Demogorgon's power pretty... bland?
**Very minor, nonspecific spoilers for Stranger Things ahead, as should be clear from a post discussing the lore of a character from it.**
I'm not a fan of Stranger Things, but I forced myself to sit through it about a month ago when it was glaringly obvious this was the next chapter.
However, with the full announcement of the Demogorgon's power today, putting aside my dislike of the series, the power is just... dull.
We have a creature that comes from another dimension. It's controlled by a god-like being that completely dominates the minds of it's victims and can destroy them at will. The creatures in the dimension seem to spread infection that can grow more of themselves within the bodies of victims.
And it's power? It can dig holes.
Yeah, open and shut holes, oblivious when closing them, it has merits, but it's just such a generic power for a creature with so much potential.
The entire series revolves around the upside-down, a dimension accessed through gateways. The generators could have spawned split between the two dimensions, increasing the time survivors take to find them, confusing them about what choices are right, a more physical separation than Freddy's dreamworld. However the only hint of the upside-down is a blue overlay during certain interactions with basically no impact.
I'm not saying he might not be fun, or strong, (that largely remains to be seen and relies on how the pounce feels to use) I'm just saying for the potential this chapter could have brought, solid meh.
Nice spoilers mate
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I just hope that he gets at least 5-6 tokens to place down his teleports, and that his extended lunge doesnt charge up like Huntress hatchets, and you can just press and release and go at the set distance, considering you cant strafe and it gives survivor room to try and juke.
So far what saved this chapter to give a second thought about buying it is the fact that you get Undetectable status effect for at least 5 seconds when you come out of the portal, so you could try and jumpscare survivors, or perhaps even yoink them off of a gen after hiding your teleport somewhere nearby.
What is going to absolutely destroy any of my hope for this killer is if he's going to have a lame cooldown whenever he teleports (like after you teleport, you cant teleport again for the next 20 seconds or some ######### like that)
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I don't think he'd have a cooldown, as the drawback of his power is needing to set down the portals, the time it takes to tunnel, the limited number of portals, and the fact that they can be closed by survivors. A cooldown on top of that would be overkill.
Not impossible considering past powers, but not likely from day 1 at the least.
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Ok buddy.
Spoilers btw, Amanda works for Jigsaw.
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Yeah, really underwhelming, sadly.
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It's not even that it's a BAD power, just, why spend a bunch of money buying the licensing for a show with a LOT of lore, for a creature that's linked to some very powerful stuff, just to give it a power that doesn't really relate to it much at all?
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"The generators could have spawned split between the two dimensions, increasing the time survivors take to find them, confusing them about what choices are right, a more physical separation than Freddy's dreamworld."
How would that be implemented?
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Whether or not it's going to be good completely depends on its second power
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I'm not 100% claiming I could cook up a balanced power, but consider if permanent gateways spawned fixed on the map. Walking through would basically take you between the two worlds. Gens 1, 2, 3 and 4 (totems 1 and 2, maybe 1 exit gate with UR add ons) could spawn on the rightside-up, only visible and interactive there, while gens 5, 6, and 7 (totems 3, 4 and 5) would be on the upside-down.
As a power, the Demogorgon could burrow down into the ground and come up in the same place in the other world, while survivors need to spend more time moving between gens, planning what constitutes a 3-gen when you might not see another gen right nearby, even just finding ruin at the start of the match when it could potentially not be in the same world.
Balance-wise there's a lot more potential, pallets would have to be shared between the two, the demogorgon would need SOME way of sensing survivors on the other side (and potentially survivors could hear the TR on both worlds), and the gates would have a short cooldown to prevent hits by just flitting between the two worlds infinitely.
Again, these are just quick thoughts which I feel respect the lore and character much more significantly.
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I feel like that would be a nightmare on The Game and on the new Hawkins lab, which is already split between more than one floor. That also doesn't sound like a particularly interactive power. It's just "some generators and totems are inaccessible without going through a certain marker."
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You have to take into consideration that the Demogorgon can't spread the upside down. It was only ever shown dragging people into the upside down and eating them. All of the spreading the upside down and creating the slug things that grow into demodogs was all done by the Mind Flayer. Even then Mind Flayer couldn't destroy people at will. It had to have them ingest chemicals that would allow for them to be broken down into biomass when it needed to do that. Also its control wasn't complete as both Will and Billy were shown that they could resist it to a degree. Billy being the only one who needed Eleven's help to break free entirely.
Demogorgon just hunts to hunt cause its mindless. Giving it the ability to make tunnels is even weird. It never just makes tunnels for the hell of it or for travel. It just comes through weak spots in Hawkins caused by the lab tests. Why not just give Demogorgon superior hunting powers. Like it can smell blood through a dimensional barrier. That's insane when paired with being an animalistic monster that can run very fast and leap decently far.
