What makes The Spirit "too strong"?



  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    The problem with this poll is that the people who play as her are also voting.

    This poll is directed toward survivors.

    The Spirits problem is that her power gives almost no feedback at all, so counter play is guesswork.

    I'm not saying ALL of the "she's fine" votes are from killers, but MOST of the "she's fine" voters are people that play her and don't want a rework.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    this pole is ment for everyone to give their opinion on the spirit.

    this includes both sides, the Survivors and the Killers, i will not be excluding one side, otherwise this poll would be biased and no longer represend the communitys opinion on the killer.

    some like her, some dislike her. thats fine, thats what the "i think spirit is fine" option is there for, to show that you disagree with all the hate on the killer.

    just as you have your opinion, please accept other peoples opinion on this matter aswell.

    not everyone thinks she is OP, as this poll shows. saying the opinion from those players would be invalid is just wrong and heavily biased.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    You said you designed this poll to find out why player have a problem with her.

    "since i saw a huge increase of Spirit hate lately, i got curious on what the community thinks is too strong on her.

    due to that, i decided to make this poll and see what the main problem is that people have with her."

    Therefore, killer mains, especially Spirit ones, don't "Spirit hate", have no problem with her, and are more likely to be bias. You see the problem now?

    But it's not your fault, it would be impossible to get something that specific to be accurate on an internet forum.

    Secondly you said,

    "please keep in mind to be respectfull towards each other. if you disagree with someones opinion thats fine, but please accept it as their own opinion and dont hate on them."

    Nothing in my post was disrespectful, nor did I hate on or disagree with anyone's opinion.

    The way this poll is worded, I merely pointed out it will not accurately depict the "people who thinks she's to strong" community.


  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    Aaaaaaadddddddddddd they just now announced she's getting reworked Lol

    Boom goes the dynamite.

  • Adequate_Jimmmmm
    Adequate_Jimmmmm Member Posts: 28
    The "Prayer Beads Bracelet" Add-On

    I think the beads and the bumping are the two biggest things. Both of which are addressed with the update. The window animation is a non issue in my eyes because If she is at a window you should be moving and with the no bumping mechanic in the game then you don't have to be as sscared of her

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i am sorry that you misunderstood that poll.

    i was not trying to only ask the "nerf spireh!" community, this was a poll for everyone to participate in. if i ask "what mekes charakter X too strong?" i need to provide you with the ability to say "huh, but character X isnt even too strong...".

    thats because not everyone has the same opinion on the same topic, so if one makes a poll, they need to try to allow every opinion to be voiced. in this case, even though i asked what made her too strong, there had to be the possibility to say "she is not", otherwise i'd leave out a part of the playerbase.

    this would also make the poll look like its only ment to show how "op the killer is" (therefore being biased towards one side and not neutral), since everyone who voted, voted for something that was too strong on her, without being open for discussion (which is why the last part was specifically added - to make sure ppl who dislike spirit and ppl who like her dont try to kill each other in the comments here / to distance myself from such behavior)

    now, regarding your second post:

    no, she is in fact not being reworked.

    a rework would mean a full on power overhaul, like it happened with Freddy. in this case, there is just a nerf coming up for her - actually with most of the things that players in this poll voted for being unfun, like collision and Prayer Beads Bracelet.

    PS: since you complained about there being an option to say spirit was fair and balanced: 71% of the players voting in this poll said she was too strong. this option only underlined the communities believe that she was too strong, as even the players who said she was fine only made 29% of the overal votes, showing that a vast majority of the players didnt like the killer the way she is right now.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    Oops... yep, I ment nerfed, not reworked haha thx

    Good, I'm very glad and you understood and I'm happy to see the devs listen and respond to their wonderful community :)

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    The whole killer is flat-out annoying to play against.

    The #1 reason, is the the fact that once she begins phasing. nobody can see her.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2019
    A different aspect of her power (please elaborate which one)

    None of those. The problem with Spirit is that the survivor is effectively deafblind against her in a chase. You cannot counter that which you have NO visual or NO audio cues of. Spirit has both visual and audio cues in chases. This makes her insanely unfair... it's honestly mind-boggling that there are people who don't understand how absurdly broken she is and think this sort of mechanic is in any way justifiable or rational. Her ability gives her an insanely unfair advantage over the survivor, an advantage which no other killer has in any way, shape, or form, leaving a survivor so clueless or with no information to counter them.

