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Vault nerf...

How big of a deal would it be if the Entity blocked a vault after 2 vaults instead of 3?

Just curious.


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  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Nah, survivors love loops. They asked the nerf of the only 2 killers that can bypass or negate these mindless loops, and they got it. I don't need to say which 2

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    This wouldn’t only hurt looping. Two seems ok but....

    Just my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    What I wish they'd fix is the 4 medium vault bug if you time it fast enough

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    That annoyed the heck out of me the first time I encountered it.

    Reminds me of when the Entity Blocker just flat out stopped working. That was an interesting time.

    As for reducing the blocker from 3 to 2, no. It'd nerf EVERY window loop when only a few are a problem. Just fix the problem instead.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    yes change the ridiculous loops don't just nerf windows that are actually just used normally

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I've said this for a long time. It would be a good change.

    3 times is still way, way too abusable for how little time the killers have.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    So from the Survivor perspective, if I get to jump through a window in a chase 3 times, the chase has gone on pretty long and that Killer is having a rough time and they have bloodlust if they haven't already destroyed a pallet. If I'm able to extend the chase to do 3 window vaults chances are I won't be stopped soon because of the momentum I've already gotten. Unless I'm already injured and out in the open I should be able to get to another pallet.

    3 seems too much in my opinion, 2 feels ok as it forces the Survivor to leave and go to another area instead of staying. Is it a big nerf? Yes. Is it completely necessary? I don't know, on the one hand as a Killer I would want short chases but as a Survivor I don't want to go down and want long chases.

    I don't think it would hurt the game or make a big difference but this change would only be noticeable if looping a window was your entire plan of escape and if it is then you suck because your plan is incredibly simple since it relies completely on abusing 1 vault location.

  • Member Posts: 8,857

    The downside of changing it to 2 is window juking by double vaulting a window would be pretty much dead. You'd think you were being sneaky by slow vaulting back across, only for the Spirit to hear the Entity blockers.

    Mindless loops like ironworks are a problem, but windows at alot of jungle gyms and such are where alot of hits are granted, via mindgaming that redstain and such.

  • Member Posts: 190

    Imagine asking for vault nerfs after they have already been nerfed countless times before. If anything, they need to revert a lot of the vault changes because they have been incredibly clunky the entire year.

  • Member Posts: 369

    I think that would be an unnecessary nerf. It would be better to just address and slightly rework the most abused loops in the game, like the Shack.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    But doesn't the blocker only come if you fast vault it enough times,does a slow vault in a chase count? But that's a cool strategy against a Spirit I never thought of that, yeah I can see the problem with certain loop strategies.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Try bamboozle. Works wonders

  • Member Posts: 253

    @SpaceCoconut, I subscribe to you on YouTube, but I'm seriously thinking about unsubscribing and not watching any more of your videos. You are so heavily killer sided, and you don't even try to hide it. I have approximately one thousand hours on this game, split pretty evenly between survivor and killer, so I understand both sides. Instaheals were an issue. Old moris (killing someone before they were even hooked) were an issue (still think survivors should be on death hook for mori). NOED is an issue. But are you really gonna complain because a survivor can vault a window three times? If you chase a survivor through the broken Irownworks infinite 3 times, that's your fault, not the survivors fault. If you chase a survivor through the Strode house, which has a minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 windows, infinite, that's your fault. Learn how to abandon a chase and go for a survivor not close to a strong loop. Survivors need some sort of protection. But now you're asking if their ONLY form of protection is too strong. It's flat out ridiculous to ask that.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    Bad idea, I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about survivors getting to vault windows 3 times before. Windows are probably the most balanced thing in the game atm. Sure, there are strong God windows that needs to be looked at (Ironworks etc) but other windows are fine. L and T walls are in no way strong enough to be nerfed and most jungle gyms can be mindgamed. They're a display of skill between a killer and a survivor, but removing 1 vault would remove a lot of mindgame potential. With 3 vaults the survivor can vault a window twice and the killer can call them out for it by backtracking and getting a hit, this is were survivors can either vault the window again or call killers out for trying to backtrack and not vault the window. You get to figure out a survivors playstyle faster and I don't personally see anything wrong with it. Windows are skillbased and easier to mindgame as a killer than most pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    You can do whatever you want, I play killer because I hate playing survivor. I have 0 BP in survivor characters after nearly 2200 hours. I main Hag so loops generally aren't a problem.

    But at what point in my post was I complaining? I was asking a serious question because I never play survivor so I don't know how big the impact would be.

    Survivor players have pointed out the cons and they make sense.

    Also, I never hide anything. I'm completely blunt and honest which is why the people who've been watching me for a long time continue to watch. If you can't respect someone else's opinion and playstyle then you can certainly move on.

    There are plenty of better content creators out there than me.

  • Member Posts: 8,857

    Any vaults in chase counts, as long as it's the same chase. If someone is trying to go unnoticed and slowvault a window as you check their area... The chase isn't started yet so that doesn't count. The chase starts once a survivor RUNS in your field of view. If the chase ends (the survivor jukes you and you lose em), the 3 count gets reset, even if you manage to pickup the chase soon after.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Lol thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. Survivors are already getting nerfed to the ground as it is so please stop with the bait

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    Can we make Vaults work properly first? The positioning after the Vault (a fast vault!) is still not fixed. So many hits because you get sucked back to the Window, even if played it correctly.

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