to being able to mori survivors after their first down...EVERY game as a built in power. I think the timer should stay, but an interesting buff rather would be a built in Ruleset #2. This would buy more time for the killer as survivors are spending more time looking for the boxes while the RBT is still unarmed.
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Last we heard about the Pig she had about 3 kills per game on average across all platforms(this was AFTER the EGC, because someone was complaining about her traps not killing someone if they weren't activated). Also 60 seconds would mean you wouldn't be able to check all the boxes. You can barely check all the boxes in 2 minutes. In fact I've died to the RBT because I couldn't open the last box in time. Saw the movie wasn't about killing people just for killing them, it was about them having the courage to do whatever was necessary to survive. People weren't just killed for the fun of it so I see no reason why they'd lower the timer so that RBTs could get more kills, if the survivor is actively looking through jigsaw boxes. RBTs goal is NOT to kill, but to stall the game out.
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amanda in the saw movies made her "games" un-winnable so she absolutely killed just for the fun of it, that being said 2 minuets is plenty of time to search 3 boxes make some tea and then check the last box unless she is running "tampered timer" and "box of gears"
2 minutes feels quite nice on her and against her althogh those 2 add-ons plus one of the big maps is vicious
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@holywhitetrash Well I only watched like 1 and 2, maybe 3. The original movies weren't about just killing for the sake of killing though. Also, no, if you're unlucky enough to have your timer start pretty much immediately after being unhooked, you don't have the time to search all boxes in my experience. Although usually when I die to the trap when that happens it's on bigger maps.
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Well she didn't kill people for the fun of it. It was more because she was mentally and emotionally unstable and she was projecting her own failures falling back into dangerous habits onto her subjects and since she thought she couldn't change she didn't even give them a chance.
She still felt an extreme amount of guilt for the people dying in fact the only people who she seemed to have no remorse for was Eric Matthews and detective Kerry. That was probably the false evidence planted against her and Kerry's relationship with Eric
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You think we'll get an accurate representation of horror icons? This is dbd where you win by cheesy Scooby doo chases and stacking as many second chances as possible.
Scooby doo chapter 13, that's one license made for this game.
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They're actually 2 mins 30 seconds by default, 2 mins is with Tampered Timer.
Basically because they're designed to stall a game, not to directly kill a survivor. Death is just a significant enough punishment to FORCE survivors to play the game of key hunter in Jigsaw boxes rather than risk ignoring them.
2:30 is a good base time. Any less and they have to start reducing Jigsaw boxes, and the power stalls for less time. It's also still possible, albeit rare, to get kills with.
Essentially as killer you want RBT timers to be long BUT you want as much of that timer spent searching as possible.
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Problem is timer start after gen is repaired not after survival is unhooked.
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It's not supposed to kill, that's the entire thing. It supposed to force survivors to abandon their objectives or face the consequences.
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@op It's actually 2:30 minutes.
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So you`re trying to start useless dispute about it being OP?
I personally think it`s strong, but not OP. Sometimes, when survivor faces bad luck it could be frustrating, but losing and despair is a part of the game too.
It is my personal opinion and nothing more.
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It's not meant to kill survivors, it's meant to waste time. That's why.
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Consider this: Each box takes about 12 or so seconds to search through. Factoring in the time it takes for a Survivor to travel from box to box, a Survivor would lose more half of their time from simply searching two boxes, and that's being generous. That would mean that the Survivor has a very real chance of dying if they don't get the Trap off on even the first box or if they get interrupted by the Killer. It would basically make the RBTs either useless if the RNG is against the Killer or too strong if the RNG is against the Survivor.
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Then again.. You have to read Amanda's Lore in DbD...
She doesn't care if they live or die, she wants them dead. And you can see this happen when Amanda doesn't let the woman do surgery on John and kills her anyway. Despite John (Maybe) knowing that Amanda might've helped kill Gideon, John and Jill's Son.
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But either way all points are valid. =P
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I have gotten more kills with the RBT since the last couple of updates. I think it is pretty good. I bet you the current stats show more deaths per match ratio that they did 6 months ago.
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But I do have a proposed fix for this.. that @Peanits might like for the Pig with the RBT.
Rework "Tempered Timer"
Rarity: Ultra Rare Addon
A timer that has been fiddled with. A spring in the mechanism forces the gears to turn faster.
