Its DEI slop first DLC since launch I haven't bought with real money. Not a chance in hell I'm paying for this sort of content!
Worked for me too I finally completed it! Thanx Behavior!
Come on devs fix it!
Still bugged for me please fix can't complete Tome cause of it.
I am also encountering this problem. Please fix!
this is also happening to me I have 4/6 now its stuck no matter how many I hook in basement no matter how many die on hook it won't go past 4/6
It was broken I still haven't gotten it not sure if it still is
Is it still broken?
Its 100% bugged I wish they'd fix it it the only one I need to complete book 2! I Dead harded into and Bubba's left click on Haddonfield between a house and a row of hedge (So there was no way I couid graze off on either side) I went directly into his chest as he left clicked and absorbed the attack and lived and still no…
This is true I have been trying to get it as Legion as well it is bugged! Only Artist counts toward it currently! (Begrudging goes and plays the artist which he hates to get achievement progress)
Same for me it must be bugged or something is there anyway to report this being bugged? Okay check this video out I did it almost frame for frame exactly as this got in the little fenced off area so I couldn't graze off to one side of the other and Dead…
Well all I'm really saying is the system they got in place rn needs a bit of reworking when queing solo and randoms DC within the first like 2minutes of the match considerably stacking the odds against u or when u are tunneled by killer or basement camped and u depip because of it its a pain. Especially if ur someone like…
Tunneling is straight ######### and either it or the down pip system need to go FR
Oh oh or I love this one have u heard the one about the ######### Leatherface that puts u in the basement and sits at the bottom of the stairs until u struggle out that's a knee slapper!
I just hate the fact they lock an achievement behind a task that is so entirely dependant on wether or not ur teammates feel like ragequitting or the killer feels like being a dick and facecamming u after ur first hook until u die. This is especially frustrating when ur like 2 pips away from Rank 1 and then it happens like…
@Calchexxiss Well I'm sorry we can't all have the luck of u but when ur at almost rank 2 then u get 3 games in a row with randoms that instantly disconnect upon getting hit (2 in the last one) in the first 2 seconds and then the killer insists on try harding, then the next two games after that u get tunneled hard and by…
Buffy would be an awesome pack too @EmotionalDaisy Like have Buffy and Spike as survivors and maybe have like Angelus as the killer maybe we don't have a vampire killer
I also see ur point though lol they’d like wreck anyone on the killer list tbh if it were a legit fight the only one that might give them trouble would be Freddy because he’s a lot different than anything they’ve ever faced but in the end they’d like prevail they’re kinda op really haha
Don’t think they’d really need a killer we got Ashley as a solo deal could just be Sam and Dean and I mean I love the show but I just genuinely think this would be good content for the game that players would like and fits the theme plus I’m sure it’d make a ton of money just a thought seems like a win win to me
I idk I always like The American version better the first 2 were really good imo but to each their own
I would think if they bothered to license a character they’d prolly make a full dlc pack but honestly I could definitely settle for this I suppose