Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

About the nurse addon rework..



  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    You use what you have around you against nurse, and if you are a really good survivor you can even use pallets against not as good nurses.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367


    Also I've been pallet slammed plenty of times as Nurse.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Yes if the nurse is good eventually you're going to get caught... you cant play the game and expect to never get caught.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Well yeah if the nurse isnt good anything will work on them... but most good nurses will just give a survivor a stupid look if they try pulling a pallet down.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    You are missing the whole point, I stun her and still she appears and hits me while the game says I made a killer stun, makes no sense at all... its like she has mega Enduring in her base kit.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    Your timing is off. You need to stun her while she swings or charging.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Is not off if Im making the stun way before getting hit, thats why she is broken in lots of ways.

    If I do it when she swings Im gonna get more chances to get hit, thats how the game works.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    I get pallet slammed all the time. I wonder how those survivors can pull it off? 🤔

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Because the game is buggy, go figure.

    If the screen says Killer Stun there is no need to argue anything.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    You are correct. Game is buggy.

    You shouldn't be getting those 1000 points.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    If I can predict a fast teleporting killer is there I drop the pallet and the game agrees with my action there should be no free hit at all.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    Completely agree.

    The game shouldn't be detecting a pallet hit.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    There should not be a pallet hit, but if it happens there should not be a free hit.

    If the game takes the pallet stun, why then proceeds like nothing happened, also I think given the situation (Nurse is the most OPed killer) game should give the survivors the benefit.

    Is not like we have 5 dead hards to fool around, while Nurse has unlimited chances to make mistakes.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Angry? I'm just annoyed that people don't have any logic in their argument. Being annoyed and being angry are 2 different things bud. But seems like you have some issues with logic aswell

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367
  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    I don't know how you'd know what the top survivors vs a top nurse would do against each other given no items or addons or offerings. Sure, I acquiesce that maps do play a large part, but I'm fairly sure you haven't seen a team that has such experience against Nurse. You can't just say a god Nurse will beat anyone and anything without taking into consideration the types of counters survivors can employ. Fact is, most public games are filled with people who don't necessarily want to learn a different way of countering a killer other than the method that is most prevalent today (looping, pallets, and windows). Sure you probably have never experienced it. But I implore you to actually consider it given the person you're talking to has a vast amount of experience beyond public matches. There are a wealth of strategies that competitive survivors employ, not all being in the realm of public knowledge.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Well, please illustrate us with your Dev knowledge from outworld.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    Well before the public realized it, it was the competitive meta to use OoO on all killers but spirit and Nurse. Before the fast vault nerf, it was possible to fast vault reverse cowtree and long 4 walls making it impossible to get a hit in with M1s. Those are a few.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    OoO is for experienced players, and its a great tool or at least if you feel like it can be a lot of fun, even if you die quick.

    And Spirit can be countered even when she is a Top 3 killer, but with Nurse I dont feel you have lots of tools to avoid her, and all I see here is Nurse mains tryhards defending their broken killer with tooth and nails.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    "I dont feel you have lots of tools to avoid her"

    I get that, but I have experienced it first hand. It's just a matter of learning how to outplay a Nurse. What the true good Nurses will do is predict where you're going to go, and breaking their hundreds of hours of what survivors do in this situation is what allows for counterplay. You may "feel" a certain way, but it takes time to learn, especially since you don't play against Nurse every game. Understanding that if at all possible running away from a Nurse instead of staying inside a structure can lead you to leave the max range of a Nurse's blink and allow you to make it to another structure to prolong the chase. You can't just keep bashing it in and trying without thinking. Work smart, not hard. All I ask is that you see it from my perspective. Not trying to change your mind, but allow yourself to open up to new ideas.

