New Game Modes?!

Cat Member Posts: 43
edited May 2018 in General Discussions


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited May 2018

    Nevermind my initial post, I see you upload images instead of regular posts. Interesting?

    I'd like a bigger separation of SWF players and Solo players, perhaps a Classic Solo mode.

  • Cat
    Cat Member Posts: 43

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Nevermind my initial post, I see you upload images instead of regular posts. Interesting?

    I'd like a bigger separation of SWF players and Solo players, perhaps a Classic Solo mode.

    Yeah, I like to get artsy, thank you ;)

    I agree with the SWF seperation idea. SWF gives the survivors an unfair advantage for so long now.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Why would you upload an image with text instead of texting like a normal user
    RIP mobile data volume :wink:

  • 51uk4y
    51uk4y Member Posts: 34

    I just think that now isn't the best time for another game mode. There aren't many players out there. Matchmaking would be a disaster.

    I'd love two different game modes too if there weren't these problems. Maybe one for casual, and one for rank (no SWF).

  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2018

    Improve the already existing one? Like needing to use toolboxes to even work on gens, then maybe needing gas to start them after fixing them. Or maybe making multi leveled games? Example: Start on Macmillan then open the gates, instead of leaving/winning you go onto another map with another objective to get out. Probably not possible, maybe hard to balance, I don't know. Just thought it might make it more entertaining.

  • Cat
    Cat Member Posts: 43

    @Master said:
    Why would you upload an image with text instead of texting like a normal user
    RIP mobile data volume :wink:

    • I'm sure a single 380kb image won't do much.
    • I assure you I am a normal user :)
  • Gem
    Gem Member Posts: 37

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Nevermind my initial post, I see you upload images instead of regular posts. Interesting?

    I'd like a bigger separation of SWF players and Solo players, perhaps a Classic Solo mode.

    I'd love it if they offered maybe even 25% bonus BP to people that choose a "Random Matchmaking" mode where you can't SWF so there is incentive for people to play more solo. (though that'd start a whole new issue with people dodging lobbies to try and find each other in that mode lol)