You're still not getting my argument. This is for prestige not buying outposts. You're not building a new one you're simply Restocking it. So I don't see why that has to be strictly synthite. After 10 they can't be used again. Currently people aren't getting enough plays on their maps to even get a prestige which makes you…
Again. Don't need it explained to me. I know how it works. I'm saying there's not enough to spend parts on and too much to spend synthite on
What you wanted to do is in the build menu at the bottom. You'll see strip outpost and whatever button that corresponds with the system you're playing on
It doesn't. They'll likely add to the story later in future updates. For now the game runs with a real simple concept raid/build/repeat
I'd love to see an upgrade that let's us change his appearance to one of the guards to trick a player into killing him. That'd make it really interesting for maze builds
I thought it was pretty obvious I was creating an open discussion to debate the topic not have its function explained to me when it's fairly obvious I already know how it works. 🙃
Unfortunately not much you can do about that. As far as I'm aware there is no way to get an outpost back after destroying it. If you want to remove everything from an outpost open the build menu and you'll see a button you can hold to strip the outpost removing everything. (Y on Xbox) you can also remove pack specific…
The problem is they aren't all tight boxes. The one I made is quite spacious and the shield doesn't last long enough to make it through and the pistons prevent anyone from escaping the room fast enough to avoid being shot. Ranged isn't an option because I have 5 of those plasma caster things and 4 ranged guys. Along with…
We wouldn't be able to get any players in them. There's a lot more maps available than there are raiders. If that number keeps going up your just gonna keep getting a ghost town
It's actually a solid concept to prevent players like yourself from finding ways to exploit the system and make it impossible to collect the genmat. They should definitely not change that system