I want to target hard bases and long bases. Rank still incentivizes targeting short (and therefore weak) bases. They didn't solve the problem, they just slapped a bandaid on a chemical burn and called it a day.
There is never a situation where ranged is worse than melee for destruction, because the good ranged weapon functions in melee range without issue and even the current max lunge range is too small to matter outside of niche scenarios.
Arc barrier does little to piston paths and meat walls
If there are no pistons, speed determines the winner. Find the exit, grapple towards it. If you jump out of a grapple and don't move you can conserve the speed, giving you time to launch another grapple.
Also just realized that size is not taken into account regarding ranking or reward; you lose the same amount of rank per death on a large base as a small. Given prestige implies a large base is supposed to get 6 times the kills, the game design ACTIVELY DISCOURAGES Raiders playing for progression from choosing large bases.…
My small outposts are very profitable, you just need to think outside the box in how you build, no capacity upgrade necessary. And even if your particular idea does need the extra capacity, as long as it can get 1 kill in 24 hours you can prestige it.
Anyone talking about meta that doesn't mention the Volt lance doesn't know what they're talking about. Sword and board is popular because it's fun, but it's honestly kinda weak with how many meta threats beat it. It's almost impossible to get more than one kill against a quick yet careful volt lance user.
Flash barrier works too doesn't it? And it solves so many other problems too.
This, it's silly that making an outpost too hard has the same problem as making it too easy.
If this was the cause you'd see it in twitch streams as well, but people there are getting 10x attempts with bases that look similar to mine
I haven't noticed a loss in speed, if anything it seems easier to melee flamethrowers by grappling at them now. If you have parts to spare, I recommend getting the speed boost consumable, It stacks with the suit speed bonus and let's you go very fast.
I haven't noticed any major slowdowns
It is literally, completely impossible to build an impossible level. Every base has a Harvey sized path in it, and there is no combination of traps that can't be overcome. Go ahead. Make an "impossible" level and send it to me. I'll prove it's possible.
Design your unbeatable level and put it in the community tab, I'll beat it for you. I'd also like to point out you "could", you haven't done so. The people who actually do build these levels are almost always the ones who are willing to go through them, spite is a powerful motivator Harv is a potent difficulty ceiling,…
This already exists; holo and acid blocks with second wave are solid bedrock until the genmat is picked up, and a single acid block can be grappled through without issue. My most lethal base actually has an acid backdoor at the genmat.
Harv is there so you don't have to beat the level yourself, and to add a sort of difficulty ceiling. Your level can still be played through the community tab without issue it just can't be used for progression. If you share the level here I'm down to give it a shot.
I'm confused; Mario maker is famous for its kaizo levels, if anything it proves forcing a player to beat their own level is redundant since once they do (and they will) we're back to square one. And the Harv system prevents impossible levels in this game. the worst you can encounter are piston path hells, but while hard…
I mean the main options for that are aesthetic, I've raided military bases with helipads, a dragon with an acid filled stomach, and if a friend of mine doesn't build a golden behive filled with fliers I will. Messing with Harv's path and making a maze is also a great way to slow or stump runners, same with tight corridors…
Sadly it's kind of necessary to keep the pool of bases flowing. Right now there are so many bases compared to the amount of Raiders that most of my bases are barely being raided. Creative appearance is always valuable, since more people will click your base. Community tab and base sharing is the "endgame" so to speak since…
Unrelenting currently isn't great but making it base kit and adding a detection range mod could make the trap OP as hell; think pistons perfectly timed to always catch you covering the entire harv path. And if it doesn't catch people with speedboosts or grapplehopping then all you've created is a noobcrusher, which is…
This seems like a lot of dev work for something most players will ignore. A weekly challenge to build a base following these restrictions for a mild boost in payout or one of the eventual unlockables would be neat though The raider side is just a bad idea in general. Restricting a raider's options will enable some…
Anyone who builds a killbox understands how to break a killbox.
Level up your advisors by doing bases or making bases, this levels your chimera, which gives you hundreds of red cells
Honestly most kill boxes barely slow me down. What slows me down are arrow traps placed behind me or a hallway of 4 Pistons and a furnace
Harvey's path is already customizable, just put second wave holo/acid blocks in your floor to block it.
I'll bite the bait Your belief that something that will kill speedrunners will kill newbies who backstep 2 squares at the first sign of danger shows you haven't even tried thinking of solutions to this problem. an arrow trap placed blocks behind a corner aiming down a tight hallway will do nothing to a cautious player, but…