My Personal Opinion About The Challenges(Specifically Tome 4)

Since the Tome 4 leaks happened many of people haven't really liked how challenging they are. I personally don't like it either and not because it's actually a challenge to do it's because of the heavy RNG involved in it. Let's take the basement one for example it's very possible but you need people to be near the basement and you have to hope that survivors don't DC to spite you. Two variables that might make this specific challenge take ages. Almost all these challenges rely on your fellow players being fair or doing something perfectly as you want it. Which isn't very likely to happen. Which is why it's a bad design to base challenges off something that is basically heavy RNG hoping that you get the perfect scenario where nobody wants to DC and everybody plays fair. That is very unlikely to happen though.
TL:DR In my opinion the most challenging parts of the Rift consist of RNG which is just bad game design because it's not a challenge at that point and just a roll of the dice hoping you complete it every match.
They are obviously designed to prevent the gain of some rift fragments which means more people will spend auric cells to complete the rift
A scummy way of designing the archives, money grabbing at its best
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It’s literally the same philosophy that greedy and predatory mobile games share: “sorry, you can’t play right now but you can speed up the process for only x fake currency used in lieu of real money!”
Not to mention this literally forces players who are not as skilled as Monto, Otz, Tru3, etc. to either give up or pay up.
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It's not even about skill though that's my problem it isn't a challenge that requires skill. It's 100% luck based. What I'm worried about is people attempting to derank just to get it easier on the challenges.
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And just to add to this topic, solo survivor has become pathetic since everyone rush hook saves or plays like an idiot to do the challenges
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These RNG based challenges wouldn't be so bad if the simple condition of "do it in one trial" was removed. They would just take a longer time than the rest of the challenges. I've recently been trying my best to stay positive towards BHVR, but these Tome 4 challenges just don't seem fair.
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They don't want you to complete the challenges because they want you to have to buy the remaining rift.
What makes me even more upset is that they locked the lore behind these impossible challenges :-(
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I feel the same way I wish they were actually challenges and not just tedious and rng based. It should be something like "Be chased for 120 seconds while only dropping 3 pallets" "Hit a survivor with 2 hatches within the spand of 20 seconds" those obviously aren't the best challenges but you can see what I'm going for. Challenges that take real skill and not luck to accomplish.
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I have to agree with you. If they just removed the "Do this in one trial" requirement, it would be much more bearable. Because there will be a sense of progress. Which is what every game needs to have to keep the players interested.
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It scares be, but im fine with it.
Sure it looks freakin hard but atleast it gives me a goal in some matches.
Also I've even done some of these things before so they are not impossible. You just need the right builds for them.
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The difficulty of the times are that bad I'm thinking about telling friends not to buy the Battlepass because I know they will never complete some of these I'll thought out challenges.
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You still get rift progress by just playing the game. You aren't really forced to buy stuff. But yeah, those lvl 4 challenges are really luck dependend. Barely possible. Too bad, cuz I really more interested in lore, than a rift.