PLEASE do something about the dc problem!

The DC's are REALLY getting out of hand. They are happening on well over half of the matches I play. @Peanits Are you all still planning on implementing a progressive lobby lock out time for people who DC? Also, should we as players be reporting players who DC for unsportsmanlike behavior or do the servers automatically flag DC's?

I'm excited about the Archives but it's very frustrating when members of the community seem determined to sabotage matches and undermine a player's ability to complete challenges.


  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I suggest that there be forgiveness for disconnections, limited to one per player per hour. After that apply whatever penalties are appropriate. The reason being is that if a player's game crashes, in other words they did not deliberately Alt F4 out of the game, they shouldnt be punished.

    Having said that I heard players last night noting they were getting DCs in every match. With two disconnects I feel it should be an automatic safety pip. Its just my opinion of course, but it can get hard to keep positive if you lose four pips in the space of an hour due to disconnects.

  • Melvyzz
    Melvyzz Member Posts: 6

    As a game should be fun, I don't see fun in leather face standing and face camping 1st player that he downed in 10 seconds of starting game, together with all his hex totems and no gens done. Standing with his chain saw and giving no option for any save. I would understand later in game when at least other players are getting some gameplay. But what's the point of staying in game like this if you know he gonna camp everyone? I rather DC and play with other people.

    But dc that survivors do in middle of match just because killer outplayed them is unacceptable in my opinion.

    I play both survivors and killers.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    This is the problem. I keep seeing more and more posts with survivors now making up "valid reasons" for DC'ing. There's a reason it's reportable as unsportsmanlike conduct. You don't get to rewrite the "survivor rules for how killers should play" and now say it's acceptable for survivors to DC. You are a hippocrite if you're going to complain about camping and say it's ok to DC.

  • Melvyzz
    Melvyzz Member Posts: 6

    So even if they implement ban system you really think it will help? They just gonna loose more players which will result in longer lobby times and for what? So you can finally face camp me for all game? 😁

    Since I'm open minded person, I'm gonna ask for your help, so what should I do as a survivor in situation that I described? If I'm on the hook or someone else is on the hook being face amped with leather face and his chainsae is up and running? Both times at the beginning of game let's say 1 min in game?

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    You stay on the hook and struggle to get points and give the rest of the team time to work on gens. That's what I do.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    Also, I never said they should ban people. They talked about forcing people who DC to wait a certain amount of time before they can join a lobby. If they continue to DC the time gets longer. That's not a ban.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    Also also :), a lot of the DC's I see happen before anyone is even hooked. It's not like people are only DC'ing because of a rampant camping problem.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    It very well could be the servers. Here's an idea. What if they gave a progressive Bloodpoint penalty for DC'ing? They have stated that dedicated servers would be better able to detect whether a DC was intentional or connection issues.

    What if intentional DC meant next match you get a post match 50% bp reduction? If it's post match it wouldn't affect emblem and pipping but there's still some consequence. If you DC intentionally 5 times you have 50% penalty for 24 hrs. I'm just spitballing numbers to out the idea out there.

    I understand why they don't want to ban people, especially those who spend money on the Rift Pass, but there are a lot of us who spent that same money and do finish up a match even if it goes south right away. It feels like we are the ones being punished and that doesn't seem right. @Peanits , @not_Queef@not_Queen , does this seem like a reasonable thing the devs might be open to? @not_Queef

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I did not mean to tag @not_Queef three times. Was trying to tag @not_Queen and thought the other tags were deleted out of the post.