My Mori Fix


1) All Mori's only work on Final Hook. (IE: Being hooked twice, or having been left into Struggle Phase on first hooking)

2) You have to bring the Survivor to a hook. It will now say '<button> to hook' (spacebar, RB, RT, whatever) and '<button2> to mori' (right click, left bumper, etc)

3) The different rarities of Mori give you a different animation. Higher rarities are more brutal.

4) The different rarities also award a bigger BP bonus. Higher rarities are more of a bonus.

5) When being Mori'd, all nearby objects go transparent for the Killer & Victims cameras, because you will not be doing many Moris in wide-open fields anymore. Walls will probably be nearby.

BOOM! Now they are more fair to Survivors, who were literally dead either way. Each rarity also has a use, both for whatever animations you enjoy the most, and if you just want more BP.