    Many people think there is no counterplay to Nurse. So it's been ingrained in most of the players minds that no matter what they do, they can't win. And if you aren't working and playing smart with the idea that no matter what you do, you will die, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Break away from that mindset. You won't be able to escape a Nurse 100% of the time. But that's how it should be. If everything had counterplay, nothing would be viable. Sometimes it is necessary to have overly strong characters and powers in order to bring out a more strategic mindset. Reminds me of For Honor. People get mad over unreactable attacks, but if everything was reactable no one would attack. That kind of philosophy is necessary in order for games to thrive, in my opinion of course.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited October 2019

    Or you can do what a good nurse does and fake a blink aiming at the ground leaving the survivor standing in front of you to easily smack them in the teeth.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Wouldn't that in a sense be a nerf since he would be more common to fight thus more strategies would be used to counter him?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    You also get more people brainstorming tactics for her, so it kinda balances out imo

  • OkKiLLer
    OkKiLLer Member Posts: 118

    Who cares about add ons nurse is still really broken without any.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    @Omans you're not gonna be able to reason with people who feel entitled to win 90% of their games because they had to "work hard" to learn a character (in any high execution game, like any fighting game, learning the simplest character's execution in-depth is still harder than learning the Nurse in this game).

    I still stand by my point that I've never seen a godlike Nurse with no add-ons lose a game, and I watch A LOT of DBD content. I've watched some close calls when the Nurse player made a fuckton, and I mean A LOT of misplays, but they still killed everyone. A godlike Nurse, even when add-on less, is like the anthytesis to a godlike SWF group against mid tier to lower killers - the ammount of mistakes you need to make to lose, regardless of how the other side plays, is absurd.

    Not only that, but a mediocre Nurse player is still stronger than a godlike player with most other killers. That's the main problem for me. The way you can just get decent with her and beat people who most likely are fundamentally better than you at the game.

    No matter how hard a character is, they shouldn't be allowed to be overpowered. That's a simple rule for any competitive game. Thankfully (or not) DBD is far from a competitive game, so we get to keep our broken #########.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
    edited October 2019

    In other words....the nurse is being trashed. You are out of touch with high ranked SWF.

    Your new addon that takes the nurse back to where she blinked from is actually supposed to be useful? Considerably increases charge time? A good survivor will be long gone! You better have an add-on that considerably reduces charge time to pair with it.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    By the way, for all the people saying that the training wheels add-on becoming lower rarity is "a buff", give me a ######### break.

    It's a quality of life change. A buff is a change that makes a killer stronger. That doesn't make her stronger, that makes it easier for people to get into the character. We have A LOT of valid reasons to complain when it comes to the Nurse, stay away from the ones that make no sense whatsoever.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Just throwing this question out there: Why did you change Jenner's Last Breath? It's a terrific feeling to combo it with Anxious Gasp. Even on its own, it gives this feeling of power.

    The other ones, meh. Her speed add-ons are my favorite.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I remember a stat about Nurse having a kill rate of about 77% in red ranks iirc. @Peanits can you confirm that for me?

    Could we see stats for add-on less Nurse maybe?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    But cool enough to replace what Jenner's Last Breath does currently? I think not. The developers would have been benefited to have messed with Kavanagh's Last Breath instead.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't think anyone is really arguing that nurse has no counter-play, it's more that her counter-play is limited. I think nurse counter-play can be summed up into 2 parts. the first part is that if you have a LOS blocker, you can use this LOS blocker to move left or right. The other situation is that if your in open field, you have a choice between running forward or moving backwards in assumption that nurse will over-blink such that her chain-blink won't reach you. so by that logic, nurses blinks are 50/50 mind game, right? well yes and no. The best way to explain this is that imagine a survivor who has dead hard and normal 115% killer. If a killer wants to counter dead hard, their typical response will be to talegate the survivor until they're right next to the survivor such that they can do an instant M1 swing that a survivor can't react in time to dead hard. The thing with nurse is, unlike other M1 killers, M1 killers can decide when they want to swing, Nurse after blink can't decide when she wants to swing after a blink, for that reason, Dead hard as a perk is hard counter to nurse as it essentially gives you a free instant heal against nurse. Back to nurse, nurse doesn't need to perfectly blink on top of the survivor, she only needs to use her blink such that she is in lunge distance to attack the survivor(similar to how m1 killers use their 115% ms to reach survivors), as such your able to use your first blink on either side of a LOS blocker to find out which side the survivor went, then use your second chain-blink to blink next to the survivor, and so long as your within lunge range, you'll be able to curve around just about any object to hit a survivor. It's very similar for open field, however in open field, there is a small gap in nurse blink where she physically travel to the location(at max distance) and if your familiar with nurses muscle memory for blinking, you can exploit this very short gap against nurse. Nurse has counter-play, it's just far more limiting than other killers.

