Decisive Strike And Lockers
With the upcoming release of Inner Strength I believe the time has come to look into Decisive Strike working when survivors get into lockers. Because if nothing changes survivors can just hop into a locker in front view of the killer and be essentially invincible, if you leave them they'll heal to full, if you pull them out you'll get stunned
Yeah lol... I agree Why Tunnel them if you know they have DS..?
Kinda seems like you want to be stunned...
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It's not a matter of tunneling at all. I'm talking about the fact a unhooked survivor can just stand there, let you approach and then run into the locker
They can't be punished with a slug you can only let them heal or take the stun. In my opinion that's just dumb likewise if they are near a working gen it's even more of an issue
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Pull them out?
Because then you can chase an injured survivor afterwards instead of a full health state one
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Believe me, you don't need to tell me not to tunnel. I've given up entire games to punish P3 Claudettes that have unhooked their friends right in front of my face. while I'm playing a Bubba mind you. If you've seen my post history you know that I go to great lengths to make my lobbies as fun as possible
DS in this situation is not being used as an Anti-Tunnel tool but a "nahnahnah" weapon that you cannot punish. It doesn't matter if lockers won't be available to them everytime it's still an annoying exploit. If a survivor does something stupid and stays by the hook than I should be able to punish that with a slug
Because otherwise what am I supposed to do if they go into a locker by a generator? I have to eat the stun or they'll just do it while I leave to chase someone else, that's dumb and pretty much the anthesis of a "Anti Tunneling weapon"
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Wait 8 seconds, when they heal, open the locker. There you go, he wasted his heal
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And than you get stunned for 5 seconds. I may have wasted his heal but he wasted almost 20 seconds of my time and when you get to the middle-late game you cannot afford to be wasting that much time. Now due to my playstyle this potential combination won't affect me too much as I always focus on the unhooker unless the unhooked is right by and slugging him would give me much needed pressure
But when it procs it's going to be absolutely frustrating and forcing the killer to have to just bloody wait by a door for 10 seconds only to get stunned worth 2 and a half pallets could be beyond irritating
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And now you know they can't decisive you anymore, so they can't do the same trick again.
And as you said, you should go after the unhooker anyway, let the hooked guy waste time healing while you chase another survivor
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Slug, Go for someone else.
It's that simple. Lockers aren't accessible to a survivor 24/7.
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On most maps, they really are.
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It's called a strategy.
Don't nerf strategies.
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Take the stun 5 seconds might be a lot for the killer, but if you're gonna cry over "oH inner strength and DS op pls nerf" then just leave them.
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At this day and age, you would be silly not to expect DS and continuously tunnel one survivor. What's the plan?
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Excellent lack of reading before you post and reading C O M P R E H E N S I O N
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I love that you can Ds the killer, get back into the locker, and Head On stun them the second they recover from Ds. Use a firecracker for that extra f u.
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You are the one that's crying over DS and inner strength in a locker. :P
When they jump in a locker they have DS so just leave them Mr.Killer
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The last thing decisive strike needs is more restraints on it. Some y’all want every survivor perk to be useless huh?
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I can't see it being much of an issue. The simple counter would just be to not tunnel them off the hook. Assuming you don't, they probably would have healed eventually anyway.
But assuming they do hop into a locker and heal with Inner Strength as well, you can counter that as well. Wait 8 seconds for them to heal, grab them from the locker or hit them as they jump out. They just wasted their heal. You'll get hit by DS, but you should since you chose to chase them off the hook.
The only counter they would have to that is using Head On to stun you, but at that point they're bringing three of their four perks just to counter you tunneling them off the hook, so I would say that's fair game. They have a build designed specifically to stop you from doing that and it's working well.
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If gens aren't done just go ahead and waste their DS. At gates that's pretty much a done deal perk combination so you might as well make it an impossibility if you get the chance. So many killers play around it that you'll find people bluffing you by diving into a lockers more than you'd think. You'll also get DCs when their plan fails but what are you gonna do.
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Survivors abusing a broken perk/a broken mechanic/bad map design/? Who would have thought!
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So your idea is to wait 8 sec then eat a 5 sec stun DS (total of 13 sec) and then you may chase the survivor. Let me tell you why your idea is stupid. First, it's a combo you can counter with any strategy and keep the survivor safe for at least 30 (+). Second same time you need to down the survivor on the hook, like when you need a kill to keep the game going ( you do that with slugging) . Lastly, it's unfair and unfun for one survivor to have a combo that protects them for 75 % of gen and can heal him at the same time.
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You are definitely right, it would be a pretty bad idea to do that. That's why ideally you should never put yourself in that situation to begin with by not chasing someone off the hook. But if you choose to, you are going to get hit by the perks made to counter that. You're touching the stove and expecting it not to be hot at that point.
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"Let me tell why your idea is stupid"... what a way to state a point, lol.
This is yet another " unhealthy interaction" thought up by someone who didn't really think about what they were saying. Inner Strength adds absolutely nothing to this "standoff".
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Nah, not really. That's just what your mental projection of me is like. I pretty much let the unhooked go do whatever they want except when they are by a generator or just decide to rush by me
What I am simply saying is this type of interaction has the potential to be really boring and handwaving it as the cause of tunneling is being a bit silly
Still for me it won't matter too much because not only do I not tunnel.I practically never get hit by Decisive
Still there is one thing I just realized. I also play Trapper.
