Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

If there was to be a secondary objective what should it be?

Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

Games (in my opinion) should last longer than five minutes on average. It takes a minute to do a gen and although I personally think this time should be increased that's not a fun way of fixing things

Best Answers


  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Oh. Thanks. God my memory sucks and now looking at it I don't know where the Heck I pulled 5 minutes from.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Ok this is the full game length.

    Here is the problem with this data.

    Hatch standoff, survivor dc, gate camping, survivor suicide, afk killer ,farming killer, etc..............

    In my personal opinion, DbD must rework the current object and they must add a second object,too.

    Survivors can easily finish the game in 5-6 min and then they just troll on the map.

    And I may be stupid, but this is a old data sheet with wrong informations in it.

    Because the Devs made some mistake with the rank.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I think doing something extra with the gens. Have the gens progress a lot slower, but you have the option to look for spark plugs or something that make it progress 15-25% faster than normal. It's not something you have to do, but it would benefit you hugely if you did.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    You most likely referring to the time to complete all gens-----> sometimes if you come across a competent team the gens will be completed in under 4mins........

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    So true.... maps would be handy if there were another objective

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Ooooh! I think this would be fun! Here are some details that I would like to see. 

    • Each generator needs 2 gas cans before repairs can start. It has 2 red lights on top (similar to the exit gate lever) so that any player can tell at a glance how much fuel it has.
    • At any given time there will be no more than 10 cans on the map, but when there are fewer, more will spawn periodically in random, vacant locations (ie you’ll never see one appear before your eyes).
    • Gas cans are fragile and can explode if jostled too much (falling from a height, survivor carrying it is attacked, etc.) Exploding gas cans don’t injure you, but they make noise notifications as well as bright lights and temporary smoke. Use it as a diversion. Use it as a visual blocker to escape after taking your first hit. But DON’T use it to accidentally reveal your location! (Maybe introduce skill checks while carrying it?)
    • The killer can kick and destroy any gas cans he finds laying around to slow down survivors. New ones spawn eventually, but this removes easily found ones for a while. The down side is that survivors will know where the explosions are coming from. 
    • When the killer damages a generator, it leaks fuel along with regressing. If it leaks too much, survivors can tap it to pause regression, but need to bring more fuel before resuming repairs. 
    • New perks/offerings may be introduced which cause explosions to inflict injuries or stuns (like firecrackers). 
    • This concept could lead to a new killer whose powers are centered around the new mechanic. Something like The Oilman, an oilfield foreman who attacks with a monkey wrench and causes oil-based misery of some sort for the survivors. 😁

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2019

    Agree. All the suggestions I see are just going to lead to most games being 3-4K. You want longer games? Cool, add objectives to BOTH sides. If survivors can’t rush gens, killers can’t rush kills. Make an objective to stop tunneling too.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    There already is... ranks and points are lost if killer does so.

    Not even counting whole 3 minutes all gens get done in.

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2019

    Not that long ago I posted a video concept of mechanics that would add additional objectives, make weaker killers stronger and also increase BP gains for survivors, take a look!

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Probably because it isn't best case scenario.

    Everyone that finished tutorial knows objective and if they hold M1 by the gen, they will finish it.

    You can't expect mechanics for force people to actually fulfill their objective, if they don't want to ... well, nothing can be done.

    Best case scenario: One survivor gets chased by the killer at a time and everyone else works on a different gen = all gens get finished below 3 minute mark.

    If we look at most killers they don't have enough time to do anything in that time and I'm not talking about the players but different killers simply have no means to do anything.

  • rantypaid
    rantypaid Member Posts: 41

    Perhaps add secondary to both.

    Give killers a way to spend time dropping a gen back to zero on a long cooldown. Perhaps he can pick up sticks or metal bars and when he has enough they are usable.

    Make inactive totems (from a lack of hex perks) have a single one glow, mostly as a decoy. They could have zero use .

    How about a secondary thing for survivors some sort of adrenelinr shot, which can only be found in lockers, collect the parts; syringe, fluid, tourniquet.

    This can make a single survivor faster and take 3 hits to go down with a 5 second duration.