    And sorry Spirit mains, just because you need an OP/broken killer to get 4ks doesn't mean she is the only viable killer. People saying she's fine or just needs a couple of minor tweaks have zero regard for game balance.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    A different aspect of her power (please elaborate which one)

    lol I always instantly know people who say this nonsense are 100% lying or never play Spirits, or are console.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    A different aspect of her power (please elaborate which one)

    Every single killer is viable. Just because you yourself need OP killers to win doesn't negate that.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited November 2019
    A different aspect of her power (please elaborate which one)

    To explain my vote a little bit, the issue isn't that Spirit is too strong. For instance, I believe that current Nurse and Hillbilly are stronger yet for the most part they're both fine for the current state of the game (aside from the instasaw addons on Billy) which is why I believe the argument of "this killer is too strong" or "this killer is too weak" isn't what should be the focus.

    The problem with Spirit is that there is no counterplay and there is no feedback to what she's doing when every other killer in the game has a sign or even multiple to indicate that they're using their power or might be performing a mindgame of their own while with Spirit nothing visibly happens that allows a consistent way to outplay a good Spirit which for the most part makes her incredibly unfun to face for the majority of the players. I guarantee if she was given a change that allowed her to retain her current strength but cracked down on having to guess everything she does and gave feedback like every other killer does, the amount of complaints around her would drop.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940
    None of the above (please elaborate what you think is too strong then)

    Solo surviors make spirit strong

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    Spirit is so fast and gets so much info even without seeing you she can almost always guarantee a hit, and you never even know when she's using her power, and don't say "oh you can see the crystals" No you cant, not unless you're basically touching her. And being injured means death, you have no chance thanks to your sounds being so loud your location is basically broadcasted to the spirit. Overall there is no counter play, just guesswork which doesn't feel rewarding since it is luck and a lack of skill on the killer's part and not a true triumph.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    Spirit is fine

    Your question starts with the assumption that she is in fact too strong, but she isn't, realistically.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153
    Multiple of the above (please elaborate which ones you think are too strong)

    Spirit isn't "too strong". She has a strong power, yes, since it allows her to traverse the map quickly and thus apply pressure (which is, arguably, the most important trait for a killer to have), but it also greatly increases her chase potential.

    The issue lies within the fact that the survivors don't get any sort of feedback from the Spirit, while she herself gets plenty. Is she just standing still? Is she actually phasing? Will she come from the left, the right, from behind?

    Survivors can't tell whether she is even doing anything; Spirit can see the environmental things such as grass/corn/bamboo moving, but survivors can't see them moving if Spirit phases right through them. Spirit can hear everything just fine, including breathing, injury sounds and footsteps, but survivors can hear Spirit's footsteps only when she's very close (and honestly, way too close for them to even avoid getting hit at that point). It doesn't feel like you're actually having your skill being put to a test, it's more like just taking blind guesses.

    Nurse could for example be insanely strong, as she ignored every form of defense the survivors had as long as you were skilled enough at using her blinks, but she gave clear feedback on what she was doing. Survivors could see and hear that she's charging her blink, they had the general idea where she would blink, they could calculate the general range of how much distance she can go with her blink.

    Despite being incredibly powerful, Nurse did give away hints and opened up potential ways of juking her; and if a survivor succeeded to do so, it actually rewarded them for their skills. When Spirit phases and downs you, all you can do is say to yourself: "darn, should've guessed bettter I guess".

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830
    Spirit is fine

    bad survivors hate not being able to M1 and succeed

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86
    The "Prayer Beads Bracelet" Add-On

    I only ever had a problem with the Prayer Beads addon which is getting reworked among other things I'm also fine with but weren't needed, except maybe the vault animation.

    How about this Behaviour: instead of overnerfing high tier killers you seem to be focusing on, you could you know buff the weaker ones to increase diversity across the board?

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    The "Prayer Beads Bracelet" Add-On

    have tried everything to counteract the spirit, but every thing I have tried has failed miserably.

    use jake's perks and hiding: failed

    using dead hard: failed 360: failed

    using perks with cooldown: just extend my life time just to die later.

    blendette: curiously it worked once haha ​​but later failed :(

    I never disconnect but if it is annoying to play against the spirit with this complement, the spirit really needs to be fixed.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408
    Spirit is fine

    "Replacement" Why are people acting like Nurse ISNT the best killer still? The rework only slowed her down a little bit, shes still strong and fun to use.

  • TheFreak1012
    TheFreak1012 Member Posts: 8
    Spirit is fine

    I think what most people on this thread aren't seeing and/or talking about is there is a difference between a killer being hard to play against and being broken. Like a killer that makes you turn around pay attention to her and think more than usual before you mindlessly loop the killer shack isn't broken. Prayer beads should still be an ultra rare in my opinion but post patch prayers beads aren't that bad. Other people have said it but like seriously there are other killers that need reworks before killing the ones the are viable. like Pig is useless, Leatherface is just half baked billy, and Huntress's hitboxes are not ok (and I've heard that from both sides) like we need a pig and/or leatherface rework before killing spirit more