Hatch Camping needs to be addressed!


After 5 games in a row as Killer, 1 survivor is guaranteed to be camping the hatch. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for a survivor escaping via the hatch, but when they're allowing a hooked survivor to die just so they can escape and keep their pips, its low. Survivor mains all complain about killers camping them on hook, but they're all good for a nice pitched tent at a hatch? It's serious double standards!


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Hatch mechanic just feels kinda bad when I play killer.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,660

    I mean, there's a few ways to work around this as Killer.

    If hatch hasn't spawned, it's 50/50 who finds it first. Nothing you can do if they get there before you.

    If hatch has spawned, go find it before hooking the 2nd to last person that way you can just sit on it and close it when it opens or alternatively slug and try and find the last guy.

    It's also pretty dangerous to try for unhooks when you're the only one left as you lack information on the killer's wearabouts unless you're swf. I appreciate it when it happens but I'd hardly consider it low if a survivor leaves someone on the hook when they're the last one alive. In that situation, normally only one will ever make it out anyway.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    If the last survivors is always camping the hatch, you need to up your game. Either do the slug method on the third survivor, or wrap up the match before 3 gens are done.

    The reason you're always getting hatch camped is because you allow 3 gens to be finished, then take so long killing the third survivor that the last one always has time to find the hatch.

    Alternately, if 3 gens have been done you go around looking for the hatch before you kill the 3rd survivor.

    I can understand the hatch happening every now and then, but if it's always happening in every one of your games you are just not playing right.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I usually try make sure if theres 2 left, and I hook one, it's the survivor who hasn't been hooked. I always try search around for the hatch, but it's still just a low way to win imo.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,678

    If you are really desperate for the 4 kills then it really isn't all that hard to prevent a hatch escape. Once you are down to two survivors, slug one then look for the last survivor. You have 4 minutes before the slugged survivor bleeds out. If the survivors have finished enough generators then you can look for the hatch spawn location too. If you can't find the last survivor or the hatch location in that amount of time then the survivor earned the escape.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    That's fair. It's usually because I get gen rushed and focus on a chase far too long, but I still just find it to be a low way for a survivor to win, screwing others over just so they can win.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    I hate when you do all the work and your team is just sitting tbagging on hatch with key while you're on hook. Then leaving when the killer shows up leaving you to die.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This is what I'm getting at overall. As others above stated, there are methods, but it's more the fact that these survivors are just letting people die for the sake of a win, but if a killer camps a survivor on hook for their kill, they're the evil ones

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Truthfully i wouldnt be mad if they removed hatch mechanic or made it only available for the last survivor.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited November 2019

    It's a little bit of a jerk move, but not really. Survivors don't exactly owe anything to each other and more pragmatically if there are only 2 of you left and more than 1 generator still needs to be done, the chances of both of you escaping is almost zero. The killer has already won at this point and has demonstrated his superior play. Survivors have already lost at this point, and it's time to go for the consolation prize (the hatch).

    At this point the smart play is to look for the hatch and escape via the hatch. If one is on the hook it's better for him to suicide and give the hatch to the last survivor. The only exception is if there were 2 gens left, one of you has a key, and the free survivor looks for the hatch, then goes for the unhook and both run to the hatch (which is hard to communicate in solo games).

    I go for the save or go for the hatch depending on my mood. Sometimes I feel heroic, but usually we both die. If I play selfishly and go for the hatch I have a much better chance of surviving. If I play selfishly and have a key I basically have the cat in the bag.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Yeah guy, up your game! Mochan never played a killer imo. If you face 4 survivors that are as good as you are you get stomped. The end.

    To the OP. Dont worry about the 4k. Yes the hatch mechanic is completely stupid. If the last guy gets out the hatch, you won already anyway.

    My favorite is the ahole survivor where no gens got done but they found the hatch before you, and they're gonna vault a window over and over until you come watch them escape, wasting your time and their own, not realizing THEY LOST, and go NEENER NANNER BOOBOO IM ESCAPING. GTFO then loser

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited November 2019

    I just want to point out, if the hatch hasn't spawned, it's not really 50/50.

    Killer has a big edge in finding the hatch. First off, the killer moves faster, which is a slight advantage. Second, the killer has free reign of the center of the map. That's a huge advantage since most hatches spawn in the center of the map and not the edges. Killer can go around faster without worry and can find the hatch a lot faster.

    Survivor has to avoid the killer and moves slower to boot.

    If the hatch spawns at the edges of the map survivor has a 50/50 chance of getting to it first. Otherwise the odds are closer to 90/10 in favor of the killer -- and again the hatch spawns near the center of the map more commonly rather than at the edges. On some maps the chances are different (like on Hawkins and The Game) but in general the Killer has a huge advantage in finding the hatch. It's not 50/50.