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Possibly, and that's why I'm not saying it's a perfect idea, but it's significantly more faithful to the Demogorgon and the Upside-down than digging a hole.
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Is it? From what I understand, what the Demogorgon is doing is creating portals that allow it to quickly traverse the Upside-Down and then appear back into the Entity's Realm.
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Even then, that's not something it ever came close to in the show. Gateways were created by various external forces, and the Demogorgon just found its way across.
In season 1, the Demogorgon seems to be pressing out from inside a wall in the Byers house. To my knowledge I don't remember it breaking through, just being threatening.
The "tunnels" aspect is largely a physical tunnel structure beneath the town in season 2. It doesn't really connect to a power to grow a giant sphincter, dive into it, burrow through thin air, and somehow emerge from a different one on the second story floor with empty space underneath it.
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Yep, it's a bit sad how they only used the upside down to animate using portals... So much potential...
Dude, the gens being positioned in both worlds idea is sick! Hope they read it!
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This is what I found when briefly reading up on the Demogorgon on a ST Wiki:
"The Demogorgon is able to move between dimensions. It enters Hawkins repeatedly by creating temporary tears in space-time. The resulting portals resemble necrotic wounds."
"The Demogorgon was able to create portals that it used to travel between dimensions. These portals were temporary, essentially being dimensional "wounds" that would eventually 'heal.'"
That seems to run very contradictory to what you are saying.
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It has parts of that, but it's far and away not the same as just digging to a different place. The upside down is a whole world that exists in the same place and we don't interact with it, and ONLY utilising that as "it can burrow wherever the ######### it likes" is such a one-dimensional, dumbed-down take on it. This power could have belonged to a completely unlicensed Miner killer and nobody would bat an eye.
My point isn't that there aren't gateways or tunnels in Stranger Things, nor that the Demogorgon utilises them, but that that's like they built the power around vague happenings in episode 1 and ignored everything built up over episodes 2 onward.
There is a LOT of potential for cool, dynamic abilities that resonate with this series, and a glorified mole as a killer isn't it.
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Watching the show doesn't make that very apparent as they never explain how the demogorgon works on screen in terms of monster they are facing. They explain it in terms of the Demogorgon, the D&D monster. Visually, whenever you do see it trying to come into Hawkins via Will's house it seemingly can't push through the dimensional wall. It acted as if the barrier wasn't thin enough to tear.
When Jonathan and Nancy are in the woods though, Nancy finds a hole in the base of tree where you can clearly see the membrane separating Hawkins from the Upside Down. She's actually able to crawl through into the Upside down. In season 2 it still wasn't apparent that the demogorgon was MAKING the wounds itself as they show that Eleven's power is responsible for the big wound in the lab which extended all the way underground. Season 3 you don't even seen a demogorgon till the very end. In that season they show that electromagnetic beam emitters are capable of forcing a rift open.
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Exactly. Originally the first gateway was forced open by external forces. From there it was like the barrier between worlds was fractured. The Demogorgon senses blood or prey and moves through the fractures to hunt, but at the same time fractures appear separate to the Demogorgon that the first kid and later others find their way through of their own accord.
It's not as simple as "Demogorgon wants to go here, now, so Demogorgon waves his magic paw and pierces dimensions," it's described more as a shark following the smell of blood to prey.
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But that doesn't make it unfaithful to the show or to the character itself, from what I am reading. It is a monster that can go in/out of the Upside Down world through tears in the reality. Is that not what is being represented? It is, at the very least, a more active representation than "some generators and totems are effectively sometimes invisible."
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Why can't that be simplified to such a manner in a video game?
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Ok, have you actually watched the show? Because what you're saying is like saying "It'd be fine for Michael Myer's power to be disguising himself with a sheet, because he did that once in the movie."
It wouldn't make it faithful to the character, nor a valuable representation of the movie's lore.
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I was extremely disappointed by his power, I'm tired of charge times. Every killer after clown has had a Charge time, Freddy and now the Demegorgon included.
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That is not what I am saying at all. If the Demogorgon in-show has the means to make/travel through the these tears into and out of the Upside Down, that would be a fairly reasonable thing to distill to its core elements for a game, especially if Netflix gives its seal of approval. Would the Halloween IP holders give their seal of approval to Myers disguising himself with a sheet?
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It depends on how much of detail was actually communicated. Saying "it tunnels in and out of the upside down" would paint a picture of actually utilising the upside-down in some way more than just literally tunneling from point A to point B.
This is an interdimensional monster with a lot more rich possibility than being a glorified mole.
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Because people will buy it anyway. That's the entire point of this chapter.
People who never played killer, wi probably buy it simply for the show.