    So many possibilities in this game yet it just ends in looping and rushing.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    This isn't that helpful. If that's the modal average then it's saying 11 minutes is the most frequent length of matches, but might not represent most matches. If it's the mean average then it can be skewed by relatively few games which are much longer than usual. If it's the median average, then half of all games are less than 11 minutes and half of all games are longer than 11 minutes. So which is it?

    If it is the mean(what most people think of when they think of averages), I'm not sure why the X axis is for rank. People might be puzzled as to why there is little change in the length of matches as we climb through the ranking; in low ranks survivors just can't be relied on to do gens but that problem diminishes as you rise and killers start struggling.

    The thing is the axis for rank can not account for players of different rank joining games, whatever their role is. This will flatten the time axis across all of them. Then when you do account for roles; the killer has to remain for the whole match, so is the measure being taken per match or per player? We know from the technical note in the post where the graph was first released that the blip at ranks 1-2 is caused by the measure being taken post-match, so if a person de-ranks then the result records them as rank 2 even if they started the match as rank 1. This means also that the measure is not being taken per match, but per players, which has implications as unlike the survivors- the killer is there for the whole thing.

    Changing the X axis to cover roles though might have revealed some interesting information with relevance to killers earning more bloodpoints per match versus per time.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2019

    @theArashi Let me explain a little.

    What I mean by "Best Case Scenario" is that I see a lot of people suggesting these "Secondary Objective" ideas, and are only going by the number of minutes it takes to repair a generator. There is more to it than that.

    Obviously you can't simply go by these statistics because provided the killer does what they are suppose to and applies pressure, that gen will take longer. This isn't even accounting for other obstacles, like if the killer has perks that slow down generator repairing (Hex Ruin, PGTW, Thana etc.).

    You also forget that some killers tunnel and camp as well. This will obviously benefit the survivor trying to complete their main objective, because the killer is focused on one target leaving 3 survivors free to do anything.

    Like I said, I just hope that if one day the devs decide to add another "side" objective, they think long and hard about what an average match looks like vs what everyone thinks an average match looks like. Not every match is the same, nor can be predicted. Even with a mori, people think matches will be very short, but if the team plays it right, it could end up being a longer match than you thought.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’d like to gather blood gems and bring them to an alter before working on gens. I’d just like to gather something tbh.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @GrootDude Ah yes, the magical gems which were severed body parts in version #1. I remember.

  • Vampy
    Vampy Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2019

    instead of spacebar clicking in a zone.. do like what BDO does for fishing and have a long captcha for skill checks... if ruin is active.. add letters to it.. with a timer

    Maps are ultimately too large.. maybe cut them down 25% or so

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Hey Peanits I have an idea that I genuinely think is a wonderful idea and I would love to hear what the community thinks about this.

    So this idea is with killers and survivors in mind, bump gen time up to roughly 160 seconds (this number is just a rough number and would require testing) so how about add in gas tanks around the world, and in these gas tanks is High Octane fuel. This fuel makes your gen louder and will give a great speed increase to the repair time.

    To me this sounds like an idea to kind of push out a Ruin Meta, along with giving survivors something to do during the match, which can be further increased with team work.

    Of course this idea would need some polishing and is just a rough idea.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Monika The add-gas-to-gens-idea isn't new. We have discussed this in multiple threads.

    Increasing gen time is something the majority of the community doesn't want, simply because repairing gens is not exciting.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    My idea is to make it incredibly optional but just make life easier and harder all ay the same time, thid would ease up a killers life while also giving something to do. And I understand that gens can be lacking, but the gens game depends on the killer and stuff like that but sadly with this type of game avoiding gen work is hard making a secondary objective that would allow escape isn't quite...a good idea for balance reasons.

    Thinking of the killer side imagine watching two objective and more than 5 gens.

    This is very sadly a can't have your cake and eat it too situation.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    I originally had an idea that survivors shouldn't instinctively have the knowledge of how to repair generators. They should have to read a manual in the basement to gain the knowledge or have the entity bless them with it by interacting with the killer or killer items.

    However, nowadays, I think it would just be better to revise how generators are done instead of adding a second objective. I think a better solution would be if every time a generator was done, it sent a feed back loop that instantly removed 50% of the progress for all other generators in the map. So survivors would either have to group up to work on the same gen which is more dangerous when the killer arrives, or they can keep splitting up but it takes longer to finish.