    The great equalizer is the key - if the survivor has a key the match skews 99/1 in favor of the survivor at end game, and survivor will almost always win it unless the killer is aware of the key, in which case it becomes slightly harder but still in favor of the survivor.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Slug and ignore salty Survivors that tell you not to.

    It's the tactically optimal thing to do

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,793

    sometimes thats not advisable they may have unbreakable

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    No. if you face 4 survivors that are better than you are you get stomped.

    If they are as good as you are it will be a good, close game.

    Unless you are saying "Game is Survivor Sided, BHVR don't care about killers, survivors are the power role and killers can't win unless survivors make mistakes."

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,660

    Very fair point. I meant it's more more up to chance when neither side knows where the hatch is as it can spawn in various places, but yeah, I agree it is more killer favored in that regard.

    That said, I don't hide in those situations. I think the proper move is bolting around the map as quick as you can checking normal spawn spots and if the killer see's you, they tend to switch focus on you instead of finding hatch which gives you more time depending on your looping ability and what's available to you.

    If you hide and move around slow, the killer will almost always find it first and then it becomes a door game. I find running and getting their attention and then looking for hatch gives you the best chance since you're always in front and can go from loop to loop wasting everything to give you extra time. Of course, this has a lot of factors such as the killer you're facing, your looping ability, what pallets are left, etc. but I still find this gives the best results with bonus benefit if you have the hatch finding perk. This is from my own experiences of course, I'm sure other peoples experiences with vary.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Even if you're evenly-matched, bad RNG or a mistake at just the wrong time can have a snowball effect, for either side. If someone is hooked and the Killer immediately happens upon an injured survivor by dumb luck after they leave the hook, it can often be GG right then and there.

    Or if the Killer checks all the wrong gens at the start of the game and is nowhere near the first gen that gets completed, giving the survivors an early lead that can snowball into 4 escapes.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Even if they have unbreakable I'd still recommend it.

    Killing them gives them the hatch.

    It's easier to slug 2 Survivors with no hatch than to down 1 Survivor with a hatch.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,793

    Well I mean your just back to square one if They use unbreakable

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Not quite because they don't have unbreakable anymore, and are still injured, and are still in the rough location you last placed them.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Honestly when there are 2 left and I’m chasing one I already know if I want a 4K I will have to slug and look for the other and I hate that. It’s boring to me and it’s boring to that guy who just sits on the floor, without nothing he can do in the meantime. Always felt something needs a change on this, but I wouldn’t know what to suggest.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    There are a lot of good responses in here, all typical of course because this problem has always been around but I propose we teak the hatch.

    I have stated before that maybe the Hatch should just go and the community has come up with different ways this could be accomplished fairly.

    1---When 1 Survivor is left, pallets spawn according to how many Gens were done, lets say 2 per Gen for example. The Auras of both the Survivor and the Killer are revealed to each other, once they enter the Chase they are gone and after 1 minute the Exit opens, it doesn't power it is opened.

    2---When there is 1 Survivor left that Survivor Screams in terror revealing their location every 6 seconds. One of the chests on the map restocks itself with a Key, a Survivor cannot scream while they are searching it, with the Key they can open the Hatch that has spawned on the map. This is the only time the Hatch will spawn and Survivors can still bring in keys to avoid searching chests.

    3---Lanterns are placed around the map but are locked away, when there is on Survivor left they are unlocked. The last Survivor must pick up all 3-4 Lanterns, each Lantern grants progress to the Exit switch but only up to 55-75% at that point the Survivor must open the Exit the rest of the way and leave. I like this one a lot and think it would give Remember Me a lot more use since the Lanterns will only give a specific amount of progress and this perk will basically make that progress smaller since it adds more time. Wake Up will of course bypass this. Survivors and Killers will memorize where the lanterns are during the match so they both know where they're going but which one their of them know until they run into each other.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I like the idea of the lanterns personally. They could even link it directly to the lore itself, like maybe the Alchemist or Vigo created some sort of special flame to fend of the entity's power. Another possible way could be that the survivor could use a similar mechanic to the lanterns to gain a 3rd temp health state, so they don't just do down after 2. This would give the survivor way more of a chance to survive.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    That last part would be awesome and even though the Survivor would need 3 hits to down I would be ok with it because I like hitting them 😁

    It's a lot more fun than find the free escape and it has the same amount of depth that the Gens have. Killers can still patrol and know where to look so neither are running around in the dark, hell having 3 hits to go down makes it even more fair game on the Survivor side since 1v1 rarely amounts in the Survivor winning so everyone wins.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899