(Updated) Dead By Daylight : New Chapter : The Watcher From The Above
Hi guys! I'm newbie of this forum! My name is Anon(or you can called me as "Kierof"), I'm interested to presenting my Dead By Daylight killer and survivor! (I'm not doing about survivor yet, I'm so sorry. ;-;)
Killer : The Stuntman
Name : Surachet Treechainarong
Gender : Male
Nationality : Thai
Realm : Andaman
Power : Attack Burst
Weapon : Dual Hatchets
Speed : 115% (4.6 m/s.)
Alt. Speed : 125% (5.0 m/s.) (Attack Burst's stealth)
Terror Radius : 32 meters
Height : Average (Shorter than female survivor a bit)
DLC : The Watcher From The Above
He is the killer that's his height is same as survivors. He has an ability called "Attack Burst". His ability can support him for stealthing and stalking survivor, then he jump off from his steath position to attack survivors. His attacks can only damge like basic attack.
His personal Perks, Anger, Speed Demon & High Seeker, give him the ability to hunt & ambush survivors easily without any means that can stop him.
Difficulty rating: Intermediate
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play them and his Power effectively)
Surachet "Boom" Treechainarong was born in the actors family. He's wealthy and he spends his money to any expensively items. But after the school is canceled, he's a drug dealer behind the school. His job making him many profits from his customers.
When he grew up, he registered himself to take a role as a stuntman actor to his movie company. He trained himself about his hand-to-hand combat, agility & parkour skills for preparing about his upcoming movies. He got his many reputations from his fanclubs and paparazzi.
The coin has two sides, he still selling and addicting his drugs for being hyped every time.
One day, while he's in the action scene of the movie. The janitor found a bag of methamphetamine in the toilet. The director starts interrogating all actors and employees about the drug. Boom got the most suspected from people due to his narcotic's side effects.
He lost his job and while he's deported into the jail, the police van was hitting the tree because of the storm. He wakes up himself in the strange cabin with his blue backpack and two hatchets laying near the bag.
The temperature around him is really cold like there's a winter season. His drug's side effects still in his head, making the police's siren noise in his corrupted mind. He must defend himself from everyone, at all costs....
The Stuntman's Perks
Anger : Your hatred is showing toward the people who's your obscures.
When the survivors stunning killer by any means, the killer will receive 1/2/3 tokens for increasing successfully & missed attack's speed for 3% per tokens. The Tokens will faded away after 30 seconds per tokens.
"He's gone mad!!!!!!"
Speed Demon : If someone caused you a problem, they'll run away like coward.
When you chasing survivor until Bloodlust is activated, you'll be able to hop the window 25%/35%/45% faster. This perk still activated until Bloodlust effect is canceled.
"This freak looks crazy like a madman!!!!!!"
High Seeker : Someone watches over them. It's you!
When the killer stay above from the ground 5 meters or going up to the 2nd floor of any two-story buildings, the killer can reads aura of survivors in an entirely map for 3/4/5 seconds. The cooldown is 120 seconds after activating this perk.
"Someone is watching us.... But where?"
(I cannot remember the source of this picture, because I downloaded this since 2 years ago.... ;-;)
Dual Hatchets : Sharp and handy for one handed. But he chooses to use it two.
Ability : Attack Rush
"What if your skills or expertise combined with your insanity? The result is him."
Boom's entirely life skills plus his corrupted mind due to the lack of ability of resisting narcotics.
Allowing him to becoming "Stealth mode" by pressing M2 to performing the mode within 5 seconds.
While in stealth mode :
- His terror radius and stain were gone.
- His movements becoming faster.
- Allowing himself to climb on any buildings, walls, ceiling and trees.
- Allowing himself to blending action like jump across used pallets, repairing generator(but the generator's gauge didn't increased anyway) & windows like a mere survivor.
- Can hiding in any lockers.
- Can crouching by pressing Left Ctrl button.
When press & hold M2 again. He'll perform his charge attack position. And releasing M2, He'll jumped into the nearest survivors within his terror radius (32 meters). Dealing damage like regular attack to the survivor.
After his perform attack is succeeded or failed, he will be stunned for 2 seconds.
Stuntman's Animations
Walking : He holds two hatchets and aim down to the ground while he's walking like stalker.
Hop Over The Window : He performs grab window and jump over like Legion's animation.
Attacking : He slashed his dual hatchets in the left way and right way in his next attack
Successfully Attack : He shakes his hatchets to wipe away the blood.
During Stealth Preparation : He holds his breathe and shake his head to left-right 2 times.
Charging His Attack : He holds his hatchets and move his arms away from his torso. The hatchets aim to the target.
Grabbing Survivors : He grabs survivor's waist and carry on his left shoulder by his two hands, while his hands still holding hatchets.
Grabbing Survivors In The Locker : He chopped his left hatchet the locker's inside that's near survivor's head and pick them up like grabbing survivor. But he takes his hatchet back too.
Attack During Grabbing Survivors : He will use his right leg kick toward the survivors instead.
Hanging The Survivors : He jumps and hangs survivor on the hook.
Breaking Pallets & Stomping Generators : He use his dual hatchets to slash three times (left, right & slashing both hatchet from top side) to damaging generators and breaking pallets.
Get Stunned By Pallets Or Any Means : He will grab his head and shaking his head.
Mori : He walks and stomps on a survivor. And he uses his hatchets chopped off a survivor's head and repeatedly like a madman 10 times. After killing survivor, he takes away his hatchets from a deceased survivor's head.
Sorry for bad grammars! 😓
But this is all of my ideas! Thank you! :3
It's a cool concept! It would be more of a surprise for survivors when something that can come from above can get them. I love the story and the perk ideas. The only thing that would be a problem for killers would be the perk High Seeker. How would other killers use this perk?. Great job otherwise.😄
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High Seeker is also worked on any killers who's going to the 2nd floor of two-story buildings!
Thank you for focus my little misleading information!
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I like the work that you've put into this.
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Thank you! I feel impressed a lot!
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I've updated my artworks now! These look better now!