To those who think it's ok to DC b/c killer is camping you


DC'ing when the killer camps you will not teach the killer not to camp. If you stay on the hook and struggle till the last possible second you will allow your teammates to complete a lot of gens. THIS is how killers learn that camping is not a good strategy. If you DC you're only screwing the other survivors and making the killer's life easier. The more you know!


  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    But if Survivors DC, they can claim 'That did not count; the Killer was being cheap' and pretend they have a 20 win streak instead of a 16 disconnect streak with 4 wins sprinkled in!

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    Lol. True. Some people are Olympic gold medalists in mental gymnastics.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,114
  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    You don't get any points for staying on the hook. So solo survivors don't care. Many of us have recommended survivors get points for staying on the hook to give them some incentive. Clearly that has not happened.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    I'd love to know where all these camping killers are, because I rarely ever see them myself, except in situations you'd expect them to.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I'm not sure what planet you are on. Survivors absolutely need each other to succeed. Not even sure why I am explaining something so obvious.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    This is why when I see someone rank < 15 in the lobby I recently started to message them (I'm on PS4) writing this:

    "I see you are rank XX, so: welcome to Dead by Daylight! Remember to not disconnect or suicide on hook, have faith in your team and you'll have a lot of fun!"

    ...for now it's working and they even thank me for the welcome, which is a plus :D!

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    That's a great tip. I'll try that when I play survivor. Shame I can't do something like that as killer. People have been DC'ing like crazy. It's often before they've even been hooked so not a camping issue.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    It is a team game actually, unless you're playing killer. You're just playing the wrong side. If you prefer survivor, you missed my main point which was the only way to show a killer that camping is a bad idea is to stay on the hook and punish them by forcing them to lose gens.

    Also, if you keep getting hooked early try hanging back for a few minutes until the killer passes by before you start doing a gen. I had to start doing that when I was new because I kept getting picked off early. Premonition was a perk that helped me a lot early on as well. It helps you figure out how long you can safely complete an objective while the killer approaches.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    You do get points for struggling on the hook. I tend to get just under 1k for a full length hook struggle.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,359

    It's not about "teaching the killer a lesson" its more of "Well I'm not having fun or even able to play the game so bye, on to the next one. Why should I suffer for 3 random people to have fun." Don't get me wrong, I don't suicide unless someone wants the hatch, but this is what I hear from people who do.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    It shouldn't always be solely about your personal fun when you choose to play survivor. It's all about karma. If you play survivor I can guarantee you've benefitted at some point from another survivor being camped. You completed a gen at some point because some other unknown person stayed and struggled. You owe it to those people to stay in the game for a few extra minutes before you start your next match.

  • ChilledOcean
    ChilledOcean Member Posts: 31

    I mean they don't learn a lesson if you just dc they think it's funny or whatever and move on. If you really want to teach them a lesson just hang and let the survivors gen rush. I do understand the survivors side it's not fun and really I don't understand how it's fun from a killer prospective either but to each their own. (I'm talking hard camp like a facecamp bubba) I don't count (proxy looking for the rescue I don't think counts as camping so long you go after said rescuer.)

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    They need each other to succeed. But he's technically right. It's not a team game. Unless you que with a friend. It's four people working toward a common objective. If it were a team game all the survivors interests would align. But we all know that's not the case.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,359

    @Lost_in_the_Fog I agree, other people do not however. I can't blame them really and I'm not going to push my views on anyone. If they feel like they are having a bad time and want to leave, who am I to stop them. I'm just another faceless stranger somewhere, why should they care?

    @ChilledOcean I agree. I usually play killer and I don't camp ever. Good strat or not that's not how I have fun. Although with some of these rift challenges I might need to to have a reasonable chance of doing them. If someone d/cs I'm just like "wow sucks for you guys" and move on. As a survivor it's definitely very disheartening when someone d/cs.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Top definitions from

    1) a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest

    2) a number of persons associated in some joint action

    The 4 survivors in a game fit both of those. DBD is a team game for survivors, no question. If BHVR did more to increase communication between solo survivors, I think it would be more obvious.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2019

    I rarely get camped, but if I do then I hold out for as long as possible.

    I feel like they do that to try and force you to give up. I don't want to give them that pleasure. ha. :) They're going to have to wait it out while I struggle.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    We need more people like you playing this game! I feel like new players who come to the game are just met by toxicity and if they're a baby killer, they get abuse over messages (Xbox One here), and I've been a victim of it myself, even now, I'm Rank 11 and I usually main Ghost Face and I usually get my ass handed to me but I get the usual toxic messages of how I suck, I'm so ezzzzzzz to beat, etc, etc. I personally just reply with a jokey message because I just don't care. I'm there to have fun. I earned points, they earned points, everyone wins in my book. People need to stop taking this game so damn seriously and just have a laugh with it, and make the new players feel welcome, not berate them so they just uninstall after 1 match.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    You are so right! I cringe when I see a survivor writing messages like that to the killer. Then the killer usually leaves right away, so you can't chime in and say anything against the toxic chatter.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    That's why I never rise (Or lower in a sense) to their level. I just make a stupid comment like 'Yeah, I was just awful in that match but GG anyway'. I just want to have some matches with a fun outcome and everyone had a good time, not feel like I need to get 5 cans of deoderant because they're making me sweat across the map to keep up with them all

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's a team in the same way wrestling is a team sport. Yes, you can have a team win. But your individual win will be what you focus on. In the end it doesn't matter how your team does. It only matters how you do. The rest of the survivors are canon fodder for your win.

    I should note I don't actually play in a manner treating them as such. But your win doesn't require them to also win.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    How you do is significantly dependent on your teammates. You get points for doing gens. If you teammates go down immediately and do not keep the killer occupied you are not going to make much progress. You get points for altruism. If your teammates suicide on the hook or immediately get downed after being unhooked you are going to be limited in saves and healing points. You get points from running from the killer. If they have no reason to give up on chasing you, it does not matter how good you are. And of course, surviving. Survivors getting hooked is part of the game. If you are not unhooked it's game over.

    If you had no teammates, you might get a gen done and lead the killer on a nice long chase. That is it and you will depip or safety pip at best.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited November 2019

    Except you don't punish the killer by doing so and it requires a coordinated group to even make use of in the way you suggest. The killer is permanently removing one of the four at the cost of a scant few more seconds they may lose if each of the survivors play everything perfectly.

    If it's a swf the game was going to go fast anyway, assuming they are the type of swf group people refer to when they complain, and it's better to just ensure a kill and chance being better able to deal with the three than a full four.

    Then there is the fact altruism is a requirement so you have to rescue when you can or lose out on that part of ranking up.

    If the survivors were/are in a position to take advantage of a camp they were just as likely to finish those gens whether you camped or not.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    No, this teaches nothing. I garentee that a killer that camps is more interested in the sacrifice than game length. Gen rush? They don't care, they got a kill, they won. Survivors need to stop thinking that killers feel like they need a 4k to win. Personally, I tend to feel like I won if I got the most BP. When legion first came out, I very rarely ever even got 1k but still had lots of fun. Everyone's victory is different.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    No, this teaches nothing. I garentee that a killer that camps is more interested in the sacrifice than game length. Gen rush? They don't care, they got a kill, they won. Survivors need to stop thinking that killers feel like they need a 4k to win. Personally, I tend to feel like I won if I got the most BP. When legion first came out, I very rarely ever even got 1k but still had lots of fun. Everyone's victory is different.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I didn't say you don't need them. That's why I said they're basically canon fodder for your win. Your team piping or not has no effect on if you pip. That's why I say it's more a coop game then team.