The Rift's rewards are not exclusive ...

Witas Member Posts: 477
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

To be honest, Im pretty dissapointed by this. I understand being "fair" towards players who did not buy the battle pass, but I think that the dedicated players deserve SOMETHING more than casuals. I may be entitled or whatever, but that's what makes the Battle Passes so tempting and satisfying in other games, the feeling of getting something other people won't have. Atleast for me ... What do you think ?



  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    Agreed. At this point the only exclusive item I own is the Kate shirt. It is what it is I guess.

  • Shadow_Master
    Shadow_Master Member Posts: 17

    Nope,we dont need any more exclusive cosmetics in the game,they should be available to everyone in one way or another.The rift serves a good purpose,you buy more stuff in total for less money and it creates an illusion of progression towards them or whatever.It is fine as it is.All the cosmetics in the rift should also be available at the store seperately.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Nothing is exclusive only delayed by 6 months.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Waaaaah me pweasents in video game

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Besides the charms.

    Charms don't have a section in the store so nowhere to add them after 6 months.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Don't know about that. I think devs will eventually add some section for charms into the store but that's just my gut feeling.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Peanits just confirmed above you some stuff will stay exclusive.

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Hah, that basically covers all my worries, thanks for the response btw <3

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Yup, Im 100% satisfied. I understand being fair towards players who don't buy it, I seriously do. But many people (including me) like exclusives, and us being left out like this sucks, but it seems like they went with a nice compromise :P

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    I mean ... Im not saying that battle passes are the best form of microtransaction, but that's the era we live in so ...

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Well you actually get your AC back from completing the Rift.

    So basically you get "free" cosmetics while people will have to pay more for it later.

    For example the Very Rare Billy outfit cost 1080 AC (only via AC) so just on one outfit you saved 80 AC. But there is a total of like 7-8 new outfits so basically you are already saving at least 300 AC on the cosmetics but there is also the charms that are not in the store.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    The fact that a skin looks cool is the reason you'd wanna show it off so thats a non argument.

    Now add exclusiveness to it and its even more special, as you are one of few who has it.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Its not a non argument. If a skin looks cool I will want it end of story. I don’t care if others have access to it, I will still enjoy it. I want the new Micheal, Laurie, ghost face, Steve and Nancy cosmetics because they look AMAZING.

    Imagine if they made all those skins timed exclusives, that would be really sh*tty to all the new players who join the game at a later date, or the people who just don’t have time to play enough to unlock them.

    I think what BHVR is doing is a perfect solution that makes them feel special enough while not completely excluding others. And again there still will be a couple 100% exclusive skins that you can wear so you can feel special.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    None of the skins from the pass look like they are worth any money tbh.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    It still isn't free. You still invest $10 and only get the auric cells back if you're dedicated enough to play and unlock all tiers. Unless you're dedicated and get to the end, you'll wind up paying for the next one.

  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Member Posts: 54

    In my general opinion, having early ownership of the skin before it hits the main store is a alright enough compromise.

    To say "Screw you" to new players and completely block them from earning a cosmetic because they weren't around at the time would hinder the game's reputation far more than it's toxic community and large amount of expensive DLC already does.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I like that some charms will be exclusive as they're a tiny detail to show that you participated, and let you be a bit more custom, but something large and significant like full outfits are always available to everyone.

    It's much more fair, and doesn't rub a big middle finger in new players' faces just for not playing the game at a certain time.

    Of course people will still cry if they can't get a specific charm, but it's a tiny detail, compared to always missing something like Huntresses wolf mask.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    I disagree.

    The more availability there is of one thing the less value it has.

    If you didn't play around the time that thing was available, well too bad i guess? There will always be more skins im sure.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Exclusivity is a very iffy subject.

    Well yes it could be good for bragging rights and being able to say yes I have this.

    It can be very annoying for those people who don't have it especially when it comes to exclusive that are restricted to specific areas or platforms.

    So there are a lot of console players who would like golden Min or deathgarden mask Meg especially considering they didn't even have the chance to get it.

    Whilst I can at least appreciate exclusive that everybody had a chance to get for example propain hammer Billy and Hound mask huntress.

    it's not a good idea in general as newcomers could also gets annoyed that they didn't have a chance to earn it because they weren't playing the game at that time.

    Restrictive exclusives are definitely something that should not be a thing you shouldn't have to be in a specific area or play a specific platform to get something

    As timed exclusives that's accessible to everyone for certain time limit is basically a double-edged sword it's probably the best type of exclusive but it's not what the best way to go

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Devs says it takes roughly 70-80h to get all tiers of the Rift. The event is 11 days long and you gain serum every other tier. Is there enough time to get all 6 cosmetics without using any Aurics Cells to upgrade the tiers.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Just because I don't buy the battlepass I'm not a dedicated player anymore but a casual? Logic not found.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Peanits I don't mind the skins coming back out later but I'd like something just to show that I eanred the skins. It could be a symbol on the character or a slightly different colour for the cosmetic.

    Please consider just giving something, no matter how small it is. I just want to have something to prove I've earned the cosmetic I'm wearing

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I'd like to see the cosmetics have different quality if earned (rare) vs store bought (yellow), etc

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Sorry, but this must be a joke. You are implying that hardcore, serious players will pay while casuals won't. I guarantee it has nothing to do with casual vs hardcore. It has more to do with a person's resources and their spending habits. A kid playing on MoM and dad's dime might not get the resources needed, or someone working minimum wage might not. But someone with plenty of resources might throw money at whatever they want.

