Please add -points for tunneling

This event is unenjoyable for suvivors. Literally EVERY match I played today was a tunnel and camp fest. DS or BT don't help, killer will still just tunnel anyways. Just add a -score when the killer only focus on one guy cause it's definitely NOT fun for the tunneled survivor.
Btw I am red rank surv and killer still play like green ranks.
as much as people hate it, tunneling and camping are legit strategies. All camping does is make the killer waste time that the survivors can use to complete gens. tunneling is the same.
you can't punish someone for their choice in gameplay strategy, even if you dont like it.
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Although tunneling can be annoying, points shouldnโt be reduced for it.
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Well you can and the answer is "you DC". Then killers complain why people DC. Like come on don't play like a egoistic ######### and people won't DC or suicide.
Just as note: I dont DC or suicide but leaving the match with 10k bps just cause killer needed to tunnel the living hell out of me while my team sneaks around, doing literally nothing, isn't fun and also a waste of time for everyone.
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I guess that is why people dc for getting downed or all the gens being done? Dcing solves nothing.
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Alot of killers play really annoying of like buttwholes and then cry when the survs get annoyed and dc, it's hypocritical
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If someone's answer to tunnels and camps is "this is fine", they're not exactly someone whose opinion should be valued.
This community does respond better to carrots than to sticks, though. New perks/powers/addons that specifically draw killers away from hooks or somehow give hooked survivors more survivability if they're being camped are a better solution.
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I'll accept tunneling -points if Survivors get points removed to teabagging after dropping a pallet, teabagging at the exit gates, flashlight spam...Should I go on?
Survivors are just as toxic, so don't act like this is a Killer only thing. I get flamed in every match for my Killer choice, my perks, my addons, my playstyle..
If I found someone who was healing BY ACCEDENT; I'm tunneling.
If I grab someone off a gen; it's being a troll.
If I hook someone and stay nearby because I ACTIVELY SEE TWO PEOPLE GOING FOR A SAVE; I'm camping.
Survivors on here are hypocrites; they claim Killers play like trolls while flaming everyone and demanding all Killers follow made up rules or they will DC.
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I never tbag, sandbag or w/e. I loop yes, cause lets be honest what do you expect me to do? Run into you and give you a free kill? Ofc I will keep you busy as long as I can so my team can do gens or whatever.
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Well, what do you expect Killers to do? Let you run away & heal so they have to hit you twice more to down you, which wastes precious time?
You're the wounded prey. The unhooker either did not let the Killer get distracted or far enough away. That's not the Killer's fault, so why should they lose BP?
I don't like these 'Please ban/fix/punish camping/tunneling' threads. It's basically 'BHVR; Please enforce my arbitrary rules on the game so my personal experience can be better'
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Teabagging and flashlight spam don't completely remove a person from the match, tunneling a survivor does. You keep that survivor from getting any points, gens, anything
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...A Killer's GOAL is to remove players form the match.
Are you saying it's unfair for a Killer to be as efficient as possible, so the game should punish a Killer for being good?
Go to Overwatch and say 'It's unfair that the other team kills me. When I'm waiting to respawn, I'm not playing & earning points' You will be laughed off the forums.
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The game should punish you for playing unfairly towards another player
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It's not unfair. It's the game!
Is using a toolbox to more efficiently do gens unfair?
is 4 people working on 1 gen to make to pop faster unfair?
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Because you negated all the fun for one person. You are keeping them from participating in the match. Tunnel the "weakest" if you want but that just shows you're a bad killer as a good killer can get kills without ruining someones gaming experience. I'd love to see your dc count
Btw I play mostly killer, rank 7, don't need to tunnel the unhooked survivor :)
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Yes, a killers goal is to kill but also to pip and by tunneling 1 or 2 ppl for whole match, you most likely won't pip. Also you destroy the fun for the tunneled guy. If you hate tbagging and dont want people to tbag you, then maybe start being better than the tbaggers by NOT acting like a douchebag yourself (food for though)
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So actually achieving my goal of killing people is 'being a douche'.
Whatever. Apparently trying to win as a Killer is wrong and evil and trolling and being a douche.
The freaking brains on some people here. 'Actually killing us quickly is UNFAIR because we want to win!' JFC! The Killer wants to win, too!
And with the ######### genrush meta, he has 4 minutes to kill 4 people. So he's probably going to have to use methods you biased Survivor mains don't like. LIKE FRAKING KILLING YOU!
heaven forbid a Killer does his goal. That's unfair!
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I think some people fail to grasp and will always fail to grasp is that sitting in the search, sitting in the lobby, and load screen to wind up staring at yourself on a hook for 95% of your game play for crap BPs cause the Killer decided they want to play that way sucks horrifically. And even if I'm not the victim of it, I know it sucks for the people who are.
"bUt Do GeNs"
Oh yes, with all the slow down perks and Killers crying for Gen times to be increased cause it ain't fair to them. And we all know that Survivors find staring at Gens and ignoring trying to save or help allies is the funnest and most BP profitable play style. Add to that if anyone does try to save the person, the person's death is sped up and the other player is now also not doing gens. Suddenly your escape relies on "do they look for the hatch before killing #3?"
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Sorry but YOU are part of the problem this game has. You complain about tbagging survivors. I mean if you tunnel 1 dude and the rest escapes, I kinda understand why they tbag you.
