I love mazes
You bring up a good point as far as guard patrols are concerned. It only seems to work well sometimes. There are occasions where I feel like the cell to hold a guard fails to restrain them and they just walk through what should be a wall Acid conversion traps depress me. I usually see it coming due to lack otraps or guard…
Also it would literally give raiders a chance to 'meet the maker'.
If you want a pressure system I think building it in manually through creative placement of enemies and traps is in order. Exactly what those conditions would be may require a bit of work on your end. For instance patrols on guards.
Maybe a laughing sound and "You have died" splash across the screen would be sufficient punishment for failure. If this can't be accomplished, can I at least have something to read while I wait? Lore, tips or maybe even an image that won't be burned I to my monitor in a year perhaps?
The load screen has become a punishment in and of itself. I second this. There must be something that can be done to eliminate the loadsceen to streamlime gameplay. Resetting the traps and changing the xyz coordinates of the player and monsters back to their initial positions sounds fair.
Hmm, strange. Lost one of my comments. My current design philosophy is to entertain and challenge the raiders. These creations amount to levels in a video game. If I didnt/wouldnt want to play my creation, why should anyone else? I said other things, but this was the most important point.
It may also be best to look at each creation as a level in a game, since that is essentially what it amounts to. If you wouldn't enjoy playing it, why build it? My current design philosophy is to entertain the raider and challenge them. Perhapse these should be new accolades? (Challenging and Entertaining). However I like…
Obviously once beaten said map could enter the pool as per usual. This gets rid of the terrible raider-builders problem and rewards good raiders. Alternatively its just passive farming with cut-and-paste builds. However I still think it best that you beat your own map before upload. This mainly because it would be a…
Not I. Builder verification sounds like a balancing feature and would showcase your abilities beyond spam plasma reap rewards, or a proverbial funnel with a meat grinder attached to the bottom. I think i should leave it at that. I have plenty more to say, however. It would limit the broken b's maps and that is the main…
Dark souls is my bread and butter, rust and ark my tea and crumpets. It will definitely hold my attention for a while. I just wonder deep down what MYM will look like with enough TLC in the future. It definitely has potential. If it manages to grow expontially over time it could really become a wonderful product. My son…
Gaining new players is largely irrelevant if they cannot be retained.
Oh and as for new traps and mods. I like the idea of keys and doors. Have a mod for reatures called key bearer. Red key, blue key, green key. run a check to ensure that the keys are not blocked by the doors. Darkness would also be a wonderful trap, cheap effective atmospheric and it gets the job done. Not absolute darkness…
I honestly think new suits is a definite must. Hundreds of them over the course of the games lifespan. Asymmetrical l gameplay needs to attempt to maintain a balance between the juxtapositing sides. Something that had not adequately been addressed. Each new mod and block issues new tools that will probably just be…
The real question on my mind revolves around player retention. 🤔
As it stands, I feel that without incentivising raiders to explore different tactics when attempting raids this game will become nothing more than afk farming soon enough.
Actually I like where you are headed with that, a deployable stationary piece of cover like a sandbag. Provided you can still grapple to it.
Perhaps, I was thinking just long enough to use to get out of a room with no fixed attatch poi to escape from after grappling in using the hook through an acid trap. Say there is only open sky on the outside of fortified tomb that uses an acid trap as a barrier.
Ooh, how about the ability for a raider to create a block, could be used as a grapple point, to stem the flow of guards, or simpley as cover. Never know what a creative raider could do until one tried thinking outside the box with it.
You don't think that your approach to communication isn't just as equally condescending and insulting? Oh and for the price point I was thinking. You could buy 30 of theM. 1000 parts a pop.
Going to have to agree about plasma spam. I like puzzles
It could be easily balanced by making them expensive 😕 and limiting the number carryable. Also by taking up a grenade slot the person would be forced to choose a situational explosive over other viable options. Sounds more like it makes you have to think differently on how you approach your designs.
In my opinion the game is leading towards people making impervious death traps. Isn't that just God mode?
Oh gawd, I can imagine the person eating popcorn as my ineffective gag reel of 50+ replays on a brutal map rolls on and on.. Can we call one of these accolades 'HE NEVER KNEW WHEN TO QUIT', please? Rip Jim Varney, you are missed. (Unlike the trap that caught me 50+ times.)