Survivors disadvantaged

This game is really getting on my nerves with all the lack of validation towards survivors obviously being at a disadvantage. I would love to hear how survivors aren't disadvantaged other than the excuse that there are 4 survivors and 1 killer.....Fragrant tuft of hair shouldnt be a thing, the add ons for killers are insane compared to the survivors....there are no unique survivor add ons theyre all contiguous among every survivor character....combined with the toxicity of the community who main killer this game is really forcing me to distance myself from it.
Matches where killers play for kills and dont actually accrue points are such a waste of time and they just do it to get under people's skin.
If you get hit by Fragrant Tuft, it's entirely your fault.
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How is it your fault if you get the moron who tbags myers and gives them all of their juice easy
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The only disadvantage survivors have is inconsistent teammates.
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Like I said obvious trolling is troll and lack of validation....survivors never get any advantages....and when they do its stripped from them
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The main issue I have with it is all the killer ultra rares are seen as killers just having their fun, but when a survivor has their fun, it's seen as toxic. Not to mention survivors no longer have anything in comparison to killer ultras now.
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Gen speed
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One person cannot give Unlimited EW3.
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Just don’t heal when he has the tuft of hair.
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Literally the only disadvantage a survivor has is down to your teammates.
Hell this is why when I play solo Survivor I tend to use a lone wolf build. Specifically just so I don't have to rely on people.
As for killer a lot of people seem to forget that there are add-ons have to contest with the power of 4 people. Everytime I hear someone comparing a killer add-on and a survivor add-on they do it on a 1 v 1 basis. Most killer add-ons are tailored to being reflecting four survivors using powerful add-ons
Post edited by Volfawott on6 -
fragrant tuft shouldnt even be a thing.....
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the highest ive ever gotten was rank 2 but right now I started out at 4 almost to 3 this morning and now im all the way back at 5 almost about to depip at 6 because the matches have been unbearable trolly today which is why im venting....Im player level 40 devotion 2 though and have only had this game for a few months but ive done my research on what dbd used to be like.
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I think it’s fine.
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It's extremely easy to beat a fragant tuft Myers. Rush gens and stay aware Myer's location, and cut LoS at any opportunity. If your teammates are doing the same, you'll be fine.
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the add ons for killers are insane compared to the survivors
You kinda answered yourself this before: It's 4v1.
If Survivors would have Add-ons in about the same league, it'd very quickly tip the scales.
But me saying it's 4v1 is an "excuse" to you, so take this comment as seriously as you want.
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it is an excuse because some killers dont even need add ons to have instadowns.
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I literally have not seen a Myers running tuft of hair for months now. Red ranks.
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'There's only 4 of us! Our addons should be as powerful, each, as the Killer's! Anything else is a disadvantage!'
You do realize 1 Killer = 4 Survivors? And this means, as he kills you, he seems to get stronger as your overall team gets weaker.
This is not a reason to ask for every survivor to be as strong as the Killer.
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That's quite generalizing of you.
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the match i had it in was a random swf not a partied swf and it was on asylum i had no idea how he got it because he barely stalked me at all and then he hook camped and had ruin and we only had 1 gens was a garbage match
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I shared a ss showing my solo que match getting a 4-man escape against him, it isn’t op just because someone or multiple people feed him stalk.
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the match we had it in was a random match, he ran ruin and we only had 1 gen done. He camped hook and i dont even know how he got tier 3 because he barely stalked me
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1---3rd person camera, I can see the stealth Killer hiding even when they can't see me.
2---I have 3 chances and then I'm out of the game, if a Killer screws up once they lose.
3---If I have a Key, I SAY WHEN THE GAME ENDS. 3 Gens done and there's 2 of us left, game over. 4 Gens done and 3 of us left, game over, just me, game over no matter what.
4---I can sit in a corner of the map and never leave and I will never be found. I can sit there and crouch walk a little bit to avid crows and then when everyone dies I just take the Hatch. If the Killer does they lose.
5---If I am with a SWF and have voice chat, I can spy on the Killer and be everyone's warning call. If I run the Killer around I can tell everyone to stay on their Gen because they are 100% safe. A Killer has no idea I'm doing this and they have no one to rely on but themselves.
6---I can run a loop almost an infinite amount of times if I am in a chase but I 100% CAN run an infinite forever and ever if they are not actually ''in chase''.
7---As a Survivor I have 5 or more second chance perks that allow me to escape, the Killer has 1 and they ridiculed for using it.
8---I can completely turn off a Killer's perks, Killers can't do that unless you're Plague and the Survivor has Inner Strength or Fixated.
9---I have Object of Obsession and I can see the Killer and whatever they do, if the Killer is Trapper it is game over. The Killer has several perks that does this but none are anywhere near as powerful as this but the Killer is still called a tryhard for using BBQ and Chili.
10---I have Stake Out, This is Not Happening, a toolbox with the wrench add-on and I completely negate the effects of Hex: Ruin.
