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Individual killer ranks.

This would be hard to balance. I really wanna get into nurse and try other killers just practicing, but im in rank 1 so I cant just play the killers I dont have many perks on or am still leveling up or dont know how to play. This is a weird one but I think it would be quality of life. Or maybe fix objectives so weaker killers stand a chance and then I wouldnt have to rely on addons as much while playing killers I dont play as much. (Gen rework idea in my discussions lol)

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  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I like the idea. We already have rank reset, so its not like rank 1 players don't smash yellow ranks. I know I usually have to wait till rank reset to start using somebody new, which is unfortunate.

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2019


    I think there should be individual killer ranks and then a slower raising overall rank. So you don't get a rank one stomping people with their rank 20 clown. Their other killers would lag behind, but still be reflective of the killers overall skill. So if you were rank one and only played one killer, the rest would maybe be rank 10.

    Not sure the specifics, but I don't think it's completely individualized.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Because you are absolutely right, especially given that BHVR has specifically said they don't think all killers should be same tier.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I've been wanting individual killer ranks. They mentioned that they were possibly considering it.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Yes please, it why i've not bothered to learn a second killer yet.

  • Member Posts: 8,858

    Might also have a huge impact on queue times at red ranks. If I would NORMALLY be playing at red ranks, but have the option of playing green rank as Clown... That means the survivors at red I would normally be placed against have to wait abit longer everytime I play a killer I dont main.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I really want this change too and I feel the downsides mentioned could be avoided if they finally look at killer popping requirements so it’s not so easy to get Brutal Killer even when you absolutely destroy people.

    This would prevent queue times at higher ranks being longer due to there being less high rank killers as currently it’s takes a lot more time and work to get a killer ranked up than it does playing survivor.

    The faster killers can rank up, the less time good killers would spend at lower ranks.

    Other games have an adjustment system in place; so if I already have a rank 1 Demogorgon it would slightly speed up the rate that the other killers rank up so I would start hitting the correct rank for my skill level with another killer faster.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    One reason I don't play a whole bunch of Killers is because of Rank and my skill, I can play Ghostface and get to Rank 9 but if I suddenly decide I need more perks and have to play a level 1 Killer because I need their perks I'm gonna have a bad time.

    Individual Killer Ranks would be great for when I want to focus on a new Killer I haven't played in a long time, my skills as a Killer are still there but my skills with that particular Killer and using their power and strategies is completely new. Sure there will be a skill discrepancy because my own personal skill is higher but it's not as bad since I don't rotate Killers like a lot of people.

  • Member Posts: 200

    i think a separate rank completely is a terrible idea, even if you don't play a certain killer does not mean you are rank 20 in skill with that killer, you still have basic knowledge and core skills from rank 1 play, it would be unfair, saying that, maybe having 'semi' separate ranks where each killer below your main killers rank stays at least half of the highest, so its a rank floor that rises, you being rank 1 would make all other killer climb to rank 10 automatically, this would be much more fair

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    So a player can play against red/purple rank survivors with strong killers and brown/yellow rank survivors with weak killers.

    Problem is, the skill and experience of the killer is the same for both.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Would probably have to be based on some sort of killer category as opposed to individual killers.

    Someone who's experienced at one m1 sort of killer has a lot of skills that directly transfer to another, while someone who has never played Nurse will obviously be pretty discouraged if they try to learn her at rank 1 because of her different mechanics. Same goes for killers like Hag, Huntress... basically most of the m2-reliant killers I guess.

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