Cut the Devs some slack...
I was looking forward to the patch and event as much as the next person. But a lot of people are just being rude saying they don't care an other nasty things. I understand the frustration but cut them some slack Im certain its not their intent to postpone the event and we are all human mistakes happen and things come up. Its not like they cancelled it altogether we will still get it we just have to wait a bit longer :)
I care about the event it seems pretty good but I'm not foaming at the mouth and mad that it's delayed
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I'm actually good with this as I just got power back on after Sunday's tornados...I wasn't sure when my apt complex would get power back, but at least my complex didn't get hit by it like other areas...
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Dang man, you all good?
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yeah really, I'd rather them work on it and get everything good with a delay then them release something broken and have to fix it then.
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There were ppl injured and houses and businesses damaged and power lines taken out, but as far as i've seen in the deaths.
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Thats good for no deaths, an glad you made it out okay it seems :)
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I just hope the devs will extend the event.
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Yeah, it missed me by a few streets...the only casualties I had was the contents of my freezer and fridge...
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I know. Like, I’m disappointed and annoyed about the delay, but that’s really just because I’m excited for it to drop.
Some of these people act like Behaviour personally denied them life support. I get it, it sucks. But if this is the worst thing happening in your life right now, maybe take this downtime to count your blessings.
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"Pretty good job so far"
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I don't mind the wait, honestly. It's disappointing, sure, but it happens I guess.
For many people it just feels like the last straw, after weeks of being more or less kept in the dark, with minimal communication about the event and upcoming patch, only to have... something (we still don't know what precisely they're counting as part of the event and what is part of the update)... delayed at the last minute due to vague, unconfirmed reasons.
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From what they've said, the event will still run with the same amount of time, just starting at a later date. We just have no clue when that date is. I'm hoping it's at least at the end of the month, or early november, otherwise it kinda kills the halloween spirit
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I like and respect BHVR but I’ll still call them on their mistakes and blunders.
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This. I get giving criticism to a mess up like this, but dang people are just outright malicious at this point. Some players forget this is still a relative small company and dbd is (if I'm not mistaken) their first successful game. Becoming a gamer dev doesn't immediately make you all knowing on game developing, let BHVR learn and improve from their mistakes
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My thought process exactly
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Thank you!
That's all I can ask for honestly. I'm sorry if I looked like I was begging in the forums earlier ^^; I was pretty disappointed to find out that the update was pushed back.
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I'm a little sad about the delay, but the delay was for a good reason. I'd rather have a patch that's delayed but not busted rather than getting a patch that's extremely buggy.
Take into consideration that the PTB was really buggy and the power outage last week might have caused them to lose either a day or hours to work on fixing things up.
The devs are humans not robots, life happens. There's no reason to be so pissed about a patch delay. A little disappointed is understandable, but baby raging is not.
It will be here before you know it.
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It's okay tho, I do always get some delays so I'm used to it, It's a bummer? Yes, but in the end we're going to still have the event!
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To all the people complaining about the delay... "Why don't you make your own Halloween event and update patch, with blackjack and hookers"
You all seem to think it's so easy
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*This post never existed*
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Gives me time to play outer worlds when it comes out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I have reservations about how devs handle balancing, but I have no problem with them delaying things to fix sudden issues. It shows that priorities are in order.
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Are you being serious right now? The halloween event didn't need to be married to their battlepass. It was fine as an event on its own. This is just another example of actual content being held back by rapidly growing paywalls.
Its a good thing they got those two new ports launched though, despite having insane bugs at launch. Wouldn't want to improve the core game without guaranteeing more revenue streams.
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If it wasn't tied to the pass we would have a week or two vs 70 days. That alone is a great reason to tie it
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Yes i agree, they've completely invalidated the event entirely. Excellent move.
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Hmm well ig I'm not as mad anymore but still disappointed but I can wait
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This. They don't seem to have any sympathy at all for their players who are still supporting a bug-ridden game, despite all the money we throw at them. And they certainly don't seem to have any sympathy for us when they very purposefully don't fix things like losing your offerings when someone disconnects. Or when they show you how many points you would have received when someone disconnects...but then they still don't give you the points. Or when they permanently reduce the already poor hair rendering on consoles, then turn around and brazenly offer up new cosmetics for console players while pretending that hair doesn't look even more booty-doo than before.
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Let's all just hope they actually deliver a good patch and not delay everything to still have it broken.
Keep trying BHVR!
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The worse thing they could of done is release it being broken and it taking 3 days to fix meaning the event is now 3 days shorter. This way is better for sure.