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It was evident from the stream that there was a lot of communication between the two. 3D meshes the show actually used, behind-the-scenes looks, Season 3 spoilers. They were both fairly invested in this. Also, "it tunnels in and out of the upside down" seems pretty concise and straightforward to me.
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It seems pretty concise and straightforward to someone who's basing their judgement on a ten second google search. Cool.
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It also was good enough for Netflix. :P
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Totally agreed. I think that guy who creates new perks and powers just ran out of ideas and just copies himself.
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Would like to clarify one aspect of the next killer, but game development is not just about making what you want, unfortunately.
For reasons that I will not go into details, the navigating the upside down effect was not possible, so we decided to not use it. Its not because we didn't want to have it...
Thank you!
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They should do more with the oblivious status effect for him, currently I'm pretty sure that it's only applied when survivors are removing his portals. If they applied it during other actions then I'm sure he would be much better.
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Why are Dbd developers always so reluctant about sharing their reasoning behind their creations/ideas/choices?
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Well the Demogorgon is not that interesting as monster, tbh. It's cool, sure, but it's basically a beast coming from an other dimension. The only power it showed was to navigate between the two dimentions, it didn't seem have any power to affect the upsidedown. Which is basically a darker version of our reality, so even in this case not very interesting per se.
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Could be NDAs or license restrictions, if they are not sharing it most likely involves a good legal reason.
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Because they praobly arent allowed to say anythging.
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i also watched stranger things due to dbd and was hyped for this beecause it had like 3 milion views on yt , and was preparing to buy it , but for now big NOPE , doesnt matter if killer will be strong he doesnt seem fun at all and bring nothing new to the table , his power is similar to hag and pig , and his perks dont seem like must have because they are very situational and can be easile player around .
for a killer side its for me huge dissapointment , as for survivor side the perks doesnt look strong either but atleast can be fun while playing with friends or drunk lol .
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He suggests 2 things to me ...
- For the lore of the game ....
- By NEXFLIX ... (licenced company)
So, for those things ... will there never be a very developed power? Everything will be based on the simplest? I have many questions about the future of Dead by Daylight killers.
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I honestly have to say you're wrong. I just rewatched all of Season 1 yesterday and the Demogorgon's power in the game is pretty faithful to the portrayal in the show. He makes portals in the show around where he smells blood. Take for instance the scene in which the Demogorgon takes the deer's body. It created a portal in a nearby tree and went through the Upside Down into our world and took the deer. Or when it attacked Nancy and Johnathan later on in the first season, they cut their hands and the Demogorgon made a portal to crossover right to where they were. It's very accurate to the show, I really can't see how you're saying it isn't.
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The portals will be super though good depending on how many can be placed.
If he can place say 8-10 and use them whenever he wants with no charge his map control will be insane. If caps at 3 it'll be pretty meh.
With 8-10 you could set up a web of portals at every key area of the map. This would be billy/nurse level map presence.
It'd be like Current Freddy with no teleport cooldown but needs to be placed first/ can be destroyed over time.
Then the dash instead of snares but who knows about the dash yet.
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Because they can get fired.
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Heya buddy
The problem is that even if it has great map control it won't matter if it's the same as all other M1 killers
If the pounce can help it reliably in a chase then it will be around B or A tier in my opinion
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We already have Freddy who can teleport directly to the offending generator being repaired. And this Dema-whatever monster lunge attack absolutely sucks because players will simply learn to make sharp turns. This Killer sucks.
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I feel like it's a little too early to determine if this killer will suck or not.
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No, it's never too early for the bright players who understand very little of game balance or design to say killers suck. Just look at reworked Fredward! He sucks like everyone said he was gonna suck right? /s
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I miss the down vote so,i can down vote these devs 😒 all this chapter going to be is another wasted killer who will suffer from everything that all killers besides nurse suffer from, and if new killer is remotely fun there will be screams for nerf this and that
Same crap.
Instead of trying make quick doller why dont you devs fix your bloody game.
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Not only that but DG's going to be a good little boy and hook people for the Entity instead of, I dunno, eating them like it normally would? I think a different death mechanic would be nice, maybe like you trap survivors in the upside-down and they have to save each other and if they get put in it too much or for too long then they are lost forever and are doomed to be eaten by you later. Even if it's basically the same as hooking it would be really cool and would make more sense lore-wise than the big beastly hunter just throwing people on a hook to give to the Entity
Maybe we can pretend it's putting them on a hook to eat later and the Entity is just storing them for you or something, I dunno but at least that would make me feel a little better about it
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I don't see that as a problem. We have a lot of killers who all have various motivations for killing, or specific methods they use to kill people in their lore, however the lore of the game is that in the realms of the Entity, they are controlled by the Entity enough to make them sacrifice survivors to them. There's no need to change that for the Demogorgon.
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Yeah but none of the other killers are non-human monsters who hunt for food