dont bother. I tried to tell them noths ago. But most ppl on here and on reddit are hardcore fans that do not grasp the concept of balancing... so the devs wont fix anything, no matter how much the steamrating drops. (its at 60% now :D) Sadly... I was VERY hopeful at first because they had the feedback thing in the beta...…
Did... you just disagree with me, only to basicially exactly explain what I was critiquing? :D It is never the players fault for exploiting the system. That is what players do. Bad gamedesign and overlooking blatent issues are the fault, which are always on the dev. You can make these mistakes, but if you ignore them, that…
I guess? I think it is pretty obvious... but I'll try to make it more clear, maybe just my own bias: "Its almost like a system (basebuilding) that only rewards one special thing(kills) breeds exploiters that hunt only that special thing(killboxes and nearly unbeatable maps instead of creative and visually pleasing design).…
Its almost like a system that only rewards one special thing breeds exploiters that hunt only that special thing. WEIRD. And totally not forseeable...
Just here letting you know I told you so ^^ (I also made a similar post back IN the betatest, but this one is a bit more focused)
Why SHOULD social raiding not give you anything? Maybe only 10% of competative... but as I stated before: I have no intention to buy the game as it is right now... Social raiding with creative bases might at least be one way for me to enjoy the game.
Have none of you guys ever played a map-building game? All your arguments make it sound like none of you did... because everything @Kharel just said does not apply to any of the game I have played. Sure this game is different is a way, but there is no reason why it shouldnt also apply to this one. Just imagine any of these…
Make it optional.
Did... did you just... but I... already... HUH?
I... I actually thought so hard about what I have heard people say, that I actually forgot the "other" option... ouch the shame. So your vote would be the first option. "Yes. Harvey is great. The limits he imposes are not important and the benefits he brings outweigh those." PS: the "solution" is forcing the player to beat…
that is why there shouldnt be a path. EVERY map building PvP game (in the sense that one creates it and another one beats it) is based around this simple concept: "Build it - beat it - upload it" Be that trackmania, super mario maker or bloons td. They all follow this concept. Why? Because it works great. Bad maps get…
@Entchenklein if your base is fun, that shouldnt be a problem. If you however have unfun set-ups, maybe that is a good punishment :D If your base is creative, it shouldnt be so bad to play it again. I've played my maps quite a few times... simply because I was bored of killboxes and the same setup. And I fixed one of my…
I guess you misunderstood me. The negative feedback should be OPTIONAL if you quit, not automaticially as soon as you quit. Kind of like "did you have fun or do you never want to see this map again?"
and yet, they stayed. A fun brutal map will normally be completed and given "fun & brutal". Un unfun map is what needs to be disincentivised. If players play more than 2 minutes, oyur map isn't unfun. Trust me.
I like the idea of making the grapplinghook a gadet as well. Basicially making it optional. You can pack it or something else. And also can be upgraded. Pull-in speed, cooldown, type of hook (direct or physicsbased) could give a LOT of variation... especially as long as harvey is still around ^^ Since he garantuees you can…
Well harvey has nothing to do with unfun maps per se. That can be fixed with accolades and mapinfo showing earned accolades. What harvey DOES, again is limit the ways I can build in. I am not even saying that you can't get creative with him... but many bases that I would want to build are simply impossible or at LEAST…
@clownkrieger "Can you guys tell me what the "only certain way" to design an outpost is and why there is no room for parcour/complex movement?" Narrow corridor. Trap misdirection (sometimes creative, other times not) by trapping traps or building traps so that it is hard to spot them if you dont crawl along. That is…
No this is not my second account :D And thank you! I've been saying the same thing. LOSE THE DAMN DOG. Or make it optional.
but... again... that is why accolades need to matter. Let players decide what map is fun and which isnt. Built a stupid endless maze with only one correct path? 0 Accolades "Not Fun"; dont get recommended. Or even better: show us the accolades of a map beforehand. So we can choose to ignore it. "50 plays, 1 finished raid…
"See, and there we have the problem: [...]" That is why accolades need to be far more important than kills. I can already build impossible maps WITH harvey (how the devs call him). Because you don't have to beat it yourself.... That is why the impossibility is a different question and should be fixed with accolades. But…
"The option to deactivate harvey or not would be ok, but only on raiders side - builders would still have to build a path thats at least doable for the games pathing mechanics." Why? He literally adds no value to the game except a "safe" path. I hate him. Every map of mine kills him outright :D The amount of times where I…
I have had some creative bases as well... one guy had like a room with lots of giant guys in a seperate room that would trigger if another enemy saw you... so they would path around through the exit, cutting off your escaperoute. I don'T mean "no creativity is possible". But it is severely limited. There is only a hand…
The harvester needs to go. It limits creativity so much it actually blows my mind. Any base involving a grappling hook? Impossible. Any base involving pick a path, fake floors, any creative design but misdirection of attention? Impossible. The harvester path should only be a requirement for beginner bases. So that they…
great feedback can support basicially everything. Difficulty is calculated REALLY badly (based on traps/guards instead of deathratio) so one of my bases has only a 1.5 ratio and is ranked "brutal" while another is at 8.8 and also brutal (0.7 is normal) The ability for a replay is AWESOME. The game already gives you things…
Okay hot take: Let us preview the map before spending currency on it. That is at least shortterm a far easier solution. Maybe I want a base with 30% bedrock... invisible blocks are stronger than ever :D
Every map NEEDS a better preview page. There are a view things it needs: Completionrate - simple. The more players play it to the end the more fun and "doable" it is. I quit every guard/trapspam map with no accolades... so they don't get at most 1-2 deaths out of me Descriptions. Basename, A description as well as earned…
That... is so stupid. But it explains a lot. Thank you. I made a super difficult path (the one most ppl just follow because the stupid dog is there) one slightly less dangerous path and one completely harmless one. This system is so easily cheesable. It NEEDS to bee the deathratio. That is the only reasonable measurement…
An accolade "unfun" would be great if you abandon the map. If a map gets a large portion of "unfun" accolades, it gets demoted until you delete all blocks and start from scratch.
The whole "upgrade only affects boosts" dynamic is a bit unintuitive. I guess there are simply to few guards/traps and gadgets in the game right now to lock some of them behind an advisor...
PPS: a block that slows you down would be IMMENSELY helpful (like magmacube, but the dog can walk through it) because most maps are easily beaten by just being fast enough.
PS: i cant confirm my email... I don't get one to confirm it.