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Ok then tell me what you will do in that case and how you will secure a kill ( not a hook ) and with what perks?
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Well, survivors claim that NOED and ruin are unhealthy interaction and yet have more counterplay than this combo. So tell me why you think that this combo is no " unhealthy interaction" ?
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Don't tunnel. Learn and accept it already.
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So chase a survivor with both heal bars up in hope you can down them with 2 M1 in less than 30-45 sec, wild you let the other survivor escape ( in this meta we are in "no heal gen rush ") and keep the DS in order to use it one you the next time he/she will be unhooked. Nice plan i sure this will not backfire at all and by the way what are the perks that you using normally?
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Trapping the locker intensifies
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Learn to accept your End Game DS / Auto-Loss as a reward for not tunneling all game and spreading hooks out 'fairly' with your broken/high-tier killers like Clown.
But hey, everybody else had fun :)
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Iron Maiden is a cute perk, currently :)
I mean in general, outside of Huntress play - NO ONE EVER SUSPECTS THE SPOOKY LOCKER OF DOOM
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For your build we can say you are close to rank 9 max rank 8, we know that because you use Nurse's Callingwitch mean survivors heal against you and because you can change your fourth perk freely. BBQ is there for points and information nothing new and Iron Maidenis there to cover the weakness ( one of them ) of BBQ and reload faster ( the one-shot is useless because of the time limit and that your axe do not apply exposed status. The point of this is at those rank survivors will have 0-2 max DS because they want to have fun and they try fun builds. When you go to reds ranks you face ( 90 %) the meta perks and the survivors that know the loops. That's why when killers complain are for the reds ranks. Here a secret no one has problem with DS, BT, DH... and all the second chance perks the problem comes when you can have up to 4 of them in one game and you can make them work all of them together with low to no effort.
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Just run MYC and go for the trouble with BT, DS etc. The only BS is, if you chase down and hook another survivor and the stupid previously unhooked just run into you again and still have DS. This just sucks...I wish they would do something against this.
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MYC only work good for Hag and Nurse
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And Ghostface, Wraith, Billy, T1 Myers, Spirit, Huntress, smart Trapper, Pig, Demogorgan, Freddy...yeah such a bad perk.
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I mean if your going after someone knowing they have DS and that more people might have it since its a popular perk tell me what changes inner strength brings? if anything you waste the heal when you take them out of a locker after 8 seconds. The perk is designed to stop tunneling and if your going to try to tunnel them right after they are unhooked them prepare to be hit with that stun because thats what the perk is meant to do.
As for NOED and ruin the perks are not much of an issue if even one survivor focuses on them. With NOED break the 5 or 4 totems its not hard and people well be breaking them more now that inner strength is a thing. Ruin is probably the easiest thing to deal with because for one you can break the totem and two you should be able to hit them great skill checks its not hard.
This is from someone who mainly plays killer btw. not my fault you like being a jerk by tunneling people.
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It's fully intentional, why is anything a survivor does "abuse"? It's literally using the perk in a smart way.
I guess 3-genning is abuse then because it abuses the way maps are designed to gain a significant advantage.
Stop trying to make survivors look bad because they keep adapting to the ways killers play.
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Ok tell me how you know that survivor have DS ?
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It's so weird. It's almost like.. You don't have to open the locker and grab them.
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I laughed :(
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Obsession status
They do unsafe actions (aka jump in a locker)
They try and get you to hit them so you can pick them up.
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The Obsession may not have DS, resulting in a "Double/Tunneled Hook" trying to eat it :O
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You're literally complaining about Inner Strength, which is directly associated with DS because of the combo. Your issue is not an issue if you simply don't tunnel, what a guy. Why just sit there in front of the locker and wait for DS? Why waste your valuable minute in the first place? Who cares if they're invincible, you're deliberately making the game worse for everyone because of your selfish gamestyle.
Keep telling me more, I'm interested.
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I honestly don't understand the problem people have with DS. It's never once been an annoyance to me. I've only been hit by it like... three times I think since the rework. If you ask me, that's much better than three times per game. And each time I got hit by it, it was because I forgot the survivor was hooked recently.
Just leave the survivor and go after someone else while they're wasting time in a locker. Is it really so hard? Why are you tunneling survivors in the first place? They used half their perks slots so they can get a heal after getting unhooked without being tunneled. I don't see what's OP about that.
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ok bro, have a nice day
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Quite a bold claim, but no, I'm currently in red ranks. You do not need to run meta perks in red ranks, contrary to popular belief. I stream here whenever I play if you'd like to see for yourself:
The no heal meta is also blown a bit out of proportion. Typically people won't heal when there's one or two generators left. Before that, you're better off healing since that extra health state would allow you to stall much longer while your team does gens. Once you're down to one or two, then it becomes more beneficial to finish the generators and get adrenaline.
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Survivors do not adapt. They never do.
Do you need for me to quote that post for the millionth time?
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@Peanits 60 seconds is longer than you guys think, you can hook another survivor before it’s up and still get hit by DS, pls explain how that is “tunneling?” If the others are already hurt or if you have an instadown I've even hooked 2 others and been hit by DS, but that’s tunneling right?
If it’s really an anti tunnel perk have it deactivate based on next hook instead of time.