Honestly most of these ideas are a no from me but I'd love to get an impact grenade. The current grenade is great but many room designs exploit the way they have a delayed explosion. Impact grenade solves that issue. (This is similar to the "sticky" grenade above.) If I had a second item to add to the game, it would be a…
Re: Warmongers, that's actually pretty funny. Usually I see these as a delayed thing, coming to harass you from behind once you enter the base. But this sounds more like "HELO FREN LET MONGER HUG YOU WITH BLADE ARMS"
Incinerators are also a little bit more overpowered than I'd like, but despite that, Plasma Sentinels are just better than flamethrowers. They have full directional range and cover a radial area that's larger than the linear area of a flamethrower. Plasma Sentinels have projectiles that go through magnetic shields and have…
Regarding this already being in the game, I would suggest that whatever algorithm there is is not doing a good enough job, to the point that it doesn't feel like there's a modifier. This comes from experiencing a room with roughly 16 plasma sentinels in the same room. I completely understand about trying to keep the mod…
The rewards are, I'm afraid, not real. Let me explain. There are only three resources in this game. They are cells, Synthite, and rank. Everything else is an illusion of game design. Cells are there to give a sense of progression. Synthite is there to prevent people from overloading the system with low-quality bases. Rank…
Is there a Discord? 'cause I would love to chat with people but don't really do Twitch.
I actually love this idea.
Having played against the many clones of the second-wave corrosive cube exploit, I look forward to people using this cube in new ways. I saw a really cool base that was Brutal difficulty that used it for a two-way base where the way you entered was a jumping puzzle and the other path was a killbox, and it was lovely. I…
I believe the cube is still in the game. Just not that specific bug.
How do you handle killboxes? It feels like incinerators, iron claws, and plasma sentinels all ruin this, but maybe I'm just not good enough?
There are many people who have stated that the corrosive cube exploit is a top issue for them, so I understand why BHVR have made it a priority. (The patch speed does leave a lot to be desired.) I would honestly be okay with traps targeting through a single corrosive cube that does not have the opaque mod. More than that…
Beyond the digging up the commentary on what Behavior is working on and what the devs have said, etc, there's some pretty clear logical conclusions you can draw, just with the information you have in front of you. Corrosive cubes block line of sight for traps. You may not like that design, but that is how they act. Now,…
Yeah, hey, if they add it, it's not like I'd be mad, I think more utility is generally a good thing. Just wasn't really thinking about the whole hourly updating my bases. I'm too lazy for that, but it makes sense. 😂
First off, great post, I just wanted to respond to a piece, because it's been haunting me for a bit. "perhaps the bad melee spot you feel is actually a desire to have melee be all around good when this is a pick the right tool for the task style game." I have been wrestling with this question for like a week now, and what…
For sure for sure. It depends on the normals / dangerous levels obviously, and I respect the synthite grind, it's a mood. I just never do brutals in 2-4 minutes - it's usually 10-20 minutes, and in that time I can definitely do two to three dangerous bases. But it's not actually even about that for me - for me, large bases…
The input glitching is the WORRRST. I have had it where I literally can't get it to fire/swing. Except with bow, that glitch means I have to retreat, and with sword that usually means I die. I guess my question is more about attempting to bring the melee effectiveness *on par* with ranged. Not so much saying that you can't…
I definitely get raids overnight, usually from people who work odd shifts or are located in other countries. And I definitely get raids even though I don't hand clean every hour or two. I 100% respect that these things might get you more raids, and I respect if you do that micro to get more genmat or whatever. I just…
Why would you disable your outposts? Why not just let them run?
Agreed that there should be another category for bases above dangerous and below brutal.
An official statement HAS been made. This IS an exploit. They are working on patching it.
Every time you modify your traps / guards in your base it recalculates the difficulty rating. However, that calculation can take a few seconds. If you continually tinker with your base, that calculation starts over any time you make a change. Because of that, it's possible to see your base as one difficulty, leave, then…
Honestly I think people neglect that a large chunk of brutal bases are built on "Large" burial sites, and the levels are just long. Like, I could play three different levels at Dangerous difficulty for the time it takes to run one Brutal base. I'd get better GenMat, a more diverse play experience, and if I have to stop in…
Honestly, I care zero about my "rank". I will abandon any outpost that isn't fun. I will give accolades to people who spent time thinking about their level design even if I never died. How your outpost looks and feels is far more important than how many people it kills. You should reconsider your stance on accolades. A lot…