We got half naked David

Now its time for some boxer action. Seriously Do It!


  • elasticheart
    elasticheart Member Posts: 146

    Or speedo even

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    edited August 2018
    Yes we need him in boxers I mean f13 the game got a swimsuit pack a long time ago why cant we get something like that too 
    Post edited by PhantomMask20763 on
  • Tondamiao
    Tondamiao Member Posts: 14

    Yes, please. Swimsuit cosmetics for everyone would sell like pancakes... C'mon devs, please give us this.

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250
    Appealing and giving a LOT of money. How can they say "No" to that ;)
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @elasticheart said:
    Now its time for some boxer action. Seriously Do It!

    @Tondamiao said:
    Yes, please. Swimsuit cosmetics for everyone would sell like pancakes... C'mon devs, please give us this.

    YESSSSSSSSS SWIMSUITS FOR EVERYONE I WOULD BUY ALL OF THEM FOR EVERY SURVIVOR maybe not killers though i might have a wet dream if they do

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250
    Trapper is Speedos oml
  • foxboxunionttv
    foxboxunionttv Member Posts: 48
    Make killers sexy again