Socials do not give resources. So basically if I understood correctly, you do not wanna prove that all mazes are fun? Yet you wonder why I block them?
Do you like mazes? Good thing that I just happen to have a normal difficulty maze for you. 4000 points worth of blocks, 500 points of killing power. Interested?
I have also noticed that none players above 32lvl have attempted my outposts if socials do not count. I am over lvl 120 and I only block long mazes and through acid-targeting exploiters. Yes. I agree that the ranking system is faulty due to grinding easy brutals as the rank indicator. I personally try to pick the most…
2 IQ death boxes can be beaten with a 3 IQ playstyle. Looks like you did not make it. And 3rd note; IQ is a very unreliable way to measure intelligence. IQ only measures how well you're doing IQ tests.
Well, there is a common trend among game devs. If you exploit, you will play with exploiters. Or you're just unlucky. Remember to report exploiters.
Let me guess. You used targeting through an acid block exploit? After some testing with raid rates for 4 days with different things, the only map I had that did not get a prestige lvl was one using an exploit.
Very good system. Sadly most people on MYM are casuals who do not wanna learn new mechanics or Git Gud. Instead, this game works on a blocking system that allows casuals to remove hard lvls that way.
Having many raiders means just it is easy.
There are no unbeatable outposts with the current system. Git Gud. But, I also have nothing against people needing to complete their outpost before publishing it. There is not a single map, that I have not completed. Even my own.
In short, this guy is a newbie. Most newbies are afraid to adapt. Please don't be a newbie and.. Git Gud.
Soon as I play a tedious maze I instablock the author. And exploiters also. Everything else goes.
Wow. The font color of the options is very hard to see. Here are the options: I will support this I will not support this I do it for fun already. Shame on me.
Seems like we got ourselves a newbie here. Nothing I have not seen or beaten. Git Gud.
This game has a tendency to crash a lot.