    Either way, I think they'll need to simultaneously do something about tunneling when they do something about gen rushing or else the game will probly become surprisingly killer sided. I think a simple solution would be if they made it to where if the same survivor is hooked again within 60 seconds of being unhooked without the killer hooking a different survivor in between, then instead of going to the next phase, they just go to whatever percentage they were at when they were unhooked. But like gen rushing, any changes to tunneling alone will likely make the game more unbalanced.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2019

    No, that ain’t good enough. So you want to slow down survivors to make a better experience for killers, but killers can just still tunnel as they please and win games cause maybe they won’t get as many points? Absolutely not. I mean, using your logic survivors now get less points in games where they do nothing but gens. So why need another objective! Isn’t the point loss good enough? Or does that not apply to survivor...

    Killer mains always make the point that tunneling is their version of genrushing. So either address both, or neither.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Does this data take into account DC's, Suicides, AFK's, Campers, Toolboxes, ect.? because if not the data is flawed. Most games I play at red ranks end in 6-7 minutes because of gen rushers, even with ruin up. The game needs a second objective or longer gens, because with the tools survivor's have, its too easy unless you play Nurse.

  • Neot
    Neot Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2019

    How about this?

    Killer perk: Call for help

    Summon 4 telephone booths(or payphone on a wall) across a map. Survivor need to use these phones to call for help from outside world. While calling there will be a series of difficult skill check appear at random position of the screen, any fail skill check will reset the progress(just like how you get out of tier 3 madness) Each successful phone call reduce the gate opening time by 5 seconds.

    At the start of the game increase the opening time of the Exit Gates by 20 seconds.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    I'm sticking to my votes:

    -Make toolboxes not speed up gens. They can speed up totem destruction if the base time for that is slowed, but honestly I think hook-breaking is plenty for one item.

    -Scavenging parts could be fun, but only for SOME generators (1 each for those). Depending on the layout, Survivors may find it wiser to stick to mostly part-less gens or do extra scavenger hunting.

    -Toolbox could potentially replace its speed function with providing one part.

    As obnoxious as gen-rushing is, Survivors suffer enough holding M1 for minutes on end, and SWF or more experienced Survivors gain a palpable advantage with their optimized toolboxes against Killers they're a few ranks above. Totems could also act as a secondary objective if Killers could move or repair them, but these are my priority votes.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok, I think having something more dynamic than just parts would be better for a variety of reasons:

    A: The more interaction it has with the Killer the more it raises the skill cap for Killers

    B: The more Killers have to do in order to get the most out of the stall the less it effects lower ranks. This means a dynamic system could be much better for @Johnny_XMan's point about best case scenario vs likely case scenario.

    C: Dynamic systems tend to be more satisfying in general

    Basically instead of asking "how do we make gens take longer" we should be asking "how do we give the Killer tools to delay gens"

    Regression is a great example of this. Good Killers will know when to regress gens and good survivors will know how to deal with it. Bad Survivors who don't know how to deal with it will be going against bad Killers who don't know how to use it. Thus it works sort of.

    Of course it's not sufficient. But something else along those lines, having objectives that both parties interact with to their advantage, is what we want. Especially if we can somehow make it more effective for the losing team.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Monika This is not "have a cake and eat it too". You can add a 2nd objective without increasing gen time.

    Just take a look at some of the existing threads where we discussed 2nd objectives, for example those with gas tanks.

    Btw: Please use the "@"tag if you want to let others know that you replied to them. Quotes don't give notifications.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    My idea for a secondary objective for survivors aren't really that original, or complex.

    Find parts to speed up generator repair but you can repair generators without parts at a reduced rate. This means that survivors are inclined to go on scavenger hunts to find parts to put in generators. You can put in several parts in a single generator to speed up repair time tremendously.

    Default generator speed would be increased by a lot but each part would noticably increase repair speed and also boost great skill-check progress.

    • 0 Parts - 120 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward no bonus progress. Slightly reduced chance to trigger skill-checks and skill-checks are smaller. Generator regression is more effective.
    • 1 Parts - 100 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward 1% bonus progress. Slightly reduced chance to trigger skill-checks.
    • 2 Parts - 80 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward 2% bonus progress. (The current live version)
    • 3 Parts - 60 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward 2% bonus progress and there's an increased chance to trigger skill-checks.
    • 4 Parts - 40 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward 3% bonus progress, there's an increased chance to trigger skill-checks and great skill-check zone is larger. Generator regression is less effective.
    • 5 Parts - 20 seconds repair time. Great skill-checks reward 3% bonus progress, there's an increased chance to trigger skill-checks and great skill-check zone is larger. Immune to generator regression.

