The Shape - No Longer a Viable Killer?



  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I've played (pantsless!) Myers a lot since the update. TBH, I have not had any problem getting out of tier 1. Sure, I haven't been able to fully fill tier 1 while a survivor sits on a gen as often as before. Sure, I can't 99 tier one and go stab said gen worker as often. But you just stalk them while they run away. It's what you have to do going from tier 2 to tier 3 anyway.

    Does this make running scratched mirror more of a gamble? Sure! But I think saying Myers is no longer a viable killer is an overreaction.

  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    I find these changes extremely disappointing. Myers has been my favorite killer for almost 2 years, and Scratched mirror was my favorite build. I don’t understand how some people don’t get how bad these changes hurt him if people are actually running those perks. He’s the second slowest killer in the game, and he has virtually no lunge. He was already, by far, the easiest killer in the game to loop. His ability to remain undetected was the ONLY thing that gave him an edge.

    In my experience, spine chill is a pretty common perk. Also, I would love for somebody to explain how ruin is supposed to be a “crutch” perk when survivors smash through the gens within 5-7 mins if you don’t take it? Especially on low-mid tier killers. I mean, are you supposed to be a bad killer if you can’t snowball and win the match within the first few minutes on any given killer against any given team, or what?? I would love it if the game was in a state that didn’t require killers to choose between taking ruin/corrupt intervention, and getting gen rushed.

    I just don’t understand the logic. Ruin/NOED are crutch perks. While Adrenaline, DS, Borrowed time, and Dead hard being the meta is perfectly fine. They are the 4 most commonly run perks IN THE GAME, bar none. Being given chance after chance after chance that you wouldn’t normally have without them, somehow isn’t a crutch? Please.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    No he doesn't dude

    Why do people keep lying about mikey boi lol

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    So if Adrenaline, DS, BT, and Dead Hard are the survivor meta perks then why is everyone freaking out over Spine Chill? I still, for the life of me cannot figure this out.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Try empathizing a little. A beloved mid tier killer is nerfed (however slightly in your mind) to maintain consistency with his replacement. Now he has all of the weaknesses of the other stealth killers ON TOP OF HIS OWN BUILT IN LIMITATIONS.

    Currently gf is basically a strictly better myers. Slightly less snowball, none of the downsides.

    Yes some people are overreacting but this is an unnecessary change that makes a weak killer weaker. he's no legion but he's on his way to being a shittier pig.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    It's not that I'm not empathetic. I think it's all relative to be honest. I've still been doing fine with Myers. Also, I am more successful with Legion than most killers.

    I also don't think Spine Chill is going to become meta. I think it's a perk that some people love and swear by but it's one of the harder ones to get used to using effectively in my experience. I honestly think most people would rather use the perk slot for something else.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Why are you still quibbling over the degree to which the nerf hurts him?

    THAT ISN'T THE POINT. Its beyond insane that people are still saying git gud to this. This is the empathy disconnect. You bringing up legion really confirms it lol

    Try actually understanding what I'm saying and where I'm coming from before you try and rebut it.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I never said git gud. I was simply sharing my experience.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    So just ignoring the post to focus on one tiny thing you can rebut?

    Nah no empathy gap here!

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    It's clear anything I say will be wrong anyway. I'm good at Legion so clearly my opinions are completely worthless. You're so cool why wouldn't I want to debate you? Bye Felicia.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    That you are trying to make this a debate is a pretty good example of you not engaging in this discussion in good faith. Can you even explain to me my objections to this nerf?

    The legion crack at the end is priceless btw

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This all depends what your definition of "viable" is.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    You don't need to see him coming from far away. His breathing is also loud and you could probably hear his footsteps on the indoor maps. You're more likely to take a hit, but remember how slow he is and use that to your advantage. Some loops become infinites when used against him.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    How often do you see Premonition? Basically never.

    Spine Chill is gaining in popularity, but there's still a dozen other perks that are more common.

    Besides, you should be happy you don't need to run Monitor & Abuse anymore to have a 0 meter Terror Radius.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Considering the entirety of your gameplay as Myers should be levelling out of T1 as fast as possible, that change will most likely be negligible to his viability.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Michael was okay when you didn't know he was coming. Now, meh

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Wait, what? So I'm sitting on a bunch of Scratched Mirrors that are now trash?! And those didn't get reworked. #########. Vault Master Myers and Tombstones for everyone then.

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    I take it no-one read the Devs posting about all Stealth Killers getting Undetectable to maintain consistency. This was not a nerf, it is a rebalance at best. He is affected by Spinechill and Premonition, but has 0 TR instead of 6M at T1. I can’t wait till I get a Offering for an Indoors map so I can try out a new build without M&A taking up a spot.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I did five scratched mirror Myers games tonight and did not encounter a single spine chill or premonition.