- Moderately reduces the Reverse Bear Trap death timer. (to 90 Seconds -> 1Min 30Secs)
- Slightly increases the time it takes to put the Reverse Bear Trap on a Survivor.
- Reduces available Jigsaw Boxes by 2.
- Disables the Survivors' ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted until their Trap is activated.
The LAST Ability is up for The Dev's to decide vvvv IF balance still needs to be improved with this Idea =P
- Disables The Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes' Auras. (When EGC Starts or in General)
"Let The Games Begin." - Jigsaw
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cutting the time and then getting rid of 2 boxes doesn't make any sense. As a killer, I would prefer 2 minutes and 4 boxes to check than 1.5 minutes and 2 boxes to check.
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Well you have to take into account that the RBT timer doesn't change with the map. The 2:30 is suppose to make it viable for survivors to take it off or at least to get enough jigsaw box attempts because survivors have to not only watch out for the pig, but also run across the map. If you watch the SAW movies the people with RBT only had to be in a small room to work with and not going against The Pig in a large map with various obstacles such as buildings and etc.
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Well people were complaining 1.5 Minutes would be OP so I balanced the Addon to adjust to their needs =P
So, it would be equally hard for the Survivors and hard for the Pig with the Reworked Addon.
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True True, So keep the maximum Jigsaw Boxes? Then everything in the idea could be fine?
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i think the only necessary buff pig needs is to make rules set no.2 part of her base kit, and a cool idea i had is to rework rules set no.2 add on since its gonna be part of her base kit:
The game has been rigged:
Reverse Bear Traps can only be removed if all jigsaw boxes have been searched
Slightly Reduces the Reverse Bear Trap's timer. (-10 seconds)
Disables the Pig's Ability to see Jigsaw boxes aura.
Also this add on can stack with tamped timer or jigsaw's sketch
side note: amanda's letter also needs a buff cuz it punishes you more than it helps you, they could make it something like this:
A blackmailing Letter for the attention of Amanda. Fills the reader with rage and focus.
When crouched, see outlines of survivors within a 20m range (12m was too low that i don't even need to see his outline to know where he is)
Moderately increases crouch speed
Reduces available traps by 3
Reduces Jigsaw boxes by 2
another note is amanda's secret and how it's so useless; the fact that you see the aura of the survivor AFTER they get the trap removed is beyond useless. it's like the old surveillance were the tracking was so useless, it should be like this
A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses. Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.
If a survivor searches a jigsaw box, the boxes aura will be yellow for 6 seconds.
If the survivors searches the wrong jigsaw box their aura is revealed for 6 seconds
the reason why you can see his aura after a failed jigsaw box is to monitor the survivor and guess which box he will go to next in case you couldn't catch up in time, after all this is a VERY RARE add on, and we've seen a lot of very rare op add ons (looking at you spirit)
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This is a situation that can already occur with Amanda's Letter.
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I'd disagree with 1 of the no.2 Addon's Modifiers being added to the base kit.
Not being able to see Jigsaw Boxes in the base kit would be worse than not having a buff for her.. So remove that from the addon then it could be in the base kit.
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Here's a Reference to The Perk (Most people like to have information shown in an image or just in it's own comment so no one has to research it)
This Helps people and Developers see what you are referencing without having to do research that might waste like 3 mins of their time lol.
Also Good Point... [I'm scared to tag Peantis too much sooo... Insert Tag Here...?] But, Mine does make it harder on survivors... while being a slight difficulty on the killer itself tho..
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I think with a decrease in time it will be impossible to play, given that the pig does not allow just to use the boxes, but immediately runs to check them
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Doesn't the movie take place in a smaller space than most DbD maps? That's probably why.
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I think that person means having the current Rules Set No. 2 be base kit for Amanda and have that other idea be the new Rules Set No. 2 add-on.
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But not being able to see The Jigsaw Boxes is just game breaking with her base kit.
So removing that modifier would be acceptable for the base kit at some stance.
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I'm not sure what you are talking about. Do you mean the current RSN2 being base kit or the one that the other person proposed?
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Nvm I mixed it up lol. They meant for the Original No.2 to be Base Kit and that the rework was for the addon. But I still Disagree that the pig can't see the Jigsaw Box Auras in the Reworked No.2
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EDIT: Mixed up what the Person Meant.
