Suit Upgrades not Equipping
After playing co-op my suit upgrades no longer appear in co-op or even solo, upgrading it further and/or buying new upgrades doesn't fix it, neither does swapping to the other suit. Do we just have to wait and hope they fix it soon or has anyone found a fix?
No Replay or Prestige Points from Raid
Sometimes when my outposts are raided I don't receive a replay or prestige points for the kills, on the command center it gives me a notification of the attempt and records the kills correctly, even when I enter the outpost I am able to view the skull stones and pickup the dropped resources. Also sometimes when the player…
How to get enough to Prestige Brutal Maps?
I have multiple small/medium normal/dangerous rating maps that get plenty of raids and therefore a decent number of kills. However when trying to make a large brutal map it becomes impossible to prestige because it requires way more prestige points, but only gets raided 2/3 times every 12 hours. The few raids it does get…