The battle pass should make me want to spend money on the game...

I really hope that the challenges that I have been reading about that will unlock later on are not actually going to be implemented into the game. The purpose of the battle pass is to get people to spend money on your game, and to present with them some tasks in order to achieve them. These tasks should not be difficult enough to require a coordinated team, they should be difficult enough for a solo player to be able to get them on their own.
Please really think long and hard about the challenges being available, because if they are indeed the nearly impossible ones for solo players to fulfill then I will stop playing.
There are lots of games nowadays with battle passes, and I don't mind that, you get content and you pay to unlock it and also need to fulfill some tasks in order to complete it as well. But, if you're going to make it so hard that you need to spend EVEN MORE money on top of the money you're already spending on... then I am out.
Think long and hard about the challenges as I can guarantee to you that only the most diehard/sadistic players will be the ones purchasing the next battle pass (not me) if this trend continues.
Mark (Markness), 50:50 Killer and Solo Survivor Player