Ruin should last for at least 1 minute even if it gets destroyed
I can't imagine why it's so hard to fix totem spawns (totems shouldn't spawn next to gens or survivors or be out the open) but for some reason totems still get found and taken out in the first 30 seconds of the match.
If you can't fix totem spawns, then you need to fix totem effects to compensate for terrible totem placement.
Killer able to see dull totems if they have Ruin. They have to set Hex on a dull totems (5sec). Then the Hex is active.
There we go, Killer can pick a hard to find dull totem they want to set Ruin on it.
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I don't think you realize the complexity of what you're asking.
There are 5 totems on a map, 7 generators, and 4 survivors.
You're saying that ALL 5 of those totems can't spawn near a generator OR a survivor. Do you realize how little of the map is left once you take those into account especially on smaller maps? And that's also keeping in mind that the totems need to be spread out from other totems.
The totems would all end up in corners of the map basically.
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If you eliminate the area around every generator, that leaves you with significantly less places to check for totems. Instead of checking every single spot around the map, I only have to check the spots that aren't near a generator. That saves me loads of time and makes it more consistently easy to find.
I would suggest Thrill of the Hunt. It'll give you a total of 20 seconds to respond to the loud noise notification. Though at the end of the day, hex perks will always have some amount of risk to it, and having someone spot and cleanse it right away is the risk you take. You can run TOTH if you want to reduce that risk, or you could alternatively run a more consistent- if slightly weaker- perk like Pop Goes the Weasel or Corrupt Intervention if you want a guaranteed effect.
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I just made a post about totems with pictures. There should be a proximity cap to make them not spawn so close to gens. In order to balance this information on the survivors' part, they should also make totems spawn at the edges of maps. Problem solved without any time limiters.
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They should make Corrupt Intervention protect hex totems as well 👌
ez fix
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Thing is, they only spawn on inner tiles as is. If I go on a totem hunt, I know I'm searching for specific structures on the map. I also know that the totems won't spawn along the edges. They could balance it out by adding totem spawns along the edges. Not saying OP is right. But the totem spawns are broken at best.
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I would not object honestly.
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Totem spawns have improved greatly from when I started playing. Making ruin last a minute after it is destroyed is a bad idea. Then what's next devour hope gets locked at the number of tokens, why not keep noed for a minute after as well see how ridiculous his sounds when you out it to other hex
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no offense mate, but did you even read his post? also an other idea would be to make hex totems look like dull totems for the first couple of minutes before they light up. ppl posted so many good ideas already and all you need is to try them out since the devs ideas never worked out yet.
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I'm ok with some hexes having lingering or temporary effects once cleansed. Ruin, Huntress' Lullaby, Third Seal. Not DH, NOED or Haunted Grounds tho.
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Nah, that would be game breaking, if you ask me. Think of this scenario, the killer has a hex he really wants to keep (Ruin, Devour Hope). He'll bring in Thrill of the Hunt, in order to have better chances at it. By having the killer choosing where to place said hex, it would mean he KNOWS which totem is where. I have already ran into Hag players stopping a chase over and over and over again, because they got the notification someone was cleansing the totem thanks to TOTH. Lingering effects could be a thing, though. I mean, not for all hexes, but the ones described by @brokedownpalace would fit. That would be another killer buff, though.
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Technically haunted grounds has a lingering effect after being cleansed. :P
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@Peanits Oh really, please explain this?
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I knew somebody was gonna say that ;)
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We would rather have more solid totem spots than have many totem spots in my opinion. Yeah, sure, less places for totems to be, but this is where y'all need to get creative and place them in more unique spots (I.E Badham Preschool).
Even if there is only 10 spots, the survivors can't destroy a totem if they can't find the spots. That's why we favor better spots rather than more spots.
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Forget about Hex: Ruin. Use Thanatophobia instead and dispense some pain.
I prefer that the survivors don't feel the need to cleanse totems, that increase the chances of NOED being activated.
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Not a bad change, it could help with the perk when it gets spoted early in the game if it spawns in a bad place.
To balance it they can add an expire timer so the perk deactivates by itself after 3 or 4 minutes in the event it spawns in a very good spot.
After all, since all ruins last 15 seconds in average the expire timer shouldnt bother at all, right?.
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GAH!.... Maa TOTEM!
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The new School maps actually need allow two totems in the same building or basement