    Akin to the brand new part, installing a generator part forces the survivor to complete a few skill-checks that doesn't reward any progression of any kind but will force the survivor to retry installing the part (and suffer some regression) if failed.

    Installed parts cannot be removed by killers or survivors and parts that have been used will reappear on the map randomly within a time limit. I also believe this would help fighting 3-genning.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    @NoShinyPony Well here's the few problems you have with the current game layout, killers are already forced into certain perks to delay the game and provide the best assistance that they can have. After being a long time player I don't feel that the game needs truly a second objective survivors need to escape, but additive to the current objective. For example with my idea you could not only make it faster make the gens harder, or make them more interactive with furthering the interact button than just space.

    Since you can press WASD while on a gen make skill checks actually be a random selection of WASD, and space after applying a gas tank. The only issue with providing faster working gens is you need to increase how long gens take. It has been proven in perks such as prove thyself and resilience stacking and stuff like that has been adjusted to keep gens for being completed within a matter of just a few minutes reducing match times to roughly 8 to 10 minutes at times (sometimes less).

    I was one of the few that put together my friends and builds to complete gens with ruin active before a killer could finish a full gen patrol.

    Again, if you added an objective that wouldn't just allow yourself to have a way out it would have to be an optional objective like gas, or as someone after me mentioned gears that speed up gen times.

    With things being random in that type of spawning you could get boned with half a team finding one almost after they spawn, now if you really wanted to get fancy with my idea. You have gens louder, faster, hard and require more focus because skill checks. You could provide new add-ons that toolboxes can have to further increase the effect of gas. And would allow further usage of the add-ons that reduce skill check difficulty. You just need gens to be more interactive and feel less of a burden if players could interact on a more intense level with the gens. This would also allow the players who aren't confident with the new harder system through the gas to have the option to avoid it at the cost of it takes a little longer to complete gens.

    I understand this sounds more like a rant, but I'm just throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks with everyone, maybe together we could further branch off a single idea rather than deny that the idea wouldn't work.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Here’s a thought. Add a “2nd Objective” scoring category, up to 8000 bps. The second objective doesn’t necessarily need to be completed, but the new category would make it worthwhile to do so. There would also be advantages gained from its completion

    This is off the top of my head, so I’m definitely open to edits:

    Imagine if there were 6 exit gates, but 4 of them have broken handles. Handles can be found scattered around the map, and attaching one to a gate takes 30 seconds. When the final generator is repaired, only the gates with handles are powered, though others can still be attached and powered afterward.

    When a survivor dies or escapes, they gain 2000 bps in the “2nd Objective” category for each attached gate handle over the default 2. (ie you die early when only one handle had been attached, so you earn 2000. Your buddy escapes after all 4 handles were attached, so he earns 8000.)

    Aside from the bps, you now have up to 6 exits to choose from, greatly increasing your chances of escape, as well as chances of getting the “open gate” points!

    On the flip side, the killer applies pressure and earns 2000 bps in the “2nd objectives” category for each additional gate over 2 that is NOT powered! So survivors have to decide, are they going to gen rush and just toss the killer an easy 8k? Or are they going to spend a little extra time to hurt him in the pocket book and help themselves in the process?

    Additional ideas I’m not sure about:

    • allow the killer to damage repaired gates?
    • allow the killer to pick up handles from around the map and drop them in an easily protected pile (like the basement)? Hiding them is useful too.
    • make it so handles can NOT be attached after the last generator is repaired, to punish gen rushing?
    • some other way to make the killer earn points here, like destroying unattached handles? Giving a free 8k points bothers me, though I still think it provides nice incentive to the survivors.
    • Find some way to ensure each survivor contributes to the 2nd objective score? The current idea allows one survivor to go around and earn points for everyone.
  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 700

    Cleansing totems, rescuing survivors & healing teammates are all optional secondary objectives. Problem a lot of people ignore them