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I'm a killer main who doesn't rely on picking on one person to win lmao. There are 3 other survivors. You keep twisting my words because I never said you couldn't kill, I said it's a douche move to go after 1 person because they can't participate in a match like everyone else if they're being tunneled. I guess I'm the bad guy for wishing other killers wouldn't pick on 1 single survivor, I guess that's why survivors actually have fun against me :(
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And if I don't tunnel that 1 dude, 4 escape because I spread the damage around too thin to kill anyone in the 4 minutes before the match ends. It's the fault of the genrush meta; I don't HAVE THE TIME to be nice if I want even one kill. And then I get 'ggez' 'scrub' 'noskill killer' vomited at me by the Survivors. WHAT FUN FOR ME!
But of course; who cares about the Killer's fun. Only Survivors matter. Make Survivors invincible for 20 minutes after unhooking! Take away the Killer's BP if he camps (this was suggested last year)! Make him move slower if he camps or tunnels (also suggested last year)!
Christ! I don't have to play by your made up rules because you think it's unfair you died first. My goal, as Killer, is TO KILL. If I see you injured because your friend was stupid, I don't HAVE to walk away and let you heal. MY GOAL IS TO KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU BY ANY MEANS AT MY DISPOSAL! NOT HOLD YOUR FREAKING HAND.
if you can't accept that the Killer's goal is to win, maybe a PvP game is not your speed.
This is called 'DEAD BY DAYLIGHT'. Not 'Not At All Dangerous Haunted House Simulator'.
it's fine for Survivors to genrush, but if a Killer 'tunnels' (You could call it Survivor-Rushing), OH NOE! EVIL KILLER! Only SURVIVORS are allowed to be efficient!
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I'm literally not a survivor main tf. I can't believe that because you suck at appliyng gen pressure you think it's ok to ruin someone else's fun. You don't need that 4k, you don't need to tunnel. If you want people to care about your fun, you should care about the survivor's fun too. Or just keep playing like a douche and have people dc
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You must be a rank 20 killer if you have to tunnel 1 dude in order to get a single killer while the others escape. And like I said, I totally understand why they tbag you at the exit.
Also the killers goal is NOT only to kill, its to pip aka to please the entity
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Are we really having this conversation?
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Rofl. What is the state of this playerbase, or the forums, when doing my role is 'playing like a douche'?
How up your own ass do you have to be to think 'The killer should be punished for killing me too fast' is a legit suggestion?
I'm done. It's clear you two can't think of anyone but the Survivors. if a Killer is t-bagged or verbally harassed for doing bad? Fine with you! T-bagged and verbally harassed for doing TOO GOOD? Fine with you!
If the Devs wanted Survivors to be safe from tunneling, Survivors would be invincible or invisible or move faster after being unhooked.
But it's clear you guys can't see past your own noses. YOU think it's unfair if a Killer does good. Nevermind the completely terrible genrush meta that forces killers to go for easy kills. Which means hitting that wounded guy if they can!
But that's not the SURVIVORS fault for bringing 4 toolboxes. Or the games fault for not having longer gen times. It's not Survivors fault for being toxic douches in endgame chat, forcing killers to play harder to avoid hearing 'ggez' and 'noob' again. Noooooooo.
It's KILLERS fault for PLAYING TOO GOOD. ๐๐๐
How stupid.
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If one survivor is being camped that means three others are not. The question here is, why are you always the one?
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Yes let's punish the KILLers for trying to KILL people. Perhaps we should punish survivors for completing gens too quickly? After all gen rush isn't fun for anyone, surviving is so toxic, right?
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Getting to rank 7 (and I'm guessing as spirit) is not hard lol.
While I do agree getting tunneled sucks, most killers lack enough map pressure to win any other way. I try not to tunnel but if a game is going bad, you need all the pressure you can get.
And just because I know someone will ask: rank 3 Trapper main
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Lmao there's no arguing with you cause you keep putting words in people's mouths. Sad, who hurt you? I'm done here, bai
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I'm a Hag, Huntress main, but okay then
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I never said it was always me. I played duo today with a friend and he quit after 3 games. Just right now I had a game against a Huntress with iri and noed and she literally tunneled ONE guy whole match, who left the game with a 10k score while the other 3 of us managed to escape - do you think the game was actually fun for the dude who couldnt do anything to keep himself from depipping?
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Are you saying it would of been a better experience if they were compensated with bp?
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Exactly. I had some time this morning to get 1 match in before leaving for work. Took me about 8-10 minutes to get a lobby then get into a match to get tunneled right off the hook each time and after the 3rd down he left me to bleed out as bait. I wanted to dcn because it's waste of time to lie there and not be able to do anything but wait. But, I didn't because if I dcn then I'm the toxic bad guy. I've found that it doesn't matter if you don't teabag because I get tunneled a lot (green - purple ranks) and I don't teabag, flashlight, body block.
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At least you shouldn't depip if you get hardcore camped or tunneled cause if the killer wants to tunnel one guy, he will, doesnt matter what the other 3 surv do (even if they try to tank a hit by throwing themself inbetween the said survivor and killer, the killer will just ignore that surv)
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I think that people who dc more then 10 times a month should lose all progression .
I hate playing survivor and having a idiot teammate dcing. Raise the reward to 10k for everyone who stays and doesnโt dc.
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Add -points for surviors who rush gens that is NOT fun for killers either
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It's an asymmetric game. It's unfair in a billion ways. The killer is supposed to be a powerful, scary serial killer. If a competent killer player wants to kill someone specific, they probably will, unless a competent team of survivors tries to rescue them. Against the vast majority of killer builds, a two-man rescue is pretty much a guaranteed unhook. Your teammates are as much to blame as the killer if you die to being facecamped, with exceptions to killers like leatherface or Myers.
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To be fair both sides are hypocrites and whiners. Glass houses. If not pot calling the kettle black. The community as a whole cries about every single thing the other side does. And they both pick on eachother. This who game is pretty toxic.