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Can you make it so survivor and killer can equip more perks

strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39

I know that this will require some reworking the game, but so far, this game has a large number of aspects to survivors and killers that are just way too unfair. Survivors can memorize entire maps from totems to window and pallet locations, to gens. This alone for 4 survivors to be able to do is way too much and they can also loop, gen rush, and waste so much time when it is so very very very very very precious just through noise distractions and knowing how to loop you around every loop so hard and dodge your attacks. Killers also can face and vicinity camp, can return to hook when you're rescued to either tunnel or down the other person or even pull the other person off of you when they go to grab you, they can walk backwards during chases so that you can't see the stain when they're coming around the corner, they can bloodlust and lunge really far to hit you, they can make it so that you can't get to a door during endgame, can shut hatch and door camp plus the advantages they can gain just from the abilities each individual killer has from traps to stealth to pretty much anything you can think of. All of that randomization you as a survivor would have to try to be ready for. For both sides, those are basic abilities. Seriously. No perks or anything needed to do that for some people. Others who aren't as experienced or skilled might not even know all of that, but when you're in the red ranks, it seems that more often than not, that is the case you run into without the benefits of the perks. There are perks that can give you extra stuff to look out for too and I believe each side again has some very unfair advantages. As an individual survivor, decisive can be used one of two ways, either to counter a tunnel or to waste the killer's time. I believe that the killer tunneling is very difficult to counter without getting other teammates involved and downed too which sometimes still results in you being tunneled anyway, so having decisive in the situations is a must which uses a perk slot so that you can counter that and as a result are crippled in another way just to avoid that one mechanic. As a killer though, you'll want to leave that survivor down so in that case, you'll need deerstalker which is only useful in that situation where you're going to slug unlike decisive that has the 2 uses. You now only have 3 perk slots to benefit you. This is only one of probably hundreds of different examples where 5 perks would be so much better. Maybe limit the 5th perk option too so that you don't have to do as much nerfing though. Like make a system for the perks that only allows so many of one kind of perk in each slot to help prevent OP builds. Maybe make a perk point system so that you can run more less powerful perks and less more powerful perks to prevent too powerful of builds and stuff. Maybe make an add-on and item point system too so that between your perks, items and add-ons, you don't have too much on anybody to be countered. I just believe there are some things as survivors and killers you should and shouldn't be able to do and should be more counterable. This way between the basic mechanics and perks, items and add-ons, you can be prepared for more stuff from each side and that way there are less ways for each side to win, but better options on things you can do to win too. I believe nerfing and buffing certain aspects of this to make this reasonable and making it more fair for each side could be the best way to do this. Leave comments please about the pros and cons and possible options for ways this could work and reasons this would make the game better for both sides.

Can you make it so survivor and killer can equip more perks 25 votes

Leave the perk system the way it is.
PeasantSlaughterhouse3Jacoby2041MementoMori_MassacreTheLegendDyl4n1GrandkuramaElkApackawolvesGrootDudeBoosted_Dwightmusstang62AwakeyAhoyWolfanonymous31337Gravnos909NoOneEscapesNancyGamingwolvsobrat1Nyaren_Chan 20 votes
Give the survivors and killers the ability to equip more perks
fahad0595strikerfreak12xAzurlynxyobudddpleasedontbetoxic117 5 votes


  • pleasedontbetoxic117
    pleasedontbetoxic117 Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2019
    Give the survivors and killers the ability to equip more perks

    I would like just to be able to have one or two more perk slots for the Killers and just one for the Survivors since Survivor is pretty easy to play as now.

    Edit: Give the extra perk slots by level Prestige 5 for the rework to actually make Prestige be meaningful.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,053
    edited November 2019
    Leave the perk system the way it is.


    Prestige 5? I don't want to grind 10 000 000 bloodpoints just to get one more perk slot, this will be awful.

    Prestige should be optional, because people who don't want to prestige would be forced to grind bloodpoints just to have a fair game against Survivors / Killers with 5 perk slots. Or they will just play with 4 perk slots and have a disadvantage.

  • pleasedontbetoxic117
    Give the survivors and killers the ability to equip more perks

    I just was throwing ideas out there. Besides I just wish Prestige was more meaningful.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    Leave the perk system the way it is.

    Dude, that is the Great Wall of Text.

    The enter key doesn't bite.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited November 2019
    Leave the perk system the way it is.

    A fifth slot would be too strong, even if you earned it.