No Switch love

I know that a majority of the community is either on Xbox/PS4 or PC, but what about the small part of the community that plays on the Switch? I personally main on Xbox, but play on Switch when I'm at work or out and about and it sucks that Switch users aren't getting any holiday love.
With that being said, will the devs be doing anything to make up for the lack of the seasonal content for Switch users? Just curious.
Not missing anything
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i'd just like the archives and the festive theme. I know it isn't much, but it's still enough to make Switch users to get their panties in a wad. Like I stated above, I'm an Xbox main so I get the content and I purchased the "season pass" if you will, but I'd still like the opportunity to experience the same thing on the Switch Version.
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I'd rather get Freddy and Bubba to the switch before the archives or any holiday event but that's just me.
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Why aren't they already in the game? Licensing issues?
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I believe so but idk for sure.
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This is why I've put off buying the Switch version, I probably wont buy unless it goes on sale for a decent price. It just doesn't seem worth it and feels like it's low on the list of the Devs Priorities.
That said, the event could have been held up on Nintendo's part rather than BHVR but we'll probably never know.
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They said they are still experiencing bugs that they want to iron out.
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You're not really missing much TBH. I love the game, think it's fun as heck and while the Switch version isn't "Bad" it's very buggy and missing so much content atm and it just doesn't feel like a lot of effort went into optimizing it. It almost feels like it was rushed. I'm sure it'll come around and be great (as great as the system can make it) but right now it's VERY meh.