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I think the timer on RBT is fine. The only thing I think needs some buffs are her Add-ons half of them aren’t worth using.
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In my opinion only is necessary remove the aura reading for Jigsaw Boxes to survivors and the Pig.
Rework addons
Increasing speed/duration and improve the ambush for the Pig.
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I had some time out of the game where I didn't play Pig.
It used to be that the timer for the RBT paused when the survivor was being chased, on a hook or dying. It made it last a whole lot longer than it had any right to. Has that changed?
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then the first box they'd find would have to be a key guaranteed lol, its 2m 30s base, tampered timer makes it 2m, run with crate of gears you're prob going to get at least 2 rbt kills. Traps were not meant to kill survivors, they were meant to buy you more time ( which they do buy a lot of )
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The problem with her power is.....it doesn't create any pressure until people complete a generator. And any premade group with half a brain can just push the generator up to 90% and wait for people to get their boxes off. All of this is going on while Amanda is chasing people and attempting hooks. She can only chase 1 person at a time, so if people stall out gens like this they can burn her traps and finish the game that way.
Or they can just gen rush and ignore the 1 guys timer because the time it takes to do 2 gens you can easily lead her on chases enough to where you have 3 gens left and she's just now placing a second trap. So unless the timer is running, theres literally no pressure.
IMO something that would stay true to the lore and actually possibly combat survive with friends groups is punishing gen completion after someone has a bear trap on. To either reduce the timer of the person with a bear trap. Or if someone has a bear trap on and you complete a generator the next bear trap she puts onto someone gets reduced by 10 seconds for the max timer. To prevent people just ignoring her concept and gen rushing. She can easily be gen rushed to the point where she has 1 or 2 bear traps left over.
Honestly though, the jigsaw boxes could stay how they are, but the fact you guys killed her end game capability.....yet her stealth still suffers since she has one of the loudest "I'm attacking now!" tells in the game why not just remove the lions roar so I can at least have some jump scare fun.....its bad enough they can hear me breathing from like 15 meters away......Throw us something....you gut her end game playstyle entirely but don't compensate it....can't be treating licensed killers like this, thats messed up.....
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Having ruleset no. 2 and only the part where survivors can't see jigsaw box auras until the trap is active would at least create some tension and pressure. As it stands now survivors especially in coms can just mark each box. Then tell each other which box they should go to next because for whatever reason after 3 people have removed traps the last person with a trap on is let free with the last unexplored box...And you have all the auras as a survivor to know exactly where they are and where to go.....
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She has a lot of add ons that aren't worth using. Namely all the skill check add ons. Theres no point to using them since its just a default skill check, and even if you run perks that make skill check zones smaller it doesn't do anything. Her hemorrhage add on is useless. Her mangled add on is useless. Her skill check add ons are useless. Her exhaustion add on is semi useless and only worth a damn if someone has sprint burst to slow down their box search.
I wish she had an add on or toxic poison add on, that made it so when you had a jigsaw box on you were injected with drugs/chemicals, similar to the movie, and it made you dizzy like the clown bottles do. That would be epic. Survivors with jigsaw boxes running around with drunk screens....
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Nope, that has remained the same. The only thing that has changed for the Pig recently is that any traps put on after the Exit Gates are powered don't do anything anymore.
Hey, I am totally for Rules Set No. 2 becoming base kit. After getting her endgame gutted, I think she's earned that much and more.
"I wish she had an add on or toxic poison add on, that made it so when you had a jigsaw box on you were injected with drugs/chemicals, similar to the movie, and it made you dizzy like the clown bottles do. That would be epic. Survivors with jigsaw boxes running around with drunk screens...."
That...would actually be super cool. :o Maybe have it go in and out and then also give the add-on another debuff. Make Rules Set No. 2 base kit and then make that the new Rules Set No. 2:
"Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from impaired vision that comes and goes every 10 seconds.
When a Survivor finishes searching a Jigsaw Box, that Survivor suffers from the Hindered status effect for 15 seconds."
Yeah, that's taking a page right out of Clown's book, but at least it's an Ultra Rare add-on, and it can MEANINGFULLY affect an RBT Survivor trying to get the Trap off, unlike all the other damn "RBT penalty" add-ons.
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Bald Dwight Approves.