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Challenge "That's rude" not working

Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

Chapter 6 page 4 and 2nd challenge from left (going to top direction) - Point at the killer within 5s of perk Premonition activating. Do this 2 times.

Quite simple. The problem is, that pointing directly at the killer exactly after it activated (there was a wiretap in the game) did absolutely nothing.

27 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • HeyKrystal
    HeyKrystal Member Posts: 4

    Trying to bring more attention to this issue so it gets fixed.

    Here is my report with video evidence.

  • Xenlink
    Xenlink Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2023

    Did you have complete the challenge now ?

    Because me too I trying to complete this challenge and even after reading many advices and notices I don’t succeed the challenge

    I hope this bug will be fixed, please Behavior made something or change the instructions by (for exemple) :

    « Look at toward killer’s direction in less than 5 secondes after activating Premonition, do it 20 times » 

    Post edited by Xenlink on
    LGDMF Member Posts: 1

    Same here! I'm playing on Xbox Series X and i've read everything about it on internet, and still i can't beat this challenge. It is one of the last challenges remaining for me

  • nicoabtl
    nicoabtl Member Posts: 3

    I am also having the same problem.

    Read in a reddit post that you need to wait for the pointing animation to complete and then run in the direction of the killer. Trying to test this now.

  • Toader
    Toader Member Posts: 12

    Having the same issue, hope this gets fixed soon! It is very frustrating because I thought I did something wrong, but after trying this for 6 matches I am certain this must be a bug

  • Succubus_Lilith
    Succubus_Lilith Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    The date is 9/30/2023, this challenge is still completely broken, granting no progress when fulfilling the conditions

  • Toader
    Toader Member Posts: 12

    I promise you, I always let the animation play out and then got the perk to activate. Never got a progress pop up, I could also share clips, but someone else already has done that. Did you get it recently or a long time ago?

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    Unfortunately, this is one of those bugs that affects so few people so it's never going to get fixed. A three year old challenge that was already a little buggy isn't just low on the priority list, it's not on the list at all.

  • wgcutless
    wgcutless Member Posts: 27

    I am also encountering this problem. Please fix!

  • Sharky
    Sharky Member Posts: 3

    Still an issue.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,158

    I got this on my 1st try against Ghostface. Perhaps he is the key. I figured it wouldn't work because it failed on Trapper. I think it's definitely bugged but doable under certain conditions (who the killer is for example).

  • MIH_111_
    MIH_111_ Member Posts: 3

    11/2/2023 still bugged... i try in last 2 or 3 days to do this challange :C

  • Straszny
    Straszny Member Posts: 4

    Still in game

  • wgcutless
    wgcutless Member Posts: 27

    Still bugged for me please fix can't complete Tome cause of it.

  • omglauchpower
    omglauchpower Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2023

    still buggy for me as well. very frustrating to go to the whole process of this:

    trying the challenge -> finding guides on the internet with explanations (like wait for the whole pointing animation) -> trying it again -> still searching for whats wrong -> in the end figuring out, its still bugging for ages...

    sad 💀

  • YourBoyJoshYT
    YourBoyJoshYT Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I've been trying for so long and still no luck behavior please fix this.

  • rayblue0618
    rayblue0618 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Just had this challenge with an afk demogorgon and I spent the entire match pointing at him standing right in front of him and nothing counted. Definitely a bugged challenge please fix this!!

  • thanarak
    thanarak Member Posts: 2

    I have this problem too

    I wish Dev fix this soon

  • azombieee
    azombieee Member Posts: 3

    Still a problem for me too

  • Ubachacha
    Ubachacha Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I'm trying to 100% the challenges that I've missed in the past and this one is bugged! Devs, please take a look and fix if possible!!

  • wgcutless
    wgcutless Member Posts: 27

    Come on devs fix it!

  • tfreak10108
    tfreak10108 Member Posts: 2

    Also bugged for me. Xbox Series X

    Didn’t think I’d find anyone else with the same issue, but here we are….

  • Madd1333
    Madd1333 Member Posts: 8

    I'm having the same trouble on Windows/Steam. I unselected all challenges and reselected only this challenge. Still broken. Fix it please.

  • Orkai
    Orkai Member Posts: 11

    I also have the same problem, Steam-Version

  • aya4040
    aya4040 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    not working for me too... its my last challenge to do, so I tried to do this for a week and nothing...

  • SampeiJi
    SampeiJi Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I'have tryed many times in many different ways, then googled the thing and then retryed almost 20 times, i'll continue to try but it's a shame tho, having all tomes completed but not the n6 cause of this challenge...

  • Flamesh
    Flamesh Member Posts: 1


    Still trying to complete this challenge, but again bug as nothing working as expected.

  • Orkai
    Orkai Member Posts: 11

    Todays patch fixed it for me, thx

  • Alexey4200
    Alexey4200 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Patch 7.5.0 fix this bug

  • dantheman94
    dantheman94 Member Posts: 2

    Finished it yesterday on ps5 finally!

  • Toader
    Toader Member Posts: 12

    This finally works again, thank you so much! Love to all who responded to this thread and raising awareness!

  • wgcutless
    wgcutless Member Posts: 27

    Worked for me too I finally completed it! Thanx Behavior!

  • lethalpursuer
    lethalpursuer Member Posts: 2

    march 2024 still broken

  • icecapcold
    icecapcold Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited July 21

    cant get this to work no matter what advice i follow