    While we're on topic. Let's talk about the other killer that survivor mains complain about which is spirit. A common complaint is that "Prayer beads are op, please nerf dev". Prayer beads aren't overpowered, Spirit has visual cue on her model where her scales light up signalling that she is phase walking. Prayer breads remove sound cues on her spirit walk. The idea that prayer breads make spirit overpowered is forum myth and player base myth. Spirit has 3 points of interest that make spirit strong. Firstly, unlike other killers, Spirit power grows stronger if she has more information on the survivor. When a survivor is injured, they make grunts of pain pinpointing their location and as you know, spirit's power is entirely based off tracking. For this reason, Spirit has built pseudo exposed function in her power. She changes altruistic from a secondary objective to a mandatory objective. A common argument is that you can avoid this by using Iron will, however it just so happens that Nurse has a perk called Stridor which both counters the perk and most importantly, it makes survivor's breathing louder. Survivors breathing, footsteps and blood marks when injured cannot be controlled. Unless you run No Mither, you can't tell your survivor to stop bleeding against Spirit's Father glass add-on.You can't tell your survivor to stop breathing loudly and there is no perk in the game that makes your footsteps silent. It is for that reason that most high-level survivor players play Ace because he has the most silent breathing, Injured moans and footsteps in the game. Spirit is strong because her power is based off tracking and beyond controlling scratch marks from walking, you can't really hide from certain tracking tool provided in the game for the killer. Spirit is strong killer because her counter-play is limited just like Nurse.

    In my opinion, I think Nurse and Spirit are genuinely the most misunderstood killers in dbd. Those 2 killers are far beyond any other killer in term of sophistication. They're really hard to understand, so that's why they're hardest to beat because most people don't understand their power within DBD game play. I think you need to play the game a lot and be really good at the game to beat them. They're not impossible to win against, but they're very challenging to win against if the player who plays the killer is very skilled at the game. that's why those two killers are way beyond in power-level compare to the rest of the killer cast.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Try playing Nurse without add-ons on a tough map against optimal survivors.

    Then tell me again how overpowered you think she is.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    this kids have no idea and only played nurse against badies and/or low ranks. nurse has so many bad maps now that she is actually easy to beat when she got no addons.

  • RossSama
    RossSama Member Posts: 37

    Here you go.

    Tru3Ta1ent reached rank 1 killer playing exclusively Nurse with NO PERKS/ADD-ONS WHATSOEVER.

    LINK to final game in the series

    A bunch of the other games are on youtube for your viewing pleasure. Full red rank survivor SWFs being trashed by a Nurse with zero perks or add-ons. The fact that you can't see the reality here is... baffling, to say the absolute least.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That just shows he's a good nurse player. Not that base nurse is op

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    The whole point of nerfing "opie nurse" was that: her add-ons

    Without 5 blink and omega blink bullshit playing against the nurse will be much less of a pain in the ass

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081


    That's the whole point...that in the hands of a good player nurse is too overpowering.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Actually, Tru3 got trashed in most of these matches and he only got some kills because of survivors greed ( like usually ). In one of these matches, all gens were done in 4 minutes.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That is not the point.

    The point was to show base nurse was op. And it failed at that.

    A good player of any killer can feel overpowering.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Tru3 says, anytime someone asks, that base nurse is fine and that the problem is the add-ons.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Theres very little stats that are actually...... accurate.... kill rate is one of the stats you camt really look at and say this is trustworthy... because with as many players that DC just because they either got knocked down within the first minute or the match or because they dont like the killer.... that sort of stuff buffs kill rates

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    I'm enjoying this.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Same. Pro-Nurse and Anti-Nurse player fights are so weird and entertaining at the same time

    Everyone thinks their the center of the game for some reason

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I mean, I *could* share my opinion, but why bother against people who won't listen? It's like talking to a brick wall.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    4 and 5 blinks addons are not the issue nurse has .. its her base kit with no cooldown, range addons and the third blink