11---If the Killer is tunneling my friend I can take a hit for them, my entire team can take a hit for them and everyone will still leave through the Exit because of team work.
12---I have a flashlight and my friend has a toolbox, there is an Event going on with special hooks, the Killer will never reach it or ever use it because I don't want them to.
I can keep going
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So you lost because your team was incompetent. It happens, part of the game. It's not always your fault you die as a survivor. There's a reason the symbol for survivor is a clutch of gears.
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but it should still have a limit? whether it be 4 or 5 minutes it needs to have a limit unlimited exposed status is stupid overpowered and theres barely a way to have a 4 escape off of that sorry were not all as godtier as u idk what you want me to say survivors are overpowered...end of discussion
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Survivors aren’t op and I’m far from god-tier, infinite is fine as it is.
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Hmmm I think the only nerf needed for killer related stuff are Morris. They should really either have a "hook all survivors are least 1 time" before it activates (by this I mean you literally have to have hooked ALL survivors at least once before the option becomes available. Thus stopping killers from being jerks with it, because they can really tip the scales for a lot of games to just tunnel unhooked until they kill them off and getting in instant 1v3. Or just make it so you cant mori till last hook, but increase the bloodpoint gain for doing it. It should really only be a flashy way to kill someone.
Other than that, most stuff we have isn't THAT OP....or maybe it's just the killers I main dont really have OP things....I dunno... other than huntress with iridescent heads and belt combo...
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Killers aren't supposed to go for kills? Wow, I've been playing this game wrong the whole time
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all of these "ADVANTAGES" and you can still get a 4k off of a level 1 killer with 1 perk and no add ons....
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whats not clickin....whats not clickin....INVALIDATION
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never said that I was talking about killer who strictly kill rush and dont span games out by camping etc.. you know what i meant...
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youre right survivors are not OP theyre very very UP
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Your point? Sounds like that Killer is good and the Survivors are bad. The Killer went perkless and the Survivors all had Brand New Parts, a Key, a Flashlight, D-Strike, Adrenaline, We'll Make it, and Object of Obsession and they lost to a Trapper using no Perks?
That team sucks
Do you even play Killer? What's your favorite build and Killer? What's your strategy? Do you enjoy playing Killer or is it too difficult/easy?
I think you're just bad and you're complaining you can't get good.
At the moment I'm a Rank 5, almost 4 Survivor and most of my Survivors are level 1.
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Actually, I don't know what you mean. I can't tell if you are trolling by saying survivors are under powered or just don't know what you are talking about. Mori and certain add ons for killer are certainly too strong in my opinion. But as a whole, survivors have it easier.
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I normally play hag when i play killer. I dont enjoy killer because its so easy. Hag is the only one I have lvl 50 and i just recently started leveling freddy and cannibal. Im at rank 7 right now with killer. Killers are overpowered in my opinion so....
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Not UP either
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I normally play hag when i play killer. I dont enjoy killer because its so easy. Hag is the only one I have lvl 50 and i just recently started leveling freddy and cannibal. Im at rank 7 right now with killer. Killers are overpowered in my opinion so....
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most games i get with killers dont go for longer matches they want to get a 4k as quick as possible and dont get as much player rank xp as opposed to if they were in the game longer actually hooking everyone at least twice and damaging pallets and gens..
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So your only argument is against moris? Because the way for the killer to win is to get kills; it's in the name. And the quicker they get kills, the fewer gens get done, which awards gate keeper points. I'm not going to go around smashing pallets while survivors walk around doing whatever they please.
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no i dont care about moris that much so much as ridiculous add ons like tuft of hair and other ultra rare add ons....
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Get to rank one, record your results of 10 or so games. However, if killers are truly "Overpowered" use 1 perk and only count 4k's as wins. According to you, this should be easy.
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okay sweaty
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Where's my violin....
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one game where u were matched with a killer way under the whole team's skill lvl. not much to see there
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how are they not overpowered its rare that a group of survivors are coordinated when youre playing solo all of these excuses are like perfect game scenarios my only point was that there should be a cap to tuft of hair and you still got butthurt make it make sense
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Killers: Have to equal the power of 4 Survivors.
Survivors: OMG! Killers are OP! I can't win 1-on-1!
Killers: We have to equal 4 Survivors. We get stronger as Survivors die and it becomes a 3/2/1-on-1
Survivors: I know! Survivors are so UP!
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Rank doesn’t mean much, I’ve been beat by purple ranks with a full red rank team.
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Imagine being mad that some killers actually want to play the game instead of helping you farm bloodpoints.
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I'm a rank 6 killer and I beat a full red team last night, as clown too! And I've been humiliated by rank 15s more than I can count. Unless you're 4 or under, rank really just tells how much a person plays imo
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Infinite EW3 does not require that much Stalk. So you can be 100% careful with that and still have some Idiots on your team, who feed him Evil.
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Freddy weeps at you.
But he doesn't weep for you.