There are many good outposts but if I find one I really enjoyed, I can't share that with other players - and the social search features are pretty terrible. I can search on designer, which is good, but I can't search on any meaningful criteria, like harvester path length, types of traps, or points spent on traps. I want to…
I believe that it would be really healthy to limit the number of copies of a single trap within a certain distance. While I know this would somewhat limit player creativity, it would also greatly reduce the number of low-effort bases that simply place as many plasma sentinels as they can. Alternatively, greatly increase…
It feels to me like melee is in a bad spot, on release. Incinerators nearly make melee-only builds unviable. Add in the plasma sentinel's plasma cloud mod, claw traps, and corrosive cubes making fight spaces pretty much impossible to navigate, and melee looks exceptionally bad. Also, the sword delays are incredibly long,…