    In the end, it has nothing to do with casual and hardcore. It is whether you can afford it and whether you feel it is worth the money.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Peanits I don't mind the skins coming back out later but I'd like something just to show that I eanred the skins. It could be a symbol on the character or a slightly different colour for the cosmetic.

    Please consider just giving something, no matter how small it is. I just want to have something to prove I've earned the cosmetic I'm wearing

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    @Peanits I don't mind the skins coming back out later but I'd like something just to show that I eanred the skins. It could be a symbol on the character or a slightly different colour for the cosmetic.

    Please consider just giving something, no matter how small it is. I just want to have something to prove I've earned the cosmetic I'm wearing

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    Since my English isn't that great could someone please explain the difference between the tome and the rift? And do you have to play killer AND survivor or can you choose what role you want to play to proceed?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Even if it's a slight colour change I wouldn't mind that. Just something to show I earned the cosmetic

    It wouldn't surprise me they sell them later down the line anyway. I don't really care about the charms, I don't think they are that noticeable.

    Also sorry for the message being repeated 3 times, the internet has been going on and off a lot recently.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    will it be possible for you guys to explicitely say "this item is exclusive for the rift" so if people want it they can aim to get it, rather than think "oh i didnt manage to get it in the rift, im sure ill be able to buy it later on", only to find out that it isnt possible to do so?

    if that makes sense

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Nope the charms in the rift are exclusive. Also you said in your message to peanits that you would take anything no matter how small it is, and yet now you’re saying charms aren’t noticeable enough... so which is it?

    ALSO, if that’s not enough for you, there will still be a small fraction of skins that are 100% exclusive to the rift. So there’s really no need to be upset.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    @Peanits will there be any skin available to buy with iridescent shards? Lately every skin is auric cells only. Will that happen with the skins from the rift? And with the event ones?

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @NullSp3c Good question.

    I have been wondering about shards and the store as well. Will all the cosmetics after a time be able to be purchased with shards, eventually? And will any current ones get cheaper? (Noticed some more expensive then others etc.) Like maybe it rotates in a way? Or is it permanently fixed prices?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I don't really care for the charms. They are alright but they just aren't my type of thing. I also find it hard to believe the charms will stay exclusive.

    I said something similar last year during the halloween event and during the lunar event. I'd like something to prove I've earned everything, and didn't buy it at a later date.

    Ino a lot of people on the forums get upset over small stuff like this, but I'm not one of those people lol

    ALSO, I dont understand the point of putting words in CAPITALS like that. It just looks stupid.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    But there will be some exclusive stuff... now is there any indication to that reward will be? If and when there is an exclusive in the archives/rift?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Actually, if you examine the official Dead by Daylight website you'll see that only "most" of the cosmetics will be released to the store, so a few will be exclusive. Also, I may be mistaken but I thought the charms were exclusive themselves?

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Is there a way we can tell what will be exclusive to that rift? I'd really like to know what I would permanently miss out on if I don't reach a certain point before it's too late

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Believe what you want, but I guarantee that the charms in the rift will remain exclusive. The devs have not once brought back an exclusive skin and I don’t see it happening in the future, so it most definitely won’t happen with rift charms.

    It sucks that you don’t like them, but if you want something to prove that you earned everything and didn’t buy it at a later date, the charms are what you get.

    ALSO, typing in all-caps is literally just a way to emphasize something, similar to writing a word in italics, or bigger or smaller font. Not sure why you consider it stupid but whatever lol.

  • JasonTrent1297
    JasonTrent1297 Member Posts: 34

    My guess is a decent amount of the charms will be exclusive, since it's not a big deal if a player doesn't have one of those, but you're still getting cosmetics that won't come out for 6 months for less than they're worth.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    See I love that you get it back and it is so worth it but there should be a golden outfit at the end or some new rarity that would let everyone know what is exclusive. Like I assume the vile charm will be exclusive but thats not nearly as cool as a skin. Maybe one exclusive survivor and killer at the end would be neat. I didnt know about this and kinda lost my b*ner (for the rift obviously) after reading this. I feel like this game hardly rewards dedicated players. It is so focused on the common players and less on the players who are on it over other games as in. In other words this game mostly cares about the players that only get on when a new licensed killer comes out or in between when they have nothing else. I want the commons to see my bomb a** rift skin and wonder where I got it from. Then they would maybe be interested in buying the next rift pass dont you think?

  • silasbleu
    silasbleu Member Posts: 181

    At least some things will remain exclusive. (:

    When it comes to exclusive items... I think it's less of "oh I feel special let me show this off" and more of "yeah, I busted my ass for this."

    No one is left out. We all have the same opportunity to earn the items in the given time frame as everyone else, regardless of what's going on in our personal lives. Although what I said earlier doesn't really apply to the rift pass since you can unlock tiers with cells rather than earn them...

    Now I'd like to see some unlockable items for each character than can only be obtained by accomplishing certain missions playing as them. These could never expire, thus not really making them exclusive, and will still wield a sense of accomplishment for the player that unlocked it. That would be sweeeeeeeeet

  • Mashtyx1
    Mashtyx1 Member Posts: 188

    @Witas I don't think you can get the charms... meaning